Sister Fister 25 Posted June 24, 2012 Well, allow me to retort:[*]Of course the really obviously suspicious as fuck fact that the audio cuts out for no reason pretty frequently (so you can't hear them talking specifics about hacks, most likely)>Opinion, and irrelevant.[*]At least Unicorn Princess has one of the supposedly illegal L85's with a thermal scope before they even attack.>Not illegal. Never stated it as such, and it would be asinine for me to say as such and reply with a video in my own thread with the L85.[*]At 0:48, One of the other random people on comms says "nigger bagel". Don't think they mentioned his name, though. Racism~>Irrelevant to the argument at hand.[*]At 1:55, camera guy looks to his right and his ghillie suit buddy has switched from a HMG of some sort to a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal. This is still before they attack.>Yes because its impossible to carry an additional primary in the best backpack in the game. /sarcasm. [*]The guy calling out spots on an incoming van is the same guy freaking out over the gear in the Ural and probably can't see over the hill from where he is.>Inconclusive, opinion. Also, mole provides data.[*]At 6:00, one of them starts asking "who's Digsby Tamborine?", when, of course, name tags are off and he shouldn't be able to tell what anybody's name is as far as I know.>Incorrect.[*]At 6:14, you can see another guy on the right side of the screen with a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal scope in civilian clothes.>See point 2.[*]At 6:28, camera guy zooms in on one of his buddies and you can see he's holding a supposedly illegal M107 w/thermal scope.>Procured from your group :D during raid. Holder was killed anyhow.[*]At 6:34, another guy (in ghillie suit this time) holding a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal.>See point 2.[*]At 6:41, Unicorn Princess, our intrepid cameraman, says "I fuckin' tagged that nigger". More racism~>Irrelevant[*]At 7:02, one of them says "They're coming from the south", but you can clearly see that they can't see over the hill from where they are (I'm assuming they're looking south, but honestly, you can't see anything in any direction).>Mole data.[*]At 7:38, "We got a bunch incoming", and he goes on about it's a whole clan, but again, can't see shit from where they are, and certainly can't see tags to tell that they're from a clan (but it would be pretty obvious it was a group working together if you could see through the hill or had some other means to see guys coming).>Mole data.[*]At 8:07, The dumbass, squeaky 8 year old kid starts shooting, gets yelled at that there's nothing there. Squeaky responds that he's ranged for 1600m. Slightly less retarded guy informs him there's a hill in the way. This implies both that the guys spotting for them can somehow see through the terrain and specifically that squeaky is too stupid to realize his wallhack is showing him guys on the other side of a hill. I wonder what that short dead spot in the audio immediately afterward is all about, don't you? (hint: somebody is probably telling him to turn off his wallhack)>Why can't you accept that your position are being betrayed by someone, obviously close to your group.[*]At 9:24, worrying about you guys having hacks isn't really something most people who aren't hackers immediately think about when going into a possible engagement.>Opinion, irrelevant. First video, camera guy has 31 zombies killed, a good backpack and an L85 w/thermal. Second video he has 0 zombies killed, the same good backpack and an L85 w/thermal again. Clearly he died at some point. I don't know what the timeline is between the two videos, but probably not enough time for him to link up with his group again to continue the chase, even assuming he just picked up whatever he lost from his corpse (which I couldn't do in time before it disappeared the same day this happened, despite spawning in the same city I died). Implies teleport hack and/or possibly duping.>implying>implying. Opinion, conjecture. Most of the stuff was actually stolen from you guys :D. Was hours after the plains raid.Second Video (Derp, this is the "More footage" video as it was listed on the reddit post:At 2:03, one of them says "they're stopping" despite not being able to actually see the position the bus is at when they finally get there. Followed by another bit of dead air, of course.>Mole information.It seems like camera guy is also trying to be careful about not looking in the direction the bus is in.>Opinion, irrelevant - also totally wrong. At 9:55 He says kitkat is still there how dose he know who that is or who was there (they were in a private channel at the time)?