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hells high

[BUG] Worn/Damaged/BadlyDamaged Magpul Part? Paint it!

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Saw someone claim that painting an item like the Magpul furniture would bring it back up to "Prestine" condition, and decided to give it a shot. It does.


Ran on over to the NWAF and started checking the hangars. As usual, someone had picked it clean, leaving being empty mags (including an empty pistol mag, which is weird because they are very hard to find now...), broken ACOGs, and a black set of "Badly Damaged" Magpul furniture.


I ran straight north to the Northern super highway, where you can find a set of garages and 2 story warehouses. First one I opened I found a can of green spraypaint, combined it with the stock, and lo and behold, a beautiful, Pristine, green Magpul CTR stock. Did the same for the handguard and voila! Looking tacticool as hell.


Have yet to test it on a Ruined one, but I can't see why it wouldn't work. You can also paint your CMAGs, but I never find any other than "Pristine" so I can't test that.


Not quite working as intended, but you all might as well take advantage of it and rescue those poor weapon parts from eternal damnation! Also what other items besides the Mosin can be painted right now? I'd like to test those out as well.

Edited by Hells High

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