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Players semi-invisible at a distance.

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I've noticed that sometimes, at a distance of only about 100-150 meters, players show up near completely invisible to me. This occurs only when not zoomed in, but it's still a huge issue when playing the game. The only way I've been able to make out players is a thin outline / white orb that seems to represent their head, as if their bodies are warped in a super low quality state. I was curious if anyone else has had this issue or what graphical setting would make this occur.

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Same here!

Graphic settings at its lowest possible end. Still any other objects displayed in the same or higher distance as the hollow players are displayed perfectly fine.

This issue is causing deaths. ^^

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LOD. The game is alpha so I'm sure the LOD settings are temporary. My biggest problem in this arena is that at a distance, using a scope, there's no grass. So someone thinking they are crawling in a grass field with full camp really is fooled because at a distance, they can not be more obvious. No complaints though. I'm sure it will be addressed soon enough.

Also, the best place to report this sort of thing is in the Bug Reports section. Collect evidence and submit. At least there's a track record. But use search first to see if it has already been reported.

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So someone thinking they are crawling in a grass field with full camp really is fooled because at a distance, they can not be more obvious. No complaints though. I'm sure it will be addressed soon enough.


Common sense would make anyone using it realize that instantly, but well... 

If this is adressed by enforcing a certain type of foilage display level which is any higher than the minimum, then it will become impossible for me to play the game anymore, as grass is a huge performance eating monster in this game.


Beside that is my personal opinion asking why would you shoot your own knee? Its allready very hard to spot a player which is laying 40 meters away from you in a good position in relation to grasses. Hell, he can stand 10 meters beside you in a bush and will be nearly invisible as long he does not move at all, its actually even enough to crouch down on the side of the road and dont move, players will run past you on the road without noticing you as long you wear camouflaged gear... i tried that offten enough. All you get from having grass foliage to the horizon is death from unknown positions. But of course this is just my personal opinion.

Edited by SprStnd

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