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I was going through my old screenshots and DayZ appeared and since school started and everything I haven't been able to get around to playing or scrolling through the forums. I can honestly say I'm proud to see how DayZ has started building it's foundations and also how the core of the community has stuck together as a whole. It's very impressive seeing an idea turn into concept and that concept becoming something REAL. I'm glad I was around to be able to see this happen and be a small part of this community. Good job guys  :)

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I was going through my old screenshots and DayZ appeared and since school started and everything I haven't been able to get around to playing or scrolling through the forums. I can honestly say I'm proud to see how DayZ has started building it's foundations and also how the core of the community has stuck together as a whole. It's very impressive seeing an idea turn into concept and that concept becoming something REAL. I'm glad I was around to be able to see this happen and be a small part of this community. Good job guys  :)

Actually, I would tend to disagree with you here. (as an aside, I do appreciate your positivity; it's a nice change from 99% of this website).


I find that the Standalone is getting off to a rough start thus far. Anytime a game/franchise get's popular it's player-base goes to shit. DayZ is supposed to be a game with an awesome community, cooperation, and roleplaying elements to the gameplay. I'm afraid however, that given the popularity of this new DayZ SA there is a large influx of COD kiddies, much like Battlefield experienced in it's most recent title or two.


The same flood of bks who buy Battlefield just to fuck off in a corner of the map and snipe people with a bipod and 20x scope, maybe getting 2 or 3 kills in a match, and ruining others' experience, are now coming to DayZ SA.


This explains all the KoS we're experiencing, as well as the massive exploitation of combat logging/server hopping. Ideally, (while everyone would still have the option to play however they choose) people would role-play and communicate and PvE quite frequently. But all most people seem to want to do is abuse server hopping to get a Mosin and then play this game like a pure PvP FPS. Shoot anybody they see without even attempting to communicate or engage with them, ruining the experience for others.


Sometimes it's better to have a smaller, quality community. Games can be more than just point and shoot. DayZ should be more than that. With all the depth and nuance available, it's a shame so many people play this game like a generic shooter. Banditry can include fun stuff like negotiating, handcuffing, taking items, feeding rotten fruit; instead, people just kill on sight. You can choose to be stealthy and avoid other players, perhaps attempt to talk with them, barter with them, trust them even and team up. But instead people just kill on sight.


The CONCEPT of the game is great. survive zombies, starvation and other players however you can, however you choose. It's your story. You can work with others, you can be a hero or medic and help Bambies, you can be a bandit and profiteer, and that creates a great dynamic between the two, heroes vs. bandits. But in practice, 90% of players play this game like just another Deathmatch-style shooter; fuck off into the woods or onto a rooftop with a rifle and shoot anyone they see; don't use a mike; combat log or ghost if they get in trouble.


It's a damn shame.

Edited by Rōnin Rick
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Actually, I would tend to disagree with you here. (as an aside, I do appreciate your positivity; it's a nice change from 99% of this website).


I find that the Standalone is getting off to a rough start thus far. Anytime a game/franchise get's popular it's player-base goes to shit. DayZ is supposed to be a game with an awesome community, cooperation, and roleplaying elements to the gameplay. I'm afraid however, that given the popularity of this new DayZ SA there is a large influx of COD kiddies, much like Battlefield experienced in it's most recent title or two.


The same flood of bks who buy Battlefield just to fuck off in a corner of the map and snipe people with a bipod and 20x scope, maybe getting 2 or 3 kills in a match, and ruining others' experience, are now coming to DayZ SA.


This explains all the KoS we're experiencing, as well as the massive exploitation of combat logging/server hopping. Ideally, (while everyone would still have the option to play however they choose) people would role-play and communicate and PvE quite frequently. But all most people seem to want to do is abuse server hopping to get a Mosin and then play this game like a pure PvP FPS. Shoot anybody they see without even attempting to communicate or engage with them, ruining the experience for others.