> Name tags enabledYour analysis is based on irrelevant points, opinion, conjecture, and is an obvious straw man. Your original argument is that we teleport, we server hop, and we spawn cars and ammo instantly. Suddenly you have changed your position, and rightfully so because it has gone flat with these videos. Now your trying to build an position on a foundation of sand. You've gone from the above position, to "he said the N word!", and "They know our positions.. We have a mole? That's unpossible!" Someone close to the action is betraying you.Also: You shouldn't have to post such "points" or "lists", the videos speak for themselves. I am confident enough to simply leave it at that. But your obviously not :D. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted June 24, 2012 vindicatingAll uncut of it uncut.You keep using these words. I do not think it means what you think it means. Here's a question. How are you seeing player names on a server that doesn't have any? 06:00-06:20 on . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sister Fister 25 Posted June 24, 2012 As a third party to this whole thing I find it hilarious. You guys included edited videos as evidence that you aren't hacking but as PolishPig points out' date=' the video shows fishy behavior, conversations and other misc. points of interest.You got banned for hacking, stop trying to use Seattle 71 as a scapegoat.[/quote']PolishPIG's post has nothing solid. I don't even care if they hack, I don't. I know one thing though: The videos prove we didn't hack, and that we had been banned because they simply cannot handle us.Pretty convenient that this video here starts about 5 seconds after you teleported in around the UAZ(red). Why don't you show us what happened in between the first raid and the vehicle spawn in and chase? They were not more then 10 minutes apart.How can I show you something I don't have? I don't leave fraps on all day. Why don't you show me how you step up so quickly each time after three raids within hours?Video stopping could be due to youtube. I didn't see anything wrong.I did rewatch the very first movie in the other topic and noticed both sides had a M107 TWS and no' date=' the explanation that it was a leftover from before they took it away is NOT credible.BTW: there's something wrong in the logic of this topic. One group accuses another of hacking. It's up to them to proof that that group is actually hacking. It's not up to the other group to proof there innosence.Which they are trying so that makes me believe them + the fact that they made the first topic and the other group made this one afterwards so this kinda looks like slander. Where is the proof that they were hacking? There's like 6 people or so in your group and if they were realy that obviously hacking, teleporting etc, it cannot be that hard to proof?[/quote']M107 TWS was removed from their stashes. Also, their group accused us of hacking. I had no idea they posted this, until someone post the link in the thread i created. The video disproves any wrong doing on our part, and is evidence of their suspect doings. They have not shown a single shred of evidence, and the tables have turned.I agree with your point: the burden of proof lays upon the accuser. I have done one better: I provided evidence of our legitimacy conduct, and validated the thread I've created.Suddenly all their arguments of "teleportings, hacking, and spawning god knows what" have evaporated. Now they are reduced to this; grasping at illusive shadows.Also note:IT'S VIDEO. It doesn't need ANY explanation as it SPEAKS for itself.I challenge you, any of you accusers:Provide evidence, as I have, to confirm what you say, as I have done. We are vindicated via the links. Because, haha, if you can't - your legitimacy is gone and it leaves only one conclusion:You banned us because you are mad we beat you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moosenoodles 0 Posted June 24, 2012 so very pathetic this is lol,I know what I would do which would probably be deemed just as pathetic though, and that is ban all of them in concern for time being..let them cool off a bit with a mnths ban on battle eye :)This whole proving you are not guilty stuff on a forum and edited out videos and the like, and due to it being in alpha is kinda retarded, any cheater for whatever reason though as I see it should be punished in some way, if there is not real outcome but yet both parties seem to be acting like screaming babies, then I say put them in a crib so they can't get out and play.I find it quite embarrassing to even follow to be honest, human behaviour.... LoL.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted June 24, 2012 [*] At 9:55 He says kitkat is still there how dose he know who that is or who was there (they were in a private channel at the time)?> Name tags enabled at 1:45-1:48 clearly has you mousing over your buddy without names popping up. How are you seeing names on a veteran server?edit: Hah, wow, I just watched the rest of that video. At 3:15 you have people calling out that they're over the hill, at 4:40 you have one guy saying "Wait until they crest the hill" when the man looking at the hill clearly has thermals enabled and would see anyone (and doesn't), you have a giant train of people following the guy saying "Fuck it, they're behind this hill", at 10:15 you have November Sierra getting sniped 20 seconds after claiming "KitKat is still there."I mean seriously, unless you're posting the full audio, it just makes you look guiltier than sin when you are seemingly viewing through solid objects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
