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Broken leg, bleeding and KO in 1 hit at 12k blood needs to go.

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Right, I hope you get bone breaking proced on you after an insane week long life on a character with more than 72 hours of being alive, surviving DMing russians and all that. Laying in a shed with a hatchet because youa re out of ammo, you meet a single zombie and because you havea melee weapon you can't dodge the zombies animation and get bone breaking proced on you on the first hit, miles from any player or hospital or anything. I welcome you to defend the mechanic. There's difficulty and then there's bad game design, the entire broken leg mechanic(it procing if you fall 2 inches, which is likly to happen with the clunky avatar movement of arma) is broken.

If you adore this type of luck based "realism" maybe i can interest in my new horse simulator game, if you walk up to the horse from behind, the included horse lege peripheral will kick your teeth out leave you unconscious or maybe kill you, you never know...

I love this crusader like frevour with which you people defend clearly experimental decisions from the developers part, as if it was the word of god or whatever. I understand that maybe you don't hate this mechanic, but I'm merely letting the developer know, that as far as I'm concerned it bad game design.

Also as mentioned by somone else, the entire "realism" argument is thrown out the door since the cure is merely a drug and that won't magically fix your bones.

While we're at it let's introduce the ice box. An item that replaces your backpakc and only has 6 slots, if you get blood packs or raw meat or anything that could rot and you don't store it in an ice box it will go bad within an hour. /sarcasm

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There's difficulty and then there's bad game design' date=' the entire broken leg mechanic(it procing if you fall 2 inches, which is likly to happen with the clunky avatar movement of arma) is broken.




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Until the zombies can grab you and eat your face, I'll take the broken legs and passing out from a "slap". I do everything in my power to avoid letting a zombie get close enough to touch me.

Not to mention someone infected with a virus that makes them rage and attack people until they're dead could most likely break your leg with a couple hits. They might fracture their own bones in the process, but they don't care about their own well being, just your tasty brains.

Some people posting here need to step back and realize what game they're playing.

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There's difficulty and then there's bad game design' date=' the entire broken leg mechanic(it procing if you fall 2 inches, which is likly to happen with the clunky avatar movement of arma) is broken.

I love this crusader like frevour with which you people defend clearly experimental decisions from the developers part, as if it was the word of god or whatever. I understand that maybe you don't hate this mechanic, but I'm merely letting the developer know, that as far as I'm concerned it bad game design.

Also as mentioned by somone else, the entire "realism" argument is thrown out the door since the cure is merely a drug and that won't magically fix your bones.


^ this. I wouldnt put it any much better than you did. Hats off.

All the elitist dipshits defending bad dev's choises should read it ten times and then read it again.

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I don't see what the problem is. It's supposed to be hard' date=' take more time to survey the area and be stealthy. If aggro can mean death, don;t aggro


Well see, NO ONE is perfect, and with the new mechanics of stealth, you will end up pissing off some zeds, mayve it was that hopper around the corner you didnt see, maybe its the runner that was hiding in that barn, it doesnt matter. Any one of those small mistakes can mean DEATH. At this point Id rather fight a player than a few zeds.

I completly agree with this thread. Zombies need to be challenging, but the way they are challenging now is just bad.

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Until the zombies can grab you and eat your face' date=' I'll take the broken legs and passing out from a "slap". I do everything in my power to avoid letting a zombie get close enough to touch me.

Not to mention someone infected with a virus that makes them rage and attack people until they're dead could most likely break your leg with a couple hits. They might fracture their own bones in the process, but they don't care about their own well being, just your tasty brains.

Some people posting here need to step back and realize what game they're playing.


So you're saying that when we find a bug or broken game mechanic, instead of remove it, we should use our imagination to fit it into the game experience?

Like, 'Until I can have a real-life struggle with a zombie, I'll just pretend that, hey, it's the zombie apocalypse so broken legs should happen 4-5 times a week or more even from passing other players in stairwells.'

Because that's just.. bad. No.

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