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New spawns!... Slow the $£%! down

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Loads of people moaning about killing new spawns and KOS.


If its said it once its been said it 1000 times.


If you want to survive more than a few seconds. Slow down. Running around like a chicken without a face is just going to get you killed. Take your time, plan, always watch your back if you think somthing is too risky then don't do it.


Fuck balota and electro - You'll spend hours tring to get gear and dieing which in the long run will take you longer to gear up!


If you aim like a blind overwait quadriplegic hippo avoid other players like the plague.


Think about the consequences of your actions.


Don't get into a fight you can't win.


Basically slow the fuck down and think about what your doing.

Edited by Crit
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Windows are delicious


Ha well at least I got a laugh out of this thread

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But common sense isn't so common.


Common sense is now so rare, it's practically a super power.

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I've gotten to a point where i just loot the houses with the Z's in tow they don't bother me, it takes 2 animations for them to turn around. I think of them as sloths just keeping me company while i loot, sometimes i sing to them softly, they sing back.

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It is sooo weird, I played quite few hours, running around the coast on 30+ ppl servers, never had a problem. I usually run along the coast up to north part of the map, but never using roads - usually next to them or next to rail tracks.

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Since there's nothing to lose, you might as well run around everywhere until you find some decent gear. The zombies (that used to force you to crawl, or die, in the mod) are harmless and even if another player shoots you, all you lose is a few minutes of your time. 

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Ha well at least I got a laugh out of this thread


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Meh. Maybe. As a fresh spawn I sprint away from the coast regardless because I've been spawn killed too many times plus I have no gear to care about anyways.

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What is a chicken without a face by the way ?

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Based on the vids explaining water and energy loss, it makes more sense for the thirsty/hungry newspawn to make haste to a water source and some lootable grub.  After that, sure, go all secret squirrel.  But after the first 3 spawns, that newspawn experience gets tedious.  You wants you a backpack and get back to surviving/murdering!

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I haven't been killed since around christmas, plays every now and then. 

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I think new players just want quick loot or instant player interaction. I find it odd, I never stick around a town after spawning...straight north ish every spawn, as fast as possible to the treelines.


then again, if I had the attention span of a teenager id want to KO everyone i see and try to take their loot.


but the real joy of this game is being a ninja and a sniper...these take patience.

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When I start a new spawn I do at least check out the houses in the spawn town, just to see if it is a freshly restarted server. At that point I don't really care about being spawnsniped, since I have nothing to lose, and I have been positively surprised by the loot in spawn towns a couple of times.


One recent character I had spawning at the factory found a can opener in the garage, I ran to Solnichniy, thinking it was a freshly restarted server, and indeed it was, because in the warehouse I found a backpack, tactical vest and baseball bat.


After having a drink I of course got the hell out of the coast as fast as I could.

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The thing is, fresh spawns who have nothing most shed their clothes to say "hey i'm a fresh spawn I have nothing" many times i've run along the coat heading to bere or elektro and had someone with a gun running down the road towards me stop and unload 2 clips to kill me.

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Loads of people moaning about killing new spawns and KOS.


If its said it once its been said it 1000 times.


If you want to survive more than a few seconds. Slow down. Running around like a chicken without a face is just going to get you killed. Take your time, plan, always watch your back if you think somthing is too risky then don't do it.


Fuck balota and electro - You'll spend hours tring to get gear and dieing which in the long run will take you longer to gear up!


If you aim like a blind overwait quadriplegic hippo avoid other players like the plague.


Think about the consequences of your actions.


Don't get into a fight you can't win.


Basically slow the fuck down and think about what your doing.


Yep, that's the problem.  Not crawling around on your belly for hours.  Looting small towns nobody goes to, only to get 1 can of beans and no can opener.



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The thing is, fresh spawns who have nothing most shed their clothes to say "hey i'm a fresh spawn I have nothing" many times i've run along the coat heading to bere or elektro and had someone with a gun running down the road towards me stop and unload 2 clips to kill me.


Yeah, they do mostly seem to have to use insane amounts of ammo just to kill a single unarmed player. It is obvious they tend to possess more bullets than skill. They often also "combat" log after a few kills. I don't know why, but perhaps because they are afraid the newspawns will come at them with their fists raised.

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