minime1000 78 Posted June 24, 2012 Well they lied about server hopping, thats obviousThe cuts in the "uncut" videos are suspicious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
batcaveslimer 12 Posted June 24, 2012 Damn i hate the clans that hide their gear 'off map'. This doesn't look like survival it looks like a regular ARMA 2 game with duping and possible hacking. Where's the survival? What's the point of small groups (non clans) trying to get vehicles when all this hoarding is going on? Especially with the hacks that may be in use.Is this how the game is supposed to be played? Both groups look suss to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mederlock 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Damn i hate the clans that hide their gear 'off map'. This doesn't look like survival it looks like a regular ARMA 2 game with duping and possible hacking. Where's the survival? What's the point of small groups (non clans) trying to get vehicles when all this hoarding is going on? Especially with the hacks that may be in use.Is this how the game is supposed to be played? Both groups look suss to me.Those vehicles are used at least three times a day, and sometimes we just go driving around looking for vehicles and car parts. When you have very large numbers, you're going to have stashes of good gear, lots of vehicles, etc. etc. It's a reality of any sort of persistent game such as Dayz. And to the accused, your videos damn nobody, except make yourselves the fool. You have no names, no video proof of anyone but 1 truck and one body having a m107 TWS (A realistic number for a large group to have kept over the last 4-5 weeks since it was removed) and many questionable parts such as the audio muting over, the video missing small sections at intervals, and several awfully convenient 'coincidences'. Your mole could also have not have known about the movements of people in the van after they dismounted, as it was a locked channel with only those 6 people, all who have been playing with us for over a month (and wouldn't want to play with high pitched mouth breathers like the prepubescent boys in the video anyways). Anyways, the fact is is you claim to post an 'uncut' video of the raid, when clearly 10-15 minutes of the raid is cut out, audio being cut out at random intervals, and god knows what else was edited out. If someone who had the ability to do anything about this even cared enough to read this, we'll leave it to them. We don't need to justify ourselves any longer here, you've already dug your own grave. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THUNDERMINE 2 Posted June 24, 2012 It looks shady to me too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schnugaf 0 Posted June 24, 2012 I just have to comment on name tags being enabled.I played on this server for a good 5-7 hours before this event took place. And I can definitely say that all vehicles were farmed in a proper way as I was one of the guys running from town to town checking for vehicles.I can also say that name-tags were never enabled. I logged off about right before the whole event started as I was shot from nowhere in the head and decided to not bother running all the way back to re-gear.I literally logged off 10-20 minutes before the event from what I can tell, and I can remember clearly giving one guy a blood transfusion and had to tell him to stand by a particular car because there were no name-tags on this server and there never has been.TLDR From the first three seconds of this movie that THEY posted, you can see that there are no name-tags. Getting fed up with all this shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chutche2 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Well' date=' allow me to retort:[*']Of course the really obviously suspicious as fuck fact that the audio cuts out for no reason pretty frequently (so you can't hear them talking specifics about hacks, most likely)>Opinion, and irrelevant.[*]At least Unicorn Princess has one of the supposedly illegal L85's with a thermal scope before they even attack.>Not illegal. Never stated it as such, and it would be asinine for me to say as such and reply with a video in my own thread with the L85.[*]At 0:48, One of the other random people on comms says "nigger bagel". Don't think they mentioned his name, though. Racism~>Irrelevant to the argument at hand.[*]At 1:55, camera guy looks to his right and his ghillie suit buddy has switched from a HMG of some sort to a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal. This is still before they attack.