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Some people are telling me that Helicopters are enabled and some say then are disabled, but i see people having helicopters on these forums so i though maybe it is only enabled on a few servers? does anyone know if that is it or if they are still disabled? and if so what servers have helicopters?

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I was attacked by a helicopter.

I was leading zombies away from friends, giving them the slip through a building. We saw the heli and i started dancing around bullets. Managed to scurry into a church without taking a hit then we were like 'Its 1AM, im tired, screw this' and disconnected.

So they are definitely around, just rarer cos you need to repair them i guess.

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If you see a choppa, get some good cover and take it down, works well if you have a sniper, as when it goes to hover you can snipe the pilot.

Rage insures, and possible ban for "hacks" if the admin is on that choppa.

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Helis are only enabled on a small amount of servers that originally had them from way back. Far less than 60 at this point as servers that had them enabled later on have since had them disabled due to helis causing a massive load on the server and having sever desynching problems for passengers.

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