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Feedback on patch 114557

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Heya folks, just my 2c on the latest patch.


- Server time is off

I'm from the US West coast and join servers advertised as "US" west if at all possible. Nevertheless, the time of the day in game seems to be the time in Europe. After the patch it was night from when I logged during day time. The sun finally came up at 23:30 US West. That means that server times are set to GMT +0 or British time, not local time.

Normally this is not an issue because of 24/7 servers, but there were only a few up and all were full. Alternativelly, fix the flashlights so they don't shine through walls and bring every bandit down on you. Gamma's fine for seeing where you're going, but it is not enough to spot loot at dark locations.


- Zombies attacking you before fully logged-in

Server is not checking for zombie proximity before spawning. There is a period of vulnerability when you first spawn in, as your character is in the map, but you can't see or control it yet.

Please spawn characters far enough from the closest zombie so at least you get vision and control before youre half-eaten.


- Little Food or Drink loot

I totally agree with the loot reductions on large packs, amunition and weapons, as it makes the game much more intense. However, there should be enough food available at spawn areas for a survivor to not die of hunger or thirst before making it anywhere.

Please add more food, or increase the time it takes to die from hunger/thirst.


- Too many hats and tools

What is it with all the hats and tools? Characters are starving left and right, but one keeps finding hats and useless tools. The only tools that are needed right now are those that you can open a can or kill a zombie, and sadly those are the tools you rarely see. I have literally died of hunger for lack of something to open a can with


Fun game, keep it coming, please!

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Server time is off


working as intended


Zombies attacking you before fully logged-in


since always


Little Food or Drink loot


working as indtened


Too many hats and tools


working as intended

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- Too many hats and tools

What is it with all the hats and tools? Characters are starving left and right, but one keeps finding hats and useless tools. The only tools that are needed right now are those that you can open a can or kill a zombie, and sadly those are the tools you rarely see. I have literally died of hunger for lack of something to open a can with


Fun game, keep it coming, please!

Now this, what would you find on a zombie apocalypse enviroment? A crap load of food, or useless stuff that people ignore? Obviously the latter. In that world, people would've hoarded all the food when panic about the zombies hit, that's why you'll find markets all fucked up with nothing left but leftovers.

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If I wanted this many hats, I'll go play TF2.


Sorry, had to go there. Though I will admit that there does appear to be an increase in the amount of hats spawned.

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Honestly The server Population is so low I think all is well for now. 


Just dont liek the bodys poofin after 10 minutes.. Not very realistic.

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I'm not sure what all the fuss is about with the loot. I've not long been playing on a full capacity hardcore server and, within about 30 minutes of play in Berezino, I had collected...


- A box of 7.62 ammo

- A Mosin to shove them in (I also sprayed it black to see what it looked like)

- A box of .357 ammo (which replaced the loose rounds I had already picked up (which replaced some .45ACP I had already picked up))

- A baseball bat

- A head torch

- Bandages (taken from a medkit, which I had to leave because I had no capacity for it)

- Two tins of spaghetti and a tin of sardines

- A screwdriver to open them

- Countless cans of soda


I also met two people on my travels and heard several more in my vacinity but avoided them, so it's not like there weren't people around. Also, full server in Berezino. My only issue was not finding a backpack and therefore not having enough carrying capacity for all of the shit lying around.


But anyway, my first impressions of the patch are good ones


- Zombies now behave like they should and are actually a little easier to get away from because, you know, they don't run clean through buildings. They now seem to route to where you are or where you were last seen and then reroute if you're spotted again.

- The sounds have had some work too. Sounded a little echoey to me, although I had been fiddling with the sound settings on the computer earlier and may have switched on something that wasn't on previously.

- Environment actions such as opening doors seems a little more reliable

- The inventory seems a little less fickle when performing actions such as eating food. Previously, doing this whilst carrying other items meant the character would fanny about removing stuff from their hands and then not doing the action you wanted.

- Similarly, switching weapons now doesn't spack about (previously, the weapon would be put away about 2/3rds through the animation for getting it out. In the heat of a firefight, this was usually fatal)

- More loot added than was mentioned in the patch notes, which is a nice surprise. I'm now curious as to what other goodies are kicking about

- It seems to run a little better, especially out in the open, although that may have been placebo.


My only real criticism at this point is that all of my configuration settings were reset on update and I had to spend some time setting them back. It's a minor gripe relatively but it'll get right on my tits if updates come with any frequency.

Edited by Monkfish
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Cause being able to loot your own corpse is realistic. It's a game, many gameplay issues are going to break your immersion of realism.

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Zombies have always attacked you when you logged in, the game doesn't move anything so you're safe on log in.

Server time was off from launch, they changed something to let servers alter time but that seems to have gotten FUBAR'd.

Little food and drink makes sense.

Lots of hats and tools, uhhh I guess I have no logic for this except everyone was a handyman with an extensive hat collection.

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