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Main menu screen is black/blue .... can't change character appearance

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This has been happening to me since before the new patch came out.  Let me preface this by saying that when I first installed the game, I did not have this problem.  I followed a few FPS tutorials to try and get better FPS in the game, some of these tutorials involved changing some settings in my config files (which I suspect caused this problem).


When I load up the game and get into the main menu, I am suppose to see my character standing around with a nice background of some place in Chernarus.  If I want to, I can go to 'Change Character' and change gender/skin color/shirt/pants/etc.  The problem that I am having is that when I get into the main menu, the entire background is either Blue or Black.  I can still see the main menu, but I do not see my character or Chernarus, just a plain blue background or black background.  If I go to customize my character, I can't even see him/her.  I also can't even see my choices for gender/skin color/shirt/pants/etc.  This is frustrating because every time I die and respawn, I have a different character.  Sometimes I'm an asian woman, other times I'm a black man, it's totally random.


This has been bugging me for a while, so yesterday I decided to uninstall the game completely (delete local content) and also delete all of the DayZ folder contents in My Documents.  I re-installed the game, got fresh configs, and I'm still having this problem.  Do the DayZ config files save up to the steam cloud by default?  Is it possible that my config is just not resetting to default?  If so, how can I just get default config files?  


Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

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I go to configure and click on video. That usually straightens it out. I don't know what causes it though.


I know what you mean, but it doesn't fix my issue.  I have tried every different combination of video settings available in the game and it hasn't resolved the problem.  It has to be something I inadvertently did in my config, so really I just want to find out how I can get my config files to revert back to their default settings.

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launch options like this -nosplash -noPause cpuCount=4 -maxMem =4096


don't changes dayz.cfg or reset it to default

Edited by Jostino
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