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Belota Medical/Military tents = Zero loot now?

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They had loot before?

Yeah they did. LOTS OF IT. Most of it was in the tents with normal ground inside. They spawned tones of ammo and attachments.


Not anymore though went through the whole thing and found very little.

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Yeah they did. LOTS OF IT. Most of it was in the tents with normal ground inside. They spawned tones of ammo and attachments.


Not anymore though went through the whole thing and found very little.

Very little is not nothing. And could've someone else been there before you? 

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Very little is not nothing. And could've someone else been there before you? 

Theres only me and another person on the server for a few hours now lol.

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Theres only me and another person on the server for a few hours now lol.

Doesn't really answer my question though. Is it possible that since the server restarted (I'm guessing you don't know when that was), that someone else was at said tents and took the loot? And since I think you don't know when the last restart was, the answer is probably, yes, someone else might've taken the loot. 

You and some other dude being the only ones on the server now, doesn't mean that some server hopper wasn't there 5 hours ago.

Edited by phoboss

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Doesn't really answer my question though. Is it possible that since the server restarted (I'm guessing you don't know when that was), that someone else was at said tents and took the loot? And since I think you don't know when the last restart was, the answer is probably, yes, someone else might've taken the loot. 

You and some other dude being the only ones on the server now, doesn't mean that some server hopper wasn't there 5 hours ago.

lol iv been there for awhile man. Heading to other places dont want to spend all day at one place trying to test things.

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lol iv been there for awhile man. Heading to other places dont want to spend all day at one place trying to test things.

Well then don't come on the forums, making a post where you complain about something, when you aren't even sure it's really an issue. 

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Would love for all the loot to be gone from balota.


Turn that airfield into a civilian one.

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I can confirm that the military camp at the NWAF were (at least last night after the patch and server restarts) were also NOT spawning loot but the barracks and hangers did.


Would love for all the loot to be gone from balota.


Turn that airfield into a civilian one.



I agree, the military camps at Balota, Zelenogorsk and the one south of the NWAF should be removed leaving only the "slightly" hidden one south east of Zelenogorsk, the NWAF, the NEAF and the NE ship wreck as military loot spawns.

Edited by Lancer 2-2

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Well then don't come on the forums, making a post where you complain about something, when you aren't even sure it's really an issue. 

Im not complaining? lol


Some of you ppl have serious issues. Like this community is pure toxicity at certain times of day.


I was simply replying to his topic this is not my thread but being im the only one on the forums to answer i guess that makes me an easy target.

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anyone find a long range scope post update? me and my m8s been searching for hours and have yet to find one.

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Game shouldn't have tons of ammo and guns, its aiming for survival so it takes while to get gear. Every new item and gun is really common just like M4 was at start. New item spawn rates are balanced (decreased) after couple weeks of testing.

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Im not complaining? lol


Some of you ppl have serious issues. Like this community is pure toxicity at certain times of day.


I was simply replying to his topic this is not my thread but being im the only one on the forums to answer i guess that makes me an easy target.

WOW! SORRY MAN! Totally my bad! I stopped paying attention to the actual user responding, because the OP stopped responding to his own (stupid) thread. So I confused you with him, because you kept answering. 

But I also wasn't hostile, I simply said that there is no need to start a thread like this, when you can't be certain it's actually an issue. Even though I totally directed my answer at the wrong guy.


Again, I sincerely apologize! 

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WOW! SORRY MAN! Totally my bad! I stopped paying attention to the actual user responding, because the OP stopped responding to his own (stupid) thread. So I confused you with him, because you kept answering. 

But I also wasn't hostile, I simply said that there is no need to start a thread like this, when you can't be certain it's actually an issue. Even though I totally directed my answer at the wrong guy.


Again, I sincerely apologize! 

what would i reply to? questions been answered. time to move on board warrior. FIGHT ON BROTHER.

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can confirm was in balota this morning on a fresh server respawn with 1 other player in the server and ZERO loot in any of the tents.

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Yup can confirm aswell, it's the "normal ground tents" with 2 doors. 


Last night after patch I made my way up to NWAF, only to find nothing in the tents, while the rest of the airfield was unlooted. The server crashed while I was there and I rejoined the same server. I litteraly spawned on the tents, no loot. The 2 floor bunkers still has loot though. 


I don't think this was intentional from the devs point. It's probably a bug, before this patch they could spawn food/water and military attachments etc. Now they're just empty. 

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I can confirm that I got a sleep-induced half handjob from Wifey and I am off work today so I am patiently waiting for her to come home after work to smash, but I am contemplating doing it myself as well.


I can also confirm that Balota didn't spawn the usual loot either late last night or this morning.

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Balota spawned plenty of loot for me. The tents, however, did not yield me anything


The camo-netted lookouts however are still spawning medium yield military

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