Sometimes it's better to have a smaller, quality community. Games can be more than just point and shoot. DayZ should be more than that. With all the depth and nuance available, it's a shame so many people play this game like a generic shooter. Banditry can include fun stuff like negotiating, handcuffing, taking items, feeding rotten fruit; instead, people just kill on sight. You can choose to be stealthy and avoid other players, perhaps attempt to talk with them, barter with them, trust them even and team up. But instead people just kill on sight.


The CONCEPT of the game is great. survive zombies, starvation and other players however you can, however you choose. It's your story. You can work with others, you can be a hero or medic and help Bambies, you can be a bandit and profiteer, and that creates a great dynamic between the two, heroes vs. bandits. But in practice, 90% of players play this game like just another Battlefield; fuck off into the woods or onto a rooftop with a rifle and shoot anyone they see.


It's a damn shame.


Ugh.. I had no idea it was like this. I remember when KoS on DayZ was considered almost like a sin. You just didn't do it unless it was absolutely necessary. Hopefully the new players actually learn how to play the game. It would be such a great game if it was played as a role playing game. After all, that's what it's supposed to be anyways. I appreciate your response though. I felt like it gave me an eye sight into the community as it is now. Cheers mate! 

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Wow. Such community. Very DayZ.




I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

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I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Study, you must.

Then only, understand you will common internet troupes and memes.

Engrish, one of them is.

patience, you must have, my young padawan.

a path to the dark side, hastiness is...

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Study, you must.

Then only, understand you will common internet troupes and memes.

Engrish, one of them is.

patience, you must have, my young padawan.

a path to the dark side, hastiness is...


Oh jesus. I really did miss this community. 

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I'm glad you didn't get mad at my reply, man.


I love the game, I just feel like it has a lot more potential that it's realizing right now. I LOVE the idea of role-playing and player interaction more advanced than "hurr, look a player, left-click left-click left-click, durr", and currently I can't play without being murdered ruthlessly.


Can't wait for private servers!

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Actually, I would tend to disagree with you here. (as an aside, I do appreciate your positivity; it's a nice change from 99% of this website).


I find that the Standalone is getting off to a rough start thus far. Anytime a game/franchise get's popular it's player-base goes to shit. DayZ is supposed to be a game with an awesome community, cooperation, and roleplaying elements to the gameplay. I'm afraid however, that given the popularity of this new DayZ SA there is a large influx of COD kiddies, much like Battlefield experienced in it's most recent title or two.


The same flood of bks who buy Battlefield just to fuck off in a corner of the map and snipe people with a bipod and 20x scope, maybe getting 2 or 3 kills in a match, and ruining others' experience, are now coming to DayZ SA.


This explains all the KoS we're experiencing, as well as the massive exploitation of combat logging/server hopping. Ideally, (while everyone would still have the option to play however they choose) people would role-play and communicate and PvE quite frequently. But all most people seem to want to do is abuse server hopping to get a Mosin and then play this game like a pure PvP FPS. Shoot anybody they see without even attempting to communicate or engage with them, ruining the experience for others.


Sometimes it's better to have a smaller, quality community. Games can be more than just point and shoot. DayZ should be more than that. With all the depth and nuance available, it's a shame so many people play this game like a generic shooter. Banditry can include fun stuff like negotiating, handcuffing, taking items, feeding rotten fruit; instead, people just kill on sight. You can choose to be stealthy and avoid other players, perhaps attempt to talk with them, barter with them, trust them even and team up. But instead people just kill on sight.


The CONCEPT of the game is great. survive zombies, starvation and other players however you can, however you choose. It's your story. You can work with others, you can be a hero or medic and help Bambies, you can be a bandit and profiteer, and that creates a great dynamic between the two, heroes vs. bandits. But in practice, 90% of players play this game like just another Deathmatch-style shooter; fuck off into the woods or onto a rooftop with a rifle and shoot anyone they see; don't use a mike; combat log or ghost if they get in trouble.


It's a damn shame.

