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Combat logging solution

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Hi there fellow survivors!

I've been giving some thought to combat logging and came up with an idea. Let me demonstrate!

example 1.


1) Player wants to exit. Game checks there are no other players in said radius (500m or so). 15 sec timer counts to zero and you are free to leave.


example 2. 


1) Player wants to exit. Game checks there are 3 players within said radius. 

2) Game prompts to player:  "Are you sure you want to exit, there are players nearby".

3) If check yes, the game sends message to nearby members stating: "Player XXX wants to exit. Grant permission?"
3) Now if everyone gives permission, player gets 15 sec timer to exit. If even one of nearby players declines permission, game informs the player who wants to exit "Permission denied. Find a safer spot!"


What do you think?


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I like the "radius check" but it still doesn't fix the problem of shooting someone at long ranges like 800m. If you miss then the timer would need to be like 3 minutes so you can get to him before he logs out.

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This would be exploitable. Standing outside Elektro. If I can log out, there is no one in Elektro, if I can't, there's someone in Elektro.


It's been suggested before. I've said the same thing every time.

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I wonder about combat loggers using the ALT+F4 exploit, is there a way to disable ALT+F4 engine wise??

Edited by Moofers

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I like the "radius check" but it still doesn't fix the problem of shooting someone at long ranges like 800m. If you miss then the timer would need to be like 3 minutes so you can get to him before he logs out.

I think a one minute timer is enough. If your sniping from 800m, your a coward and shouldn't get the gear. But nice shot though.... i guess

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yeah just a timer. if you want to leave, you'd have to wait for 30 sec or 1 minute no matter what (you can't move your character during this time, so you better find a safe spot). you could also leave your character unattended on the server for the said time, if you want to leave the game quickly and you are sure that you are in the safe spot (you don't have to watch and wait for the timer to go up).


no one would even think about starting the logoff timer in a firefight then. alt+f4 would also start the timer, and auto-logoff the character only after the timer is up, even if the players client is being shut down. actually, that would practically take even longer time, since the server would wait for a response from a client for some time before initiating the logoff timer automatically. maybe if the server can't recieve any messages from a client for 10 seconds. if it's just a communication problem, you could cancel the logoff timer manually.


it can't be any kind of "radius check" solution, since you could use it as a radar to check areas.

Edited by komadose

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