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General Advice for Noobs- Don't get frustrated!

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Okay, so I've been playing DayZ for about 2 weeks now, and I'm getting the hang of it, so I'm going to list some general advice here. Most of it has been said before, but hey, maybe it will help someone.

First of all, when you're new, don't worry about finding a gun right off the bat! Get used to crawling around, sneaking around the zombies. Get some empty whisky bottles, or cans, or any of the other generic trash and learn to throw them to distract Zombies (hit F until "throw" is selected and your reticle turns to a circle). Get a feel for the aggro radius, learn which materials make you louder or quieter. Learn the basic layout of a couple towns, and ideally Cherno and Elektro. Learn which building skins are enterable (read: lootable) and which are wastes of time. Identify the Churches, Supermarkets, Hospitals, and Firestations so you don't have to check a map 24/7. If you find some loot on the way, awesome, but don't go crazy and tear off on a murder rampage (zombie or otherwise), you need to learn the mechanics. You will die, and you will lose your equipment. A lot.

Once you have the mechanics down, then you can start hunting the good loot without fear of losing hours of time spent gathering said loot. Personally, I like the Balota area for a decent gear out. Usually you can find at least one nice weapon, and ideally an upgraded backpack. Once you have a weapon and some ammo, your next priorities are an Axe and a book of Matches. These are found all over the place, Axes are commonly in barns and everywhere else, and matches are often nearby, or in supermarkets. Once those two items are secured, you have a method for feeding yourself and regenerating blood (killing and cooking animals over a campfire). Next, as an optional target, go seek out a hospital. These are often heavily guarded, but they have morphine, and you WILL break your legs eventually, whether it's from a zombie or the stairs.

By now you're feeling pretty awesome, if you've made it this far, you're about to die, so get ready to start over and stop being so damned cocky.

If you've made it back to this part, head north and do some exploring, it's much different away from the coast; people are more infrequent, but the ones you meet will generally be well geared, this makes for very interesting rendezvous. Be very wary of everyone you see.

This is essentially where my advice ends, as it's as far as I've made it. I'm pretty well decked out hiding in a northern supermarket, trying to decide what to do next, but I think it'll be finding a tent and starting to horde supplies, and also joining a group of some sort. Have fun, and good luck!


PS. One quick protip: Your ammo clips are reloaded every time you log in, don't toss your super duper military rifle just because you're down to 1 round.


1. Explore, learn Zombie aggro range, learn to use cans- die a lot!

2. Learn basic city structure

3. Hunt Balota and other deer stands for decent arms

4. Get Axe, Matches, and Morphine to ensure survival

5. Go North, have fun

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Very nice general advice. As a new player myself, i too find the game very challenging. My biggest concern really is just other players, once you learn the ropes and manage to get some decent gear, zombies just aren't a problem anymore.

Really all you need is:

A: An Axe

And thats it, once you have an axe (Or less preferably, a crowbar) you're pretty much set to do whatever you want. Always head inland (Coast is full of bandits) and search empty (or lightly guarded) barns/sheds for an axe and some basic supplies then make your way to any city which has a supermarket. Leg it to the supermarket, attracting zombies isn't a problem anymore because when you're inside, those zombies are just waiting to get their face hacked in. You'll get some decent supplies and gear from the supermarket, now all you really need is some medicine. I'd recommend the Medical Helicopters, they're deep inland, but have an abundance of medical supplies (Around 15 of everything you need). After that its pretty much a sandbox game of do whatever you want. You'll find a gun along the way, just keep the axe handy, you'll probably use it more than anything else.

PS. One quick protip: Your ammo clips are reloaded every time you log in' date=' don't toss your super duper military rifle just because you're down to 1 round.


This really work? I've got an M1911 and AKM (ALWAYS KEEP AN AXE HANDY, saved me from a mauling) with no ammo right now, so if i manage to find another magazine (And use it down to 1 ammo) i can just re-log and i'll have another full one?

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Usually if you have less than a half a clip when you relog you will lose the clip. If the clip is more than half full it will refill. This is how it works for SD ammo anyway. Been a while since I've used regular ammo though.

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Just a tip, Berezino is incredibly underrated and the chances that you will meet a player is slim compared to Cherno.

Follow the coast to the North and you'll hit it. It's a stretched city, meaning that the city is formed in a line, unlike Elektro and Cherno.

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Uh, I kinda agree with this, although I don't recommend going North on your own! :D

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