I am not going to disagree there is a lot of bad seeds entering the community in SA, however, you have to remember, being an alpha, and not having much to do right now, most are getting bored and try to relieve that in different ways, usually results in KoS along the coast, zombies are mostly nowhere to be seen, and there is so little loot right now and other things in the game that even without server hopping, people get geared up relatively quickly, and you get bambis who are now an actual threat if you let your guard down for 2 seconds, you can be unconscious before you even have time to react if you don't already have your gun out and ready to shoot.


Regardless of how bad this seems right now, things will change as more stuff gets added and things get fixed(like combat logging), I am already experiencing a somewhat friendlier experience then what I experienced in the mod, though granted I am not a veteran to the game by any stretch of the imagination, but considering I am having this more friendly experience already, suggests that it will only go up from here.

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I'm glad you didn't get mad at my reply, man.


I love the game, I just feel like it has a lot more potential that it's realizing right now. I LOVE the idea of role-playing and player interaction more advanced than "hurr, look a player, left-click left-click left-click, durr", and currently I can't play without being murdered ruthlessly.


Can't wait for private servers!

I agree. Don't get me wrong, I am an advocate for KOS, or playing however you want to. But take me for example: I don't just run up and down the coast, killing everyone I see for the lulz, or hang out at Kamyshovo and wait for some fresh spawn to appear by the barn. IF I kos, it is because I am hunting. And before I start hunting, I first pick a spot, carefully. Consider factors like fields of fire, cover, escape routes, and ranging. Then I infiltrate BACK in on foot, and kill a target if I see one. And then only if its big game. Rabbits don't interest me. That's how I get my kicks sometimes.

I guess what I am saying is that KoS is okay. But make it something more than just killing just to KILL. Make it interesting, exciting, and/or challenging. Its a game, and shouldn't always be taken TOO seriously. Have fun. And killing other players is fun. But not at the expense of turning everything into an unimaginative troll. Trolling can be fun too. But just killing everyone around you with your M4 spray and pray skill cannon isn't very imaginative.

Running around naked with a pipe wrench, chasing down other players as you scream "GERBALS!!! THE GERBALS ARE EATING ME!!! GET THEM OFF!!!! GAHHAHAAAAAAA!!!" will at least get a few people to laugh.

But going to Kamyshovo, hiding in the trees, and killing everyone that spawns there? That took no preparation (aside from getting the gear), no skill, and no imagination. And as a "troll"? Its not. Its griefing.

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I'm glad you didn't get mad at my reply, man.


I love the game, I just feel like it has a lot more potential that it's realizing right now. I LOVE the idea of role-playing and player interaction more advanced than "hurr, look a player, left-click left-click left-click, durr", and currently I can't play without being murdered ruthlessly.


Can't wait for private servers!

Honestly, I don't want private servers like they have in the mod. Those ruined the mod. 1000 vehicles, military grade loot, perks for donating money, etc etc are just horrible. I'm quite content with the way servers are atm. I'd be fine with a little more server owner control, but nothing like the mod. The server hopping and combat logging need to become really hard to do though.

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I am not going to disagree there is a lot of bad seeds entering the community in SA, however, you have to remember, being an alpha, and not having much to do right now, most are getting bored and try to relieve that in different ways, usually results in KoS along the coast, zombies are mostly nowhere to be seen, and there is so little loot right now and other things in the game that even without server hopping, people get geared up relatively quickly, and you get bambis who are now an actual threat if you let your guard down for 2 seconds, you can be unconscious before you even have time to react if you don't already have your gun out and ready to shoot.


Regardless of how bad this seems right now, things will change as more stuff gets added and things get fixed(like combat logging), I am already experiencing a somewhat friendlier experience then what I experienced in the mod, though granted I am not a veteran to the game by any stretch of the imagination, but considering I am having this more friendly experience already, suggests that it will only go up from here.

Great points you make! I think once the zombies are more of a threat, servers have more players all vying for the same resources, and people can no longer server hop to gear up quickly, we will see much more teamwork/PvE.