>Yes because its impossible to carry an additional primary in the best backpack in the game. /sarcasm. [*]The guy calling out spots on an incoming van is the same guy freaking out over the gear in the Ural and probably can't see over the hill from where he is.>Inconclusive, opinion. Also, mole provides data.[*]At 6:00, one of them starts asking "who's Digsby Tamborine?", when, of course, name tags are off and he shouldn't be able to tell what anybody's name is as far as I know.>Incorrect.[*]At 6:14, you can see another guy on the right side of the screen with a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal scope in civilian clothes.>See point 2.[*]At 6:28, camera guy zooms in on one of his buddies and you can see he's holding a supposedly illegal M107 w/thermal scope.>Procured from your group :D during raid. Holder was killed anyhow.[*]At 6:34, another guy (in ghillie suit this time) holding a supposedly illegal L85 w/thermal.>See point 2.[*]At 6:41, Unicorn Princess, our intrepid cameraman, says "I fuckin' tagged that nigger". More racism~>Irrelevant[*]At 7:02, one of them says "They're coming from the south", but you can clearly see that they can't see over the hill from where they are (I'm assuming they're looking south, but honestly, you can't see anything in any direction).>Mole data.[*]At 7:38, "We got a bunch incoming", and he goes on about it's a whole clan, but again, can't see shit from where they are, and certainly can't see tags to tell that they're from a clan (but it would be pretty obvious it was a group working together if you could see through the hill or had some other means to see guys coming).>Mole data.[*]At 8:07, The dumbass, squeaky 8 year old kid starts shooting, gets yelled at that there's nothing there. Squeaky responds that he's ranged for 1600m. Slightly less retarded guy informs him there's a hill in the way. This implies both that the guys spotting for them can somehow see through the terrain and specifically that squeaky is too stupid to realize his wallhack is showing him guys on the other side of a hill. I wonder what that short dead spot in the audio immediately afterward is all about, don't you? (hint: somebody is probably telling him to turn off his wallhack)>Why can't you accept that your position are being betrayed by someone, obviously close to your group.[*]At 9:24, worrying about you guys having hacks isn't really something most people who aren't hackers immediately think about when going into a possible engagement.>Opinion, irrelevant. First video, camera guy has 31 zombies killed, a good backpack and an L85 w/thermal. Second video he has 0 zombies killed, the same good backpack and an L85 w/thermal again. Clearly he died at some point. I don't know what the timeline is between the two videos, but probably not enough time for him to link up with his group again to continue the chase, even assuming he just picked up whatever he lost from his corpse (which I couldn't do in time before it disappeared the same day this happened, despite spawning in the same city I died). Implies teleport hack and/or possibly duping.>implying>implying. Opinion, conjecture. Most of the stuff was actually stolen from you guys :D. Was hours after the plains raid.Second Video (Derp, this is the "More footage" video as it was listed on the reddit post:At 2:03, one of them says "they're stopping" despite not being able to actually see the position the bus is at when they finally get there. Followed by another bit of dead air, of course.>Mole information.It seems like camera guy is also trying to be careful about not looking in the direction the bus is in.>Opinion, irrelevant - also totally wrong. At 9:55 He says kitkat is still there how dose he know who that is or who was there (they were in a private channel at the time)?> Name tags enabledYour analysis is based on irrelevant points, opinion, conjecture, and is an obvious straw man. Your original argument is that we teleport, we server hop, and we spawn cars and ammo instantly. Suddenly you have changed your position, and rightfully so because it has gone flat with these videos. Now your trying to build an position on a foundation of sand. You've gone from the above position, to "he said the N word!", and "They know our positions.. We have a mole? That's unpossible!" Someone close to the action is betraying you.Also: You shouldn't have to post such "points" or "lists", the videos speak for themselves. I am confident enough to simply leave it at that. But your obviously not :D.Quoting this before he edits. Saying there's nametags and posting a video that shows there are none is hilarious. Unless of course his unedited video edited them out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted June 24, 2012 Quoting this before he edits. Saying there's nametags and posting a video that shows there are none is hilarious. Unless of course his unedited video edited them out.Straight from the default Arma 2 server difficulty settings for Veteran servers:class Veteran { class Flags { 3rdPersonView = 1; armor = 0;// Cannot be changed autoAim = 0;// Cannot be changed autoGuideAT = 0;// Cannot be changed autoSpot = 0;// Cannot be changed cameraShake = 1; clockIndicator = 0; deathMessages = 1; enemyTag = 0;// Cannot be changed friendlyTag = 0;// Cannot be changed hud = 1; hudGroupInfo = 0; hudPerm = 0;// Cannot be changed hudWp = 1; hudWpPerm = 0;// Cannot be changed map = 0; netStats = 1; tracers = 0;// Cannot be changed ultraAI = 0; unlimitedSaves = 0; vonId = 0; weaponCursor = 1; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 16 Posted June 24, 2012 The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server.Unicorn PrincessNovember SierraARSENALPopChild(logged off' date=' changed his name to Child, and reconnected)I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server.Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.[/quote']Gonna post videos of the raid. As you will soon see, we did not server hop. Though, your crew did.Thank god for fraps. Need a few min to compile and upload.The video in this thread should be enough; but i'll post how we chased you down and didn't teleport after we took out your helix... It totally defeats the lies in your original post. As to how we knew your location, you have a mole.A bunch of teleporting hackers killing people on servers because their "Mole" feeds them expert terrain data better then a GPS navigation system=Priceless Lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nnuu 61 Posted June 24, 2012 I remember watching the videos and the name tag thing raised a red flag because I did not once see any names being displayed and also the guy Digsby who they shot. With the crew running one would at least see some name tags. Didn't see shit. All in all, I would say both parties have something suspicious going on. These thermal weapons should not be in the game period. Talk about OP. The video looked more like an Arma video than a zombie survivalist vid. For some reason I thought they muted some of it to protect the mole. But I could be wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sister Fister 25 Posted June 24, 2012 Re-posting links: Regarding nametags:Use Occam's razor; simplest explanation is usually the correct one.You are the DayZ equivalent to this guy:,poster,meme,sceptics-a796d1856b292b9765c5ee9d2a0c9c50_h.jpgSomeone on your side is giving us this data. Not me personally, as you can tell, but to others on our team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted June 24, 2012 Regarding nametags:Use Occam's razor; simplest explanation is usually the correct one.Occam's Razor would be that you would be hacking, since nametags can never be enabled on Veteran servers. Try again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AfricanizedBees 9 Posted June 24, 2012 It's incredibly interesting to me how the person filming the bus ambush video keeps his command list open, though it has no use in this mod and it is a known script injecting trigger method... Edit: I also hold a Bachelor's degree in post production, and have worked in the field now for around seven years. After having now watched the videos, those audio blackouts are hand made, and no glitch of the recording software. Also many instances of the dialogue seemed moved and overlapped onto footage from different time codes. Very sloppy whoever did this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sister Fister 25 Posted June 24, 2012 The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server.Unicorn PrincessNovember SierraARSENALPopChild(logged off' date=' changed his name to Child, and reconnected)I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server.Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.[/quote']Gonna post videos of the raid. As you will soon see, we did not server hop. Though, your crew did.Thank god for fraps. Need a few min to compile and upload.The video in this thread should be enough; but i'll post how we chased you down and didn't teleport after we took out your helix... It totally defeats the lies in your original post. As to how we knew your location, you have a mole.That video didn't show anything except how you killed them, your truck was already behind the bus, why don't you show us, you guys riding to the location and finding the bus, instead of ALREADY being at the bus.Also a bunch of teleporting hackers killing people on servers because their "Mole" feeds them expert terrain data better then a GPS navigation system=Priceless LolIts a partial clip, I didn't record everything nor was I a part of all the action. I'm even pissed off that I forgot to FRAPS the entire adventure. If we could teleport around the map, spawn vichles at a whim, why didn't we just DO that then? Why did we bother to capture all that stuff and fix up the truck after the buss encounter? Why did we bother to break down your convoys and steal your rides? We stole your Ural as well and blew it up after joyriding it a while.Your position is one based on smoke and shadows, and it raises more questions than it answers.It's incredibly interesting to me how the person filming the bus ambush video keeps his command list open' date=' though it has no use in this mod and it is a known script injecting trigger method...