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So M4 accuracy.....

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I just tried switching between multiple core M4 weapons using the following:

Standard buttstock


weapon flashlight

556 Silencer


coupled STANAG


--everything PRISTINE


All of them had slight variations starting at about 100m...but not enough to truly miss my target.  Even at 200m it was fairly consistent.  At 300m I saw enough that I needed to stick to aiming at the body.  I was able to achieve regular headshots at 450~500m after lying prone for a while and holding right mouse button to steady breathing, while my display for my character showed as "healthy".  It seems that health level does play a slight factor in ability to take longer shots...but not drastically so.


All in all, I'd say it's a pretty decent Alpha so far...It has brought me back to core DayZ.  It does seem that, given there are already "conditions" for the accessories, the bulk of the weapon should have a "condition" as well that would be the primary factor in weapon accuracy.

Did you try different M4's as well? Like has been said before, the weapon itself has a condition as well, you just can't see it at the moment because the tooltip is bugged.

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Did you try different M4's as well? Like has been said before, the weapon itself has a condition as well, you just can't see it at the moment because the tooltip is bugged.


´I tried multiple core M4s´


He did =)

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I lost a fight even though I had the drop on somebody with an M4.  I was about 5 feet away and I swear, every shot (about 6) went totally around him with the cross hair on his chest.  Not one friggen bullet hit him, just saw the white poofs around him.  Really inaccurate even using bursts.  Switch to Mosen whenever I can get it. 


Right now the M4 is totally inaccurate and not realistic. 


Had you perhaps been sprinting just prior to this? Anyway it is not the gun. The m4 can be dead-on accurate, on very long distances even, if used correctly.

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M4 is accurate just depends on the guns condition itself. I had a M4 with magpul/ACOG  that shot more accurately than my mosin with a long range scope @ 400-600m. Both had biopods, everything was pristine. The mosin I picked off someone else I had shot, m4 was on the ground.


Another thing to note to those who say the actual weapon doesn't have condition, kill someