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Looking for allies.

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Hey everyone,


I'm new to dayz, been playing for a few days now. So far I've come to the hilarious yet depressing conclusion that everybody in this game is an a**hole. Everybody just wants to kill everybody. However, this doesn't seem to aid one in staying alive at all.



SO, my question is: Are their any individuals who would like to partner up during gameplay and take on the zombie apocalypse together?

If you're interested my Steam ID is 'norounds' .

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added both of you guys, however, norounds your name didn't show up.  Pikols yours did.


I'm sick of being randomly killed.  Sucks the servers are down right now, but I'm in the middle of crossing the map heading back towards the coast.  


We should team up, I'm not an asshole and I'm more than willing to work together to survive, been alive now for 6 days.

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I got bored of wandering around up North and am now back down towards Elektro or some nearby small down/(Forget where I logged out exactly)

Im fully geared and really just came down to run into people despite that meaning Id prob end up getting shot.  I'll be on later after I get off work as long as the servers are up and running. 

Steamid: Sir doctor Ninja

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Steamid: Alduroth1984 (Phelix)


Throw me an Add, I live on the East Coast (USA) 29 years old, Male.

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If your looking for a group of players, my community is currently recruiting, all ages welcome but be mature as most of our crowd is older. you can find more info on our forums Crueserver1.freeforums.net we have a teamseak as well, austs1.gameservers.com:9245 please respect the TS admins as it is not paid for by the community but donated by a member, there are several channels including a standalone. we will also be hosting our own private server hopefully by the weekend!

Edited by Sweendawg

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I'm also looking too team up! Just want to have some fun, cause playing the game by myself just doesn't do it for me.

add me!! Steam ID: Snipeinmediaper

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just got this game could do with some peeps to roam with :P 

steam id: ((HTP)) POHLY

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Hey everyone,


I'm new to dayz, been playing for a few days now. So far I've come to the hilarious yet depressing conclusion that everybody in this game is an a**hole. Everybody just wants to kill everybody. However, this doesn't seem to aid one in staying alive at all.



SO, my question is: Are their any individuals who would like to partner up during gameplay and take on the zombie apocalypse together?

If you're interested my Steam ID is 'norounds' .


in the US? maybe we can team up, check out my post and see if we can help each other



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