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night is too dark

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title really says it all, what do you guys think? i can hardly see anything at night


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It depends on if the moon is out for me, but Rocket has already said he hates the look of nighttime and wants to redo it.

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There's this new fancy thing called a flashlight.

AKA the "SHOOT ME" beacon.

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Go to a place where there's no light. Look around.


Realise you can't see shit.

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I like the new night, it's like a completely different game. I hope they never add nightvision goggles. We need more interaction with fire - Ability to set things on fire like spilled fuel, torches, fireplaces, people. Game would become less dark at night then.

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I agree but i think thay should not change it like alot. It should stay really dark ( not like now obviously ) but dark and eyes should adopt. So after some time in pitch black it should be brighter and when u enter some area with lights or even use flash light then for while u still should be almost blind coz this is how it is.

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