[/quote']I don't even know what that is. The default fraps key is F9, perhaps thats why.Regarding nametags:Use Occam's razor; simplest explanation is usually the correct one.Occam's Razor would be that you would be hacking' date=' since nametags can never be enabled on Veteran servers. Try again.[/quote']Occam's Razor would be as follows:We are closer to your group than you think, and your mole was within the van and revealing names. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted June 24, 2012 Occam's Razor would be as follows:We are closer to your group than you think' date=' and your mole was within the van and revealing names.[/quote']How then are you immediately identifying a new player spawning into your location at 6:00-6:20 in the first video? You have somebody screaming "Who is Sir Digsby Tambourine?" before you pump him full of holes. With no nametags enabled how would you discover playernames? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 16 Posted June 24, 2012 The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server.Unicorn PrincessNovember SierraARSENALPopChild(logged off' date=' changed his name to Child, and reconnected)I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server.Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.[/quote']Gonna post videos of the raid. As you will soon see, we did not server hop. Though, your crew did.Thank god for fraps. Need a few min to compile and upload.The video in this thread should be enough; but i'll post how we chased you down and didn't teleport after we took out your helix... It totally defeats the lies in your original post. As to how we knew your location, you have a mole.That video didn't show anything except how you killed them, your truck was already behind the bus, why don't you show us, you guys riding to the location and finding the bus, instead of ALREADY being at the bus.Also a bunch of teleporting hackers killing people on servers because their "Mole" feeds them expert terrain data better then a GPS navigation system=Priceless LolIts a partial clip, I didn't record everything nor was I a part of all the action. I'm even pissed off that I forgot to FRAPS the entire adventure. If we could teleport around the map, spawn vichles at a whim, why didn't we just DO that then? Why did we bother to capture all that stuff and fix up the truck after the buss encounter? Why did we bother to break down your convoys and steal your rides? We stole your Ural as well and blew it up after joyriding it a while.Your position is one based on smoke and shadows, and it raises more questions than it answers.It's incredibly interesting to me how the person filming the bus ambush video keeps his command list open' date=' though it has no use in this mod and it is a known script injecting trigger method...[/quote']I don't even know what that is. The default fraps key is F9, perhaps thats why.Regarding nametags:Use Occam's razor; simplest explanation is usually the correct one.Occam's Razor would be that you would be hacking' date=' since nametags can never be enabled on Veteran servers. Try again.[/quote']Occam's Razor would be as follows:We are closer to your group than you think, and your mole was within the van and revealing names.I am not even from this server, I am just a nosey forumite. But I would have to side with that your clan was indeed hacking based on 3 things:1. Several Posters/Witnesses in this thread stated you guys appeared out of thin air right in front of them.2. You are using weapons that can't be acquired in Day Z (Thermal scopes)3. You can see Player's Name Tags when you have them Targeted, which is turned off by default on Veteran. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted June 24, 2012 2. You are using weapons that can't be acquired in Day Z (Thermal scopes)Thermal weapons are in the game (or were in the case of M107 TWSes, legacy weapons), the L85A2 is now a crashed helicopter spawn. Your other points are valid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wired 1 Posted June 24, 2012 Hi. Nosy Forum goer here as well.As for the thermal scopes, I looked it up on the dayz wiki. I did some further searching.... is the relevant section from that second wiki article.sEi, people are talking on this thread: the L85A2 RIS CWS doesn't exist ingame. Instead, there is the L85A2 AWS with infrared and NVG scope. I have made this thread: and asked if anyone, dev or not, could indicate what should be ingame and what should not.I also indicated your name (sorry for not asking your permission) if they don't want to give me such info. I just decided to open this thread because of this weapon and a radio. There is a radio thread there, where staff replied and no one confirmed if the radio is genuine or hacked. -Oliva 08:58, 15 June 2012 (MDT)'L85A2 AWS' and 'L85A2 RIS CWS' are the same weapon. If you enter editor, spawn a player and give him nothing