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Bash Arkin

[Suggestion] Less Inventory Space

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Now before anyone jumps my case on this one, this is just my personal opinion, and i'm always able to change my opinion on something i've said, so rather then whining and bitching about not agreeing with me if you do, try to convince me.



  To the actual suggestion is, maybe half backpack space, or hell, half all containers space (Excluding newbie clothing). 

Why you may ask i'm making this suggestion, is really everyone says "lower the amount of ammo" to -counter KOSing- /fresh spawn killing-what would be a 'real' counter is to just limit the amount of things a single person can carry, so they have to make a choice, do i really need this item, how many bullets will i be able to carry if i take this bag of rice, ect. This would also increase the feel of -survival- rather then feeling like a pack rat simulator sometimes. Discuss!

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You could carry alot more in real life than you can already carry in the SA...


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You could carry alot more in real life than you can already carry in the SA...


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Because realism should overtake good game design? No.



No...just....no  :emptycan:



Care to actually add to the discussion?  :emptycan:

Edited by Bash Arkin

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mmm No! 


Glad to see so little people are willing to actually discuss.

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The inventory space is ok.

In the future I see plastic bags.

In the future I see less backpacks.

Edited by NoCheats

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The inventory space is ok.

In the future I see plastic bags.

In the future I see less backpacks.


Ether that or backpacks being rarer, i know alot of people dislike the idea of the game actaully being hard, and having to make choices, but it'd fit the theme of the game. CHOICES!



Why would you decrease inventory space? Hiking backpack has massive storage area and can hold more that 35 slots in the game. 



It wouldn't be changing it because its unrealistic it'd just be changed because it'd be a good game design choice, less people running around with 30 mags for the M4. My thought at least.

Edited by Bash Arkin

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I don't think I would like having inventory space reduced as a standard, but it might be interesting to see clothing/bags that are baddly damaged be able to hold less items due to holes/fraying. 

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I don't think I would like having inventory space reduced as a standard, but it might be interesting to see clothing/bags that are baddly damaged be able to hold less items due to holes/fraying. 


That! i would agree with, would inspire people to try to steal things from people rather then just blowing there heads off right away.

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A pretty ill-conceived idea at the moment, since the game contains probably less than 10% of the final planned items. We're going to need that space a lot more in the future than we do now.


Also, the idea of "countering" KoS by starving people of resources is simply not going to work. The standalone has already demonstrated that people are perfectly willing to beat each other to death with their bare hands before they have any inventory space or any ammo. This is of course assuming you even believe KoS is a problem that needs to be countered in the first place, which I won't get into here but will say that not everyone sees it that way.

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A pretty ill-conceived idea at the moment, since the game contains probably less than 10% of the final planned items. We're going to need that space a lot more in the future than we do now.


Also, the idea of "countering" KoS by starving people of resources is simply not going to work. The standalone has already demonstrated that people are perfectly willing to beat each other to death with their bare hands before they have any inventory space or any ammo. This is of course assuming you even believe KoS is a problem that needs to be countered in the first place, which I won't get into here but will say that not everyone sees it that way.



Oh there is degrees of it though i believe, it was meant more for the people that just sit on the coast with mags and mags of M4 just to kill people it'd shorten the time they could stay there. That is when KOS is an issue, under any other circumstances it wouldn't matter.

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What choices? Half of hunting backpack is 15 slots, enough to fit ammo, beans and go rape newspawns. Bad suggestion is bad.


What you put in the backpack should be based on its weight and weight's impact on your speed, fatigue and energy use. Not on struggling with baby backpacks.

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At the moment it does seem like we have way more bag space then needed when you get fully geared up, at the moment I don't even use the mountain backpacks because I prefer to use the hunting backpacks for both looks and the fact that in first person only servers I can use alt and look behind while I'm running without the giant mountain ones blocking my view.


I used to carry like 8 magazines of ammo when in reality I probably only got to shoot like 2 mags at most during a firefight before both of us were behind cover or one of us died. Usually if you got hit, it would be in the chest area so everything in your vest, backpack, and shirt would be ruined including all my mags that I used to store in my backpack. Now I only carry 4 total, 1 in the gun and 3 in the pants pockets so that they don't get damaged.


I think the reason we have so much space at the moment is because the game is still in alpha and there is a lot of content that has yet to be added to the game, I know that cooking is going to be added later on and I found a cooking pot that takes up 4 spaces, then there is those gas canisters, portable stoves, and match boxes that will most likely be needed to cook food, so eventually there is going to be more stuff that we will want to carry and less space that is going to be used for ammo/weapons/magazines. Also I haven't played the original DayZ mod but my friend said that when cars are added to the game you'll need parts to fix the car which I think will also add to the space that's taken up in your backpacks.

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A pretty ill-conceived idea at the moment, since the game contains probably less than 10% of the final planned items. We're going to need that space a lot more in the future than we do now.


Also, the idea of "countering" KoS by starving people of resources is simply not going to work. The standalone has already demonstrated that people are perfectly willing to beat each other to death with their bare hands before they have any inventory space or any ammo. This is of course assuming you even believe KoS is a problem that needs to be countered in the first place, which I won't get into here but will say that not everyone sees it that way.


I agree with you that it shouldn't be aimed at fixing KOS. I am hoping for a system that is less a solution to something I don't personally see as a problem(kos), but adds a little something to choices and something that might give the damage modifiers a bit more immediate meaning. 


Keep the ruined camo clothing that can (now) hold less or change out for less damaged items that can carry more. 

One of the problems I can see with this system is what would happen to items that were in those slots before it became damaged. 

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I think the sizes for items should be changed since some of them don't make much sense.. Storage items are fine though.

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