Not to mention the addition of camps and saving loot. Right now people are free to kill each other as there is no incentive not too. Once you can 'save' your progress, so to speak, people will start behaving more intelligently. Maybe.  :)



I agree. Don't get me wrong, I am an advocate for KOS, or playing however you want to. But take me for example: I don't just run up and down the coast, killing everyone I see for the lulz, or hang out at Kamyshovo and wait for some fresh spawn to appear by the barn. IF I kos, it is because I am hunting. And before I start hunting, I first pick a spot, carefully. Consider factors like fields of fire, cover, escape routes, and ranging. Then I infiltrate BACK in on foot, and kill a target if I see one. And then only if its big game. Rabbits don't interest me. That's how I get my kicks sometimes.

I guess what I am saying is that KoS is okay. But make it something more than just killing just to KILL. Make it interesting, exciting, and/or challenging. Its a game, and shouldn't always be taken TOO seriously. Have fun. And killing other players is fun. But not at the expense of turning everything into an unimaginative troll. Trolling can be fun too. But just killing everyone around you with your M4 spray and pray skill cannon isn't very imaginative.

Running around naked with a pipe wrench, chasing down other players as you scream "GERBALS!!! THE GERBALS ARE EATING ME!!! GET THEM OFF!!!! GAHHAHAAAAAAA!!!" will at least get a few people to laugh.

But going to Kamyshovo, hiding in the trees, and killing everyone that spawns there? That took no preparation (aside from getting the gear), no skill, and no imagination. And as a "troll"? Its not. Its griefing.

This ^


I'm all for killing/griefing if it is clever and humorous. The funniest experience I've had was when playing with a friend, we were both armed and a naked man started chasing after us forever, trying to punch us. We told him over and over to stop or else, and eventually (being the sporting chaps we are) we decided to fight him fists to fists. He knocked us both out while calling himself Ali/The Greatest and laughing maniacally, and when we recovered consciousness he knocked us both out a second time. I will admit, I was impressed. More chagrin than anger from me.

Edited by Rōnin Rick

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I agree. Don't get me wrong, I am an advocate for KOS, or playing however you want to. But take me for example: I don't just run up and down the coast, killing everyone I see for the lulz, or hang out at Kamyshovo and wait for some fresh spawn to appear by the barn. IF I kos, it is because I am hunting. And before I start hunting, I first pick a spot, carefully. Consider factors like fields of fire, cover, escape routes, and ranging. Then I infiltrate BACK in on foot, and kill a target if I see one. And then only if its big game. Rabbits don't interest me. That's how I get my kicks sometimes.

I guess what I am saying is that KoS is okay. But make it something more than just killing just to KILL. Make it interesting, exciting, and/or challenging. Its a game, and shouldn't always be taken TOO seriously. Have fun. And killing other players is fun. But not at the expense of turning everything into an unimaginative troll. Trolling can be fun too. But just killing everyone around you with your M4 spray and pray skill cannon isn't very imaginative.

Running around naked with a pipe wrench, chasing down other players as you scream "GERBALS!!! THE GERBALS ARE EATING ME!!! GET THEM OFF!!!! GAHHAHAAAAAAA!!!" will at least get a few people to laugh.

But going to Kamyshovo, hiding in the trees, and killing everyone that spawns there? That took no preparation (aside from getting the gear), no skill, and no imagination. And as a "troll"? Its not. Its griefing.


Now you, my friend, is what I consider a great bandit and player. You know how to play the bandit role and enhance the experience. You take in every single detail; range of fire,

escape, etc. 


Btw, I'm glad we can all talk about this like civilized people instead of completely discerning other's opinions and thoughts. This, is what I meant in my main post. You guys make the experience better for everyone. :thumbsup:  

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Honestly, I don't want private servers like they have in the mod. Those ruined the mod. 1000 vehicles, military grade loot, perks for donating money, etc etc are just horrible. I'm quite content with the way servers are atm. I'd be fine with a little more server owner control, but nothing like the mod. The server hopping and combat logging need to become really hard to do though.

