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Does your play hallucinate in Dayz?

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Does your player hallucinate in Dayz?

I noticed that some of the atmosphere noise was driving me mad, I heard cans opening, sodas being opened, zombies growling, (when I didn't see any) etc. This was driving me mad until I started thinking about it, maybe that's what your character was experiencing? Another thing I noticed was that these noises happened mostly when my character had some need, whether it be food or whatever. I noticed this when I was playing at night and it was driving me insane! Anyway what do you think? Write it below



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from what i read so far, they just put some random sounds into that game (probably taken from the mod).


they didn't worked on the sounding much yet, regarding to some rumors the rabbits around chernarus make sounds like: cans opening, sodas poppin, zombies growling, combine ammo, etc. -  this could be true, since i also "hallucinate" that often in dayz but only when around the woods or a woodsorrounded area, where rabbits often around us.




but talink about hallucinating, iam pretty sure before some days a saw a big animal, like a deer. it was only a black texture but from the silhouettes it looked like a deer or something like that, approaching it for 5 meters it dissappeard

Edited by Guest

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It's a known bug for animals to make sounds like eating, zombie noises, drinking and such.

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Does your player hallucinate in Dayz?

I noticed that some of the atmosphere noise was driving me mad, I heard cans opening, sodas being opened, zombies growling, (when I didn't see any) etc. This was driving me mad until I started thinking about it, maybe that's what your character was experiencing? Another thing I noticed was that these noises happened mostly when my character had some need, whether it be food or whatever. I noticed this when I was playing at night and it was driving me insane! Anyway what do you think? Write it below

Oh my god I thought I was crazy

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they didn't worked on the sounding much yet, regarding to some rumors the rabbits around chernarus make sounds like: cans opening, sodas poppin, zombies growling, combine ammo, etc. -  this could be true, since i also "hallucinate" that often in dayz but only when around the woods or a woodsorrounded area, where rabbits often around us.




Thats strange because I noticed it in Elektro where you wouldn't expect many bunnies. Also I swear it happens more when I am in the need of something like water but that could just be me. Personally I think it would be a cool effect if it happened more when you were sick or hungry to show your character was hallucinating or jumpy. Anyway if it is bunnies then we need to hire an exterminator pronto.

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Oh my god I thought I was crazy

Yeah the first time I heard a soda can open I thought I made the noise in my head :P

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I think I read somewhere a while ago they then 'recently' hired new audio personel and were reworking the entire audio system, so I'm expecting a huge fix including many sound improvements for this somewhere down the line.


But that's just my silly prediction.

Edited by Problematic

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