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Sapper Joe

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About Sapper Joe

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  1. Hold on! Let me upload this to instagram before we start kicking down doors! *Please note that this is not me... Thankfully...
  2. Sapper Joe

    Not enough loot...

    What do you mean "not enough loot"? There is plenty of it. Guess where it is. Yup! That's right! In my inventory. What you gonna do about it? KOS me? Good luck.
  3. I think I'll loot all the cigarettes and booze I can find. Wine and dine everyone I can, and relieve them of their stuff while they are plastered.
  4. I've noticed Zeds appear in areas I've cleared. Perhaps a respawn of sorts. I'll aggro the few that are there, lose them just outside of town, return, only to find more there. Aggro them, lose them in the same spot, now the first few are gone, ditch the second set and head back... Guess what! More of them. Rinse, lather, repeat.
  5. Sapper Joe

    Weapon cleaning damages the weapon.

    Did you make sure that the cleaning kit was in pristine condition? If it's anything but, then it will damage your weapon. That's what I'm finding to happen at the very least.
  6. Sapper Joe

    This new update sucks

    The one good thing that I think came from this... Sardines are the new Beans. The amount of food is decreased. The amount of items that can open cans is decreased. So naturally, sardines being a pop-top...
  7. Sapper Joe

    Teleporting/Respawning Zeds

    I looked this up and couldn't find anything relevant to what I came across. This isn't a glitch by any means, but something peculiar nonetheless. Fresh spawned just south of Solnichniy at the three houses. Eventually made my way far enough west to Staroye. So I started looting on the South East end of town, working my way up. I made my way to the last few houses and saw some zeds that I must of missed. So I aggroed them, and tried to lose them away from town at the long barn just west of town. Easy-peasy. Made my way back to town, only to find two more there. Figured I could get the first two and lose all of them. So I made my way back to where I lost the first two. However, they were no where to be seen. So I drop the second set there and head back to town. Only to find yet again, two more. Rinse, lather, repeat. The first two were both female. The second set were both male, one military. The third was a male and female zed. Any one else have had similar happenings? Side note: Sardines are the new Beans.
  8. Sapper Joe

    Noticed Something Slightly Off...

    I know the pic over exaggerated the angles. I feel that the camera is rotated down a little bit to compensate for it being higher than the player model. I could be wrong. But to be honest, I'm too busy trying not to be KOS'ed to really care if it is or not.
  9. Sapper Joe

    Noticed Something Slightly Off...

    Ok. I'll give you that. I can't believe I found some thing that illustrates this. Some master MS Paint skills too. :P I think it can be a good trade off; Some what Less accurate aiming, for near omnipotent situational awareness. OK... Maybe it needs a little more work...
  10. Sapper Joe

    Noticed Something Slightly Off...

    Did you notice that if you aim at something in first person, go to third person, you will be aiming just above from where you were in first person. It's called perspective. Notice how the camera pulls back, is raised, and rotated down a little bit? So now you are viewing it from a different angel.
  11. Sapper Joe

    What should I use to record?

    I use OBS. Though, if you're running Win 8, don't try to record anything in 1080. And you may have to have play windowed as well. There is something about OBS that doesn't like Win 8 all that much. If you have an HD PVR, say for consoles... Duplicate your screen, run the HDMI to the PVR, and have it recorded to your PC, or to a different PC if yours cant handle the game and recording. And assuming you have an HDMI output. Though I don't know how well that would work.
  12. Sapper Joe

    Have yet to find a shotgun?

    I found one at Rifty. Took a hacksaw to it as soon as I could. That thing is a beast! Sneak up on some one and just shoot thing in the air. I can promise you that they will be running away, with their pants now having a wet condition.
  13. Sapper Joe

    Server hoppers in high weapon areas.

    I feel that lowering the spawn rate only increased server hopping. It wasn't the answer to the problem. I did throw it out there that with high value items, there needs to be a hoard of zeds on it. What seems to require more work? Server hopping more for that ever-more elusive item, or going through a dozen zeds? Do you really think that these server hoppers want to risk their stuff that they worked oh-so hard for? If you answered with anything other than no, you are sadly mistaken. It was an attempt. I'll give them that. But doing only that was the wrong thing to do. I will recognize that it would take time for them to have hoard spawn on a central point all the time, every time.
  14. Sapper Joe

    Blood Types.

    I had found this out just last night myself while playing with a friend. We figured you'd be good, so long as the blood type matches and that the blood isn't tainted. Then we questioned what would happen if we injected the wrong blood type... Naturally, we don't do it on ourselves, we are armed to the teeth with every weapon and god gear. So we planned on holding some one up; A fresh spawn. If they live through it, give them a saline and let them go. If they died, well... Any way. We decided to go to a more populated server. We both log in, I lag myself to death, and he was shortly killed by another player.
  15. Sapper Joe

    Feedback on patch 114557

    If I wanted this many hats, I'll go play TF2. Sorry, had to go there. Though I will admit that there does appear to be an increase in the amount of hats spawned.