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The players of DayZ Ruin the game

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Op, when they release the bandit/hero mark on people you will know who is friendly and who is a bandit just by the way they look.  


They will not do such a thing, unless you are trolling, then sorry for feeding the troll :p

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Game is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. 


Yeah its...harsh. I wonder if steam words the answer to your refund plea diffrently this time around.


Also, i whould be strongly against a System that flags you as /hero /Bandit 


IMOH..."real" bandits Dress as such...better ones use disguise.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Op, when they release the bandit/hero mark on people you will know who is friendly and who is a bandit just by the way they look.

until then its a big death match zone since there is nothing to punish you for killing another player.

Also the reason people dont really use hand cufs on people is because at first sight of trouble people hit escape and quit the server. If the quitting wont end it will be impossible to arrest anyone ever.

Also the fact that handcuffing takes 20 minutes and you can simply run away in the middle of the animation to escape it doesnt help

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Right now there is no many things to do in game thats why its like that. I hope it will change with time. Right now u cant trust no one! :)


Yday what happened to me was this:

I run to fire station and i find shotgun inside, there is also some other guy with axe that missed shotgun. So i take i and load it right after and when guy noticed me hes like "friendly" obviously since i point with my barrel at his face so im like ok and i start to move to other houses. When i went outside there is some guy that is already springing at my direction and hes getting his axe to his hands and since there was no time to ask what are his intention i needed to shot him in the face. Thanks god that right after i did that i was like "wait a minute, there was guy behind me in firestation!" and same second i turn around i see this guy sprinting at me with his axe... So i shot him in his face too.



Trust no one because most of those people will betray You when You will stop looking at them. And most of the time they will say everything You want to hear when You are pointing with guy at them.

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"Game is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. "


Yeah, because saying "i'm friendly" makes you guaranteed trustworthy friend. lol. i've been attacked dozens of times by i'm-friendly-bambies.

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There are way to many Players out there that are way to use to how DayZ was as a mod that they Continue to Ruin the game.  I have been SOS 30 times now when All i have is well A bag of rice.  They made this game More Interactive with more things to deal with such as colds and eventually camping and cooking food.  They added Handcuffs So instead of Killing players they use them and steel their Things Like a bandit  Is defined as  But yet players Wanna be A--Hats and Kill on sight Because OH That Bag of Rise is such a treat to me. If they want the food they can simply go up and ASK if then they do not or try to run away then Kill them or  wound them so U can take it and run.  Sadly with how the MOD was People play this like its Still Arma 2  or they play it like it is COD.

         Why I am writing this is to really rant right now because I was just playing on a NO KILL server and I got killed 3 times by Players that are Stupid as all hell And because of that I uninstalled the game and will be working on getting a Refund because I can see this game being the same Trash that the mod was Because of the players.  Yes I enjoy PVP in games like this but I can not stand Getting killed by some guy When I have Nothing worth killing me over because 99% of the time I have no guns if anything a Shovel But OH WOW Whats a shovel going to do VS a player 100 feet away from me with a gun..........The game is full of this and Well because players/ People in general and really more so other gamer's are just complete Skilless pathetic Scrubs. They cant 1v1 someone so everyone kills others with nothing and somehow that makes them feel like they are pro. 


Game is complete Trash.  Alpha or not It being Alpha Doesn't Redeem the fact that the Players that SOS or Shoot you even though you just told them you are friendly and also Still have nothing On you Kill games like this off. 

Why i neet to waste my time to found loot when it is more easy to kill a player who already have some on it (no matter if it is few loot or a ot of loot)

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Thats the great thing. You dont. People with bad survival skills are given such options in thia game for a reason, because theyre lazy and cant provide for themselves :P

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Why i neet to waste my time to found loot when it is more easy to kill a player who already have some on it (no matter if it is few loot or a ot of loot)


It really depends on the situation really. If I have the upper hand/the opportunity I rather rob someone than outright shoot them without any warning. A lot of people seem to be under the impression that just because someone KOS'ed you, they do it all the time. They don't.

Edited by weedmasta

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If you really hate PVP and KoS so much, why do you even need "decent gear". You don't need an M4 to survive. You need food, water and something to kill zombies with. It's very easy to stay alive in this game, if you actively try to avoid other players.

You must understand that military bases are KoS areas. Because its the logical thing to do. Every unknown at a military camp is a potential heavily armed enemy. And they might even take the loot you need. So better shoot them before they shoot you, or loot the barracks you were heading for.

I think people are starting to confuse KoS with a nice old fashioned encounter between two people/groups of people who are willing to stand their ground or even get what they need/want from the other. 

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I think people are starting to confuse KoS with a nice old fashioned encounter between two people/groups of people who are willing to stand their ground or even get what they need/want from the other. 

So basically you're saying :"dont KoS me while Im looking for gear to kill you with". And banditry is fine, but killing on sight isn't?


Don't you see that's a little bit far fetched?

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So basically you're saying :"dont KoS me while Im looking for gear to kill you with". And banditry is fine, but killing on sight isn't?


Don't you see that's a little bit far fetched?


You are absolutely putting the wrong words in his mouth. And completely misunderstood what he said. He's saying that the KoSing isn't necessarily a problem or douchebaggery as it is just part of the game


atleast i think thats what he's saying

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I find if you play with a few simple rules it makes your life easier.


Step one: Initially trust noone, if anything join a clan on a server. I found as soon as i got a few mates playing dayz, the game experience more then doubled. Get on teamspeak/ventrillo and have a yarn about how to go about doing things safely/un-safely.

Example, use scouts. Get a mate to sit around a little tucked away looking at the building you went into. A heads up is as good as a loaded gun (or an axe hiding behind a door). I had a dude chasing a mate with an axe because he had the jump on him all because he couldnt fire his mosen so close without taking an axe to the face. The guy knew it, he was boasting on his in game mic taunting him, saying 'bring it bitch'. I was pearched ontop of a fire station, ranged my mosen, put him down. Team's are required. Period. Noone is going to 4v1 with a decent success rate unless they have the initial jump.


Step two: Areas that are usually hot with agression. NW Air field, NE air field, Military barracks, Belota etc. Enter those areas with a KoS mentallity. Chances are, people are "riskin' it for the biscuit" beause they want to arm themselves. Once they have the upper hand, will they show you mercy? Its post apocolyptic, people are desperate to survive, i dont think they will. If they do, you've got yourself a mate. Go to step one and begin again.


Step three: Like others have said use tree lines/buildings. Nothing screams shoot me more then some dude thats sprinting through a field, with a purple back pack on and no undies like the fuck came straight from the Sydney Mardigra. He's gonna get a bullet straight up the coight, and rightfully so.


Step four: Use your items to your advantage. Go and sit in the school in elektro with an axe behind a door. Im serious. All it takes is one dude to be walking through with his thumb up his arse and you'll have some treasure. Just try hit him in the face with the axe, if you hit his backpack, you damage items! Use a mosen from afar and a M4 close up. Its all pretty simple stuff.

Otherwise, you can just quit. Give up. Play another game that makes you have fun. For me i love games that are high risk. I played Ultima Online, I played Hardcore Diablo, I play DayZ. Things like WoW i personally believe are for the people that arent really competetive. There's no risk to their rewards.....and so I dont get the same thrill knowing if i walk my stupid arse through elektro some guy with nothing to lose and everything to gain is gonna touch me like a priest at a playground.


My 2c. Bring on dayz Beta. And nice recent update imo.

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