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the reason why others and myself KOS

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AH right you know what there is a game called arma.


there is lots to shoot there ya know

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the best topic of revealing KOS'ing i've ever seen!

are you Sherlock Holmes?! please take me in investigation league, PLSPLSPLS

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I hear Arma is also a good spot to go if you'd like to shoot anything that moves, and leave the surviving and playing the game how it's meant to be played to everyone else.

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This one time I spawnd a 100 heli copters and planes in arma2.


50 on each side.


then I put a bunch of guys on the floor.


when it started maybe 20 planes will fall like bombs and blow the shit out of armys.


then its a massive war.


if you want do combat in arma 2 engine then use the editor,it makes call of duty set peaces look like nothing

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I usually do not KOS lonely players (unless they have gear I want) but when I see a group I go into corner peek mode and pick em off from distance.

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  On 1/23/2014 at 6:06 PM, Sunkist said:

because it's a great replacement for call of duty :)


lol this should be good

y'alls jimmies be rustled

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  On 1/23/2014 at 6:10 PM, meat pie said:

AH right you know what there is a game called arma.


there is lots to shoot there ya know

They wouldn't like that, because things shoot back. Big things with BIG guns.

Edited by DJPorterNZ

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lol this should be good

Sometimes I want trolls to get banned.  other times I want to shake their hands.  This is the later.

Edited by MuddyRaccoon

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DayZ to someone that doesn't RP and or realize how to survive properly.


Run around in the open, get shot.

Re-spawn, run around, find a gun, get excited to shoot some zombies?...get sniped while making all sorts of noise with said gun.

Re-spawn, run some more, see another player, walk up to say hi and see if they wa....BAM!, dead again.

Rage quit then immediately come on the forums to bitch about how this game is broken, when they have no idea how to actually play it.



People KOS because they can see you.

Stay crouched and off the beaten path while in Elecro, Berezino, and Cherno.

Or anywhere for that matter.

Expect to engage in combat when venturing inside military locations.

Play in first person servers so people dont see you when you behind shit. (personal preference)


Do not trust anyone. This is SURVIVAL, not happy fun time.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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  On 1/24/2014 at 12:32 AM, TEST_SUBJECT_83 said:

DayZ to someone that doesn't RP and or realize how to survive properly.


Run around in the open, get shot.

Re-spawn, run around, find a gun, get excited to shoot some zombies?...get sniped while making all sorts of noise with said gun.

Re-spawn, run some more, see another player, walk up to say hi and see if they wa....BAM!, dead again.

Rage quit then immediately come on the forums to bitch about how this game is broken, when they have no idea how to actually play it.



People KOS because they can see you.

Stay crouched and off the beaten path while in Elecro, Berezino, and Cherno.

Or anywhere for that matter.

Expect to engage in combat when venturing inside military locations.

Play in first person servers so people dont see you when you behind shit. (personal preference)


Do not trust anyone. This is SURVIVAL, not happy fun time.

but this is more fun than call of duty I have to kill somewhere.....

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  On 1/24/2014 at 12:55 AM, Sunkist said:

but this is more fun than call of duty I have to kill somewhere.....

obvious troll is obvious

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I never kill the bambies or weak. I don't mind laying in wait and sniping the fully kitted server hoppers around the airport though.

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