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Poor Panda

Night vision needs to be implemented ASAP

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i haven't had a chance to use a regular flashlight, as i swapped out to a headtorch asap. But headtorch works fine for me? you only use it when you're looting a building and it's pitch black inside, you don't need it when you're outside because the moon+night eyes should work fine. 


it's a "shoot me" beacon if you leave it on for long periods of time, but if you're quick, quiet and don't leave the flashlight on for too long you're probably more safe than during daytime. 


also everyone calm down about snipers, NVG's didn't work with (most, and i think the dmr was bugged) snipers in the mod, why would it be any different here? What we don't want are thermal/night vision scopes, they'd be OP. 


Implenting night vision goggles would mean that you would no longer be safe from snipers in Elektro at night, pretty boring.


that's crap, and gtfo out of electro if the idea of getting shot bothers you so much. Fucken kids. 

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So after a month of 24/7 day light servers, people need NVG training wheels to play at night.



Once night-vision goggles are implemented they'll be so rare that you won't have any 90% of the time. It's not worth getting worked up about.  :)

Let's also hope server hopping/loot farming has been fixed, before we add NVGs to the game.

Edited by Dallas
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i for one would not like to see everyone and their grandmothers running around in the darkness with nightvision googles.

the server hopping needs to be fixed first and if they where to implement the NVG they need to be very rare,



"In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king". ©

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sorry, did you just propose boss mobs for this game? just to make sure i'm getting you clearly.

maybe even dungeon raids?





if you create some kind of a uberleetbossmobspawn, you'll have a whole queue of tryhards camping its location 24/7.


just, uh.. i mean, if i have to explain to you why this is a bad idea, there's no hope in hell of you getting it..

Stop going full retard, please.

I didn't say "100000000000 lbs platinum titanium ultra invincible 50000 meter high tanks that kill you in 0.000000001 shots", just a normal zombie with soldier armor. How about you "ggghheeddafuckouttahear". Are you autistic?

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no nvg's.... if anything maybe some red lenses and or diffusers for the flashlight.  even a primitive fire torch would be cooler than nvg's, and whytf would you want commercial nvg's that have a depth of 5-10 meters at best.  its the fuckin' ZOMPOC- get real.

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I think NVG's could be added but the most common should be hand held cameras set to IR mode. You need to keep them in your Hands to use them. I guess military grade NVG's would/should be abundant in any real military facility but...in Dayz it'd just be a bunch of d***s all running around with them KOS'ing.


DayZ primary concern should be to make it actually unbenificial to KOS. Next to fixing server hopping. If you want ideas, look at stories like the Walking Dead; its next to impossible to survive alone (you must work with groups or you die eventually).

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Since the flashlights are basically suicide in this game we need some other way how to play at night without becoming a walking lighthouse. We need either properly working flashlights (light doesn't travel through walls) or night vision of some sort.


This is why msot of us dont play on night servers. Who wants a flash light that goes through the wall? lol

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NVG person at night: OH look a unsuspecting newspawn, who revealed himself with a flashlight (points gun and fires)

Newspawn:  Wowzers, that almost hit me, I should run to where the noise is coming from so I can die and spawn in Elektro! (points flashlight at NVG guy)


Newspawn: Wow, this guy must be a noob. (punches in face, then punches to death)

Newspawn: This is great! I don't have to go to elektro anymore! I got this M4 and all this gear. I'm going to ditch that NVG though, because newspawn will shine it at me and blind me!
Dead NVG: Stupid... Night Vision... Rocket...  DayZ,..  flashlight...



You shine a flashlight at someone wearing these, it will blind them like looking at the sun midday on a clear day.


I don't know exactly what to feel about NVG's though.

They would keep enlarging the gap between geared people and newspawn.

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I like the idea of 1st generation NVGs. But I'd go further an suggest that you can't replace NVG batteries with 9V and that they have limited battery life (e.g. already largely drained). Or make pristine NVGs mind-bogglingly rare so that there is image degradation, flashes etc.

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doesn't work in pitch black, pitch black at 100% gamma is still pitch black. I know the reason I want nvg is to see further in a wider field of view then the current light afford.

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