but the RIS CWS (removeallweapons this; this addweapon "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS";) you'll start with a weapon, whose ingame name (mousehover) is 'L85A2 AWS'. I testes this just recently to confirm, that this weapon has zeroeing (because that was changed on the weaponpage). - Leucetius 09:24, 15 June 2012 (MDT)Leucetius, I didn't check it yet. Just posted it to make sure we have the correct version of the game stuff. Shouldn't we change the name to that one used ingame? That and the AK74-kobra. -Oliva 11:47, 15 June 2012 (MDT)If any weapon pages need another name then pls post on my talk page stating: OLD NAME and NEW name (it's not 'just' changing the page's names!) - sEi (Talk) 08:11, 19 June 2012 (MDT)And finally referring to this thread: on google seems to point that the current model IS the one with the thermal scope.2. You are using weapons that can't be acquired in Day Z (Thermal scopes)Thermal weapons are in the game (or were in the case of M107 TWSes' date=' legacy weapons), the L85A2 is now a crashed helicopter spawn. Your other points are valid.[/quote']I agree about the point regarding knowing the name of that one guy, but people using wild accusations that they are hacking... not so much a valid point.Now, what you should be asking yourself is why they bothered to ask each other if they were soandso when they probably full well knew each other's in game names. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AfricanizedBees 9 Posted June 24, 2012 The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server.Unicorn PrincessNovember SierraARSENALPopChild(logged off' date=' changed his name to Child, and reconnected)I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server.Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.[/quote']Gonna post videos of the raid. As you will soon see, we did not server hop. Though, your crew did.Thank god for fraps. Need a few min to compile and upload.The video in this thread should be enough; but i'll post how we chased you down and didn't teleport after we took out your helix... It totally defeats the lies in your original post. As to how we knew your location, you have a mole.That video didn't show anything except how you killed them, your truck was already behind the bus, why don't you show us, you guys riding to the location and finding the bus, instead of ALREADY being at the bus.Also a bunch of teleporting hackers killing people on servers because their "Mole" feeds them expert terrain data better then a GPS navigation system=Priceless LolIts a partial clip, I didn't record everything nor was I a part of all the action. I'm even pissed off that I forgot to FRAPS the entire adventure. If we could teleport around the map, spawn vichles at a whim, why didn't we just DO that then? Why did we bother to capture all that stuff and fix up the truck after the buss encounter? Why did we bother to break down your convoys and steal your rides? We stole your Ural as well and blew it up after joyriding it a while.Your position is one based on smoke and shadows, and it raises more questions than it answers.It's incredibly interesting to me how the person filming the bus ambush video keeps his command list open' date=' though it has no use in this mod and it is a known script injecting trigger method...[/quote']I don't even know what that is. The default fraps key is F9, perhaps thats why.Regarding nametags:Use Occam's razor; simplest explanation is usually the correct one.Occam's Razor would be that you would be hacking' date=' since nametags can never be enabled on Veteran servers. Try again.[/quote']Occam's Razor would be as follows:We are closer to your group than you think, and your mole was within the van and revealing names.So by your own admission pressing F9 opens the command menu for you? Perhaps you care to explain how after it goes away in "Dayz - Banned for killing hackers [full clip]" it reappears at 1:25 in the video time-code. The video freezes, there is an audio pop, then video resumes. Immediately after the video recovers, the command menu re-appears along with the telltale audio pop of sloppy sound editing, the video footage also jumps forward at this second audio anomaly. There was footage removed when the terrain jumps at those audio pops.Well I've downloaded all of the youtube videos, which were clearly altered by hand pre-upload. Anything to say before I run them through the villains gallery of editing software? I'll be paying special attention to differences in decibel levels between voice and ambient tracks, as well as game audio. Surprisingly youtube offers a fairly crisp .mp4 when you upload videos at such high quality. Now I can't go as far as separating the tracks or anything fancy, but I don't really need to with some methods. Much like Photoshop, you can see the pixels, so to speak. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mederlock 0 Posted June 24, 2012 WordsAfricanized Bees best Bees Share this post Link to post Share on other sites