I agree. Personally, I think vehicles should either be non existent, extremely rare, or so complex as to require a large amount of team effort. I think they just make the game too easy. You don't have to "travel" anymore. No need to plan your route, worry about food or water for the trip (currently not a huge concern, but "alpha"),infiltrate, observe, loot, then leave, retreat to the tree line, and wipe the sweat off your brow.

Now, we can just hop in the sedan and drive real fast down the road. Stop at the first town we happen to see. All the doors closed? Good. Loot loot loot. Drop everything into the trunk. Now on to the next...

Further more, cars make the map too small. I can already cross the entire map, from end to end in a fairly short time.

As far as the perks for donators goes, I kinda understand that one. Server owners have to give some kind of incentive to players to be willing to donate, and thus keep the server operational. They put a lot of effort into organizing events, private community websites, etc. I would know. Ran a BF3 platoon of just over 100 members. Took up a lot of spare time, and that was nothing compared to what some of these private communities require in terms of maintenance. Without that incentive, they either end up FORCING members to pay or leave (they usually just leave), or rely on donations that never come. In which case the bills don't get paid, the community dies, and all the effort goes down the drain.

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Now you, my friend, is what I consider a great bandit and player. You know how to play the bandit role and enhance the experience. You take in every single detail; range of fire,

escape, etc. 


Btw, I'm glad we can all talk about this like civilized people instead of completely discerning other's opinions and thoughts. This, is what I meant in my main post. You guys make the experience better for everyone. :thumbsup:

heh. dont get too comfortable. there are plenty of flame wars that get started around here. In fact, now that I think about it, this is the MOST reasonable discussion I have seen here thus far. Not the ONLY one. Just the MOST.

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I lol'd.

You seem a very passionate fellow about DayZ....if I could buy you a beer, I would. I probably wouldn't buy rounds because you seem the type to get really mad and start beating the shit outta random people at the bar.

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You seem a very passionate fellow about DayZ....if I could buy you a beer, I would. I probably wouldn't buy rounds because you seem the type to get really mad and start beating the shit outta random people at the bar.

Are you... have you been following me!?

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Everyone trying to say COD KIDDIES AND KOS are completely forgetting this is an VERY EARLY ALPHA. With barely a scratch of the stuff going in the game actually implemented yet. There is a lot of KOS Because there is whole lot of nothing to do yet. Once there actually is a dangerous environment then KOS will be a thing of the past.


Just wait for more stuff to be added, your just as bad as the cod kiddies as you seem to have forgotten this is no where near a full release yet.

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Everyone trying to say COD KIDDIES AND KOS are completely forgetting this is an VERY EARLY ALPHA. With barely a scratch of the stuff going in the game actually implemented yet. There is a lot of KOS Because there is whole lot of nothing to do yet. Once there actually is a dangerous environment then KOS will be a thing of the past.


Just wait for more stuff to be added, your just as bad as the cod kiddies as you seem to have forgotten this is no where near a full release yet.

Wow, it's almost like all the points you bring up have already been discussed in the thread...


But you're so brilliant you only need to read 1 or 2 posts in and off you go...


Is there an option to steal beans? Every post by this guy makes me want to facepalm. HARD.




'you are unconscious'


Shit! Anyone got an epi pen?

Edited by Rōnin Rick
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Wow, it's almost like all the points you bring up have already been discussed in the thread...


But you're so brilliant you only need to read 1 or 2 posts in and off you go...


Is there an option to steal beans? Every post by this guy makes me want to facepalm. HARD.




'you are unconscious'


Shit! Anyone got an epi pen?

see. I called it. EVERY thread inevitably becomes a flame war about who is right or who is righter.

And I STILL adamantly insist that *facepalm needs to be an ingame gesture....

as an added feature I just thought of, doing it too many times could lead to unconsciousness....

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