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How to get a long range scope now that tent spawns have been removed??

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Ignore this guy. He's spewing how unrealistic the guns and accessories are currently in DayZ in every thread I've come across pertaining to weapons.



That is what is required to install a short eye relief scope on the mosin. Do you now see why its impractical to have anything but a pu scope be useable on the mosin.

Pu scope mounts onto the side rail of the mosin.



Pu scope makes perfect sense. Mounting picatinny rail scope on the mosin is flatout impractical though.



Why aren't you whining that we can run at a sprint for an unlimited amount of time?

Because it is realistic you should read this book its really good and super insightful. We literally are designed to run.




Or that falling from the second rung of a ladder can kill you? Or that somehow the average person who washes up on the coast knows how to perform advanced medical procedures and how to use/maintain advanced weaponry?



You will hear me complain about anything in the game that isnt realistic.


The medical system needs a complete redesign, putting a piece of cotton on a gunshot would should not magically stop the bleeding, they should look at ACE mod for inspiration when it comes to the medical system.


as far as advanced weaponry, small arms are anything but advanced, they are a few centuries old and a far less refined and skilless way of defending oneself.


You can teach any person to shoot a gun and not only that be effective with it in a 5 minutes time.

Edited by gibonez

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Then it is possible that this game is not one you would prefer. I can point out several other games that let you start with a nice scope but for some reason that upsets those I point this out to.

Lets you start with a scope. When did anyone say they wanted to start with a scope, i have not heard that once. Ten hours is a very long time to find a scope for a sniper rifle. If you honestly think they are going to design this game so that you cant find a scope for a sniper within ten hours then you are deluded. This is just a bug and it will soon be fixed and you advocate it like its some great new feature, well guess what it's not a feature its alpha.

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Lets you start with a scope. When did anyone say they wanted to start with a scope, i have not heard that once. Ten hours is a very long time to find a scope for a sniper rifle. If you honestly think they are going to design this game so that you cant find a scope for a sniper within ten hours then you are deluded. This is just a bug and it will soon be fixed and you advocate it like its some great new feature, well guess what it's not a feature its alpha.


Ten hours is not a long time. If it is... As I said... "Other Games". 

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Just use what you find. That's kind of the entire point of the game. Survive with what's available in your surroundings and stuff.


Last I checked, this isn't World of Warcraft. It's not about the gear, it's about the experience.

I do use what i find. But if i have a sniper and i run to all the most dangerous spots (NWAF,NEAF, SWAF) in the game to find a scope I don't find one after all the fighting and risks along the way i don't think that's much to ask.

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You know what i completely agree with you.


But the problem is when you are that guy from a thousand metres dropping people who are helpless like the grim reaper it feels so good. I hate being sniped but love sniping and i think everyone likes to be a sniper every now and again.

Got cha, so everyone hates it and you do too, but you have no issue with being part of the problem. That logic sounds legit.

I don't really like sniping anymore, my squad loves it but sitting prone on some rooftop or hill for an hour makes the game boring as hell, imo.

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But if i have a sniper and i run to all the most dangerous spots (NWAF,NEAF, SWAF) in the game to find a scope I don't find one after all the fighting and risks along the way i don't think that's much to ask.


You don't have a "sniper" rifle. You have a very old(WWII) infantry rifle. Putting a scope on it that allows for long range shots makes it into something approaching a "sniper rifle". 

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Tent spawns are definately bugged currently. But if you are looking for a certain spawn point for the LRS look in the Airfield Traffic Control lookout towers. If you carefully walk the square shaped catwalk you may find one if your lucky. Same place where the camping backpacks spawn. Good Luck!

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I have put over two hundred hours into this game and i have never seen a long range scope anywhere other then NEAF tents and maybe bolota sometimes.

Hi friend of crying.

You say you don't want play 10 hours looking for scope but you admitted you spent 200 hours in this game and never seen. I Australian/Chinese logic tell me another 10 hour is nothing.

Maybe you is need ask for tissues to be implemented in game?

I am make bet that when you get will only hunt bambies. This is clear by logic of which you post so far.

