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Question about hunting

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^ Will animals like deer run away scared when i missfire a shot or when i approach them running?

Also, will they scent me if i approach them with the wind in my back? 


I hope some of that will make it into the game cause it would make hunting very interesting and more challenging than it was in the mod.

Edited by robophant
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Let's hope so.  Skitterish wildlife would be great, as well as some which see you as food. 


Bears, packs of dogs (wolves) and of course Giant Sturgeon.

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Hunting should be challenging, not too many animals and they should run away if they see you. Don't expect too complicated AI for them but balancing animal meat and beans are important.


Bigger animals like bears should be dangerous, they can provide more meat and fur but don't try it with axe. Also i hope its possible to craft clothes from fur, or accessories from animal skin and bones.

Edited by Bezzi

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lol, some dude on sniper hill in elektro has a clean shot on a bambi and a pack of wolves show up.  Would definitely change the focus of the game i think.  Idk if accessories would be a good thing to add to a game where things of necessity are the focus, but there's definitely a lot they could build off of with hunting

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Dean has said the animals will work somewhat like reverse zeds, as in when they see you they run away.


Really hope we get some kind of wind mechanic too so you have to stay downwind of them or they have a chance of smelling you.

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Let's hope so.  Skitterish wildlife would be great, as well as some which see you as food. 


Bears, packs of dogs (wolves) and of course Giant Sturgeon.


Wild Boars. Snakes.

Also : aggressive infected animals (like deer) that can´t be eaten / make you sick



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