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So you have found a long range scope in a town have you ??


I believe so, it was in one of those pubs/cafe places with the tables and bar on the floor. Although it may have been dropped by someone because I recall it been very damaged.

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I have put over two hundred hours into this game and i have never seen a long range scope anywhere other then NEAF tents and maybe bolota sometimes. Are you saying that of all the towns i have cleaned out and believe me there have been hundreds i have just been so unlucky as to never find one ??


Because if you are that's fair enough, don't take this post as me doubting you.


I am saying that you have been that unlucky.

It took me 30 odd hours before i saw my first burlap sack, i´d imagine those are a bit more common than scopes. It is certainly not unplausbile that one could go 200 hours without seeing scope in spawn points where it´s rare. Similiarly it´s very much possible that someone could stumble upon 2 in their first trip to a school building.



<edit> if you think 10 hours is too long to find a scope....well i´m afraid it´s the wrong game for you (atleast i hope it will be, i really hope good stuff to be that hard to find)

Edited by Frostbyte_

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Personally I feel like the drop chance was nerfed, but I have seen a few here and there, just they are a heck of a lot harder to find. Good luck on a pristine one

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Got cha, so everyone hates it and you do too, but you have no issue with being part of the problem. That logic sounds legit.

I don't really like sniping anymore, my squad loves it but sitting prone on some rooftop or hill for an hour makes the game boring as hell, imo.

Yeah i guess i just dont see it as much of an issue. Besides if your smart you can dodge a sniper.

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I've found one in a barracks before. Long range, not PU.

But in my opinion, I'm glad they're harder to get. Everyone hates getting shot by some guy you have no chance of spotting from 1000m, it is about as annoying as falling off a ladder. Close and mid-range combat is where this game thrives and is most compelling, I don't think anyone minds going out to a hail of gunfire. Snipers should be limited to a couple per server at most.

Despite the fact that I love sniping (true sniping with distance and wind variables, travel time and being in true concealment that took an hour to craaaaawl to) I agree that the Mosin and any future long ranged weapons are going to be horribly game breaking until they add in a reasonable day-night cycle that can't be cheated by messing with the gamma and brightness.

I posted in another thread about how I was somehow in a real sniper groove with some luck with people moving towards and away from me, rather than from right to left (which makes shots VERY difficult), but all my shots were 800m or more and I was concealed way up in the mountains behind Elektro, in a bush. The jerks I killed were all trying to KOS a kid I just met who was just trying to get some gear and food while i covered him.

Thing was, none of these guys had any recourse to my onslaught. They couldn't really tell where I was shooting from and none of them had optics with any prayer of spotting me or even hitting me if they did.

If I had just been trying to terrorize Elektro, it probably would have cleared the server as it's not fun, from a game design, to have one class of weapon with no answer to it. That's also because while the Mosin may not be great for CQB, it's still viable as it is far more accurate than an M4 even close up and a 1 hitter quitter unless you hit a limb.

The only game I can think of where the sniper has no direct counter is Call of Duty, and that's only because the maps are so CQB oriented that most SMG's can be just as effective. Battlefield had either vehicles being the bane of snipers, or gave snipers a disadvantage by making their scopes gleam in BF3 and 4, or making a team of snipers worthless in matches where objectives were key.

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I am a lousy sniper and prefer automatic weapons (better for my crappy accuracy). But, sniper rifles are only game breaking against those who choose to play with lousy tactics. I am sure most of us could write a long list of things those players are doing wrong. But, I'll just sum up the solution with this: play like there is someone at long range with a sniper rifle trying to kill you--act accordingly.

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I am a lousy sniper and prefer automatic weapons (better for my crappy accuracy). But, sniper rifles are only game breaking against those who choose to play with lousy tactics. I am sure most of us could write a long list of things those players are doing wrong. But, I'll just sum up the solution with this: play like there is someone at long range with a sniper rifle trying to kill you--act accordingly.

If you act like a sniper is always on you you will constantly be moving, and that gets you ambushed by people laying in wait.

Eventually you will have to stop and manage your inventory, deal with a zed or drink from a well, and you'd be surprised at the angles you can hit people from.

Point being, you can dodge sniper fire, but against someone patient and skilled, you will get dropped and lose HOURS of progress and if the sniper is skilled enough with concealment, and friends you have will be powerless to avenge you to salvage your gear. Snipers, aside from server hoppers, are indeed rare, but the only optics to scan for them are other sniper scopes attached to a Mosin. Until we get super binoculars, snipers with skill will be uncontested.

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I sometimes laugh at some of our community member's posts regarding firearms. The Mosin-Nagant was and absolutely is a SNIPER rifle since 1932. Including carbine versions, approximately 17.4 million were built by the end of WWII.  Straight from Wiki:


" At the beginning of the war, (WWII) the Mosin-Nagant 91/30 was the standard issue weapon of Soviet troops and millions of the rifles were produced and used in World War II by the largest mobilized army in history.


The Mosin-Nagant Model 1891/30 was modified and adapted as a sniper rifle from 1939 onwards with mounts and scopes from Germany at first and subsequently with domestic designs (PE, PEM) and from 1942 was issued with 3.5-power PU fixed focus scopes to Soviet snipers. It served quite prominently in the brutal urban battles on the Eastern Front, such as the Battle of Stalingrad, which made heroes of snipers like Vasili Zaitsev and Ivan Sidorenko. Those sniper rifles were highly respected for being very rugged, reliable, accurate, and easy to maintain. In fact, some German snipers reportedly used captured Mosin-Nagants over their own Karabiner 98 rifles."


The 1891/30 depicted in DayZ was the most prolific version of the Mosin-Nagant and was commonly used as a sniper rifle, often fitted with a 4x PE or PEM scope in the early versions and later (1942) was issued with a Soviet copy of a Zeiss design, a 3.5x PU scope. (This is the one we are finding in the game) So basically, when we find the Mosin, it's a 1891/30. When we add a PU score it becomes a 91/30 PU - Add a "long range scope" and call it what you like.

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I've found a LRS everywhere that M4 attachments can be found. I've never seen one in a civilian loc but it sounds like its possible and super rare. 1/2 the players I find are treeline snipers so I'm not worried about reduced spawn rates. But the spawn rates will change ALOT as testing continues and the loot tables are flooded with new items. So if you can't wait for a LRS go hunt some bush wookies north of elektro.

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My attempt to find the LRS over the past several days:

Spawn on east coast just after reset, hit cargo ship, NEAF, some towns, NWAF, military base, server reset, military base again, NWAF again, character reset by stupid public hive, spawn on east coast just after server reset, hit cargo ship, NEAF, some towns, NWAF, military base, server reset, military base, NWAF, server reset, NWAF, server reset, NWAF, military base, change servers, military base.

All areas unlooted, with no players in the area, no open doors and idle zombies standing around, on an empty or nearly-empty server during off hours. All areas looted thoroughly, including the few buildings still spawning loot in the tent area.

No scope or compensator, and only one 'worn' bipod.

I am annoyed.

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I have gone around the map on a server with only two other people on it. Started at NWAF and went down the coast, east along the coast, and up to NEAF. I got quite a few bi-pods, found one LRS (badly damaged) 3 compensaters, 2 ACOG sights, and a red dot sight. It is possible to get them but now they are insanely rare, and will be treated with more caution hopefully., 

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I had my suspicions about scopes after the patch, because me and my friends werent able to find any scopes for long time (and we were searching everything in the NE airstrip but still no success)


so I did the only thing I really hated all my gaming life along... I did server hopping.


Result was; I have spended 8 hours of pure hopping in which I only scanned the places where I was sure no one was there before (easy check on the buildings doors.. mostly the looted area has open doors, secondly checking for idle zombies) after 180 servers of "lootable" hopping I was able to find 2 laser scopes, 2 ACOG for the m4 and 1 PU scope... no Long Range Scope at all... I dont know 180 servers really should be some indicator for it.


As I see the things as it is now... scopes have become generally rare items, LRS has become ultra rare...

Edited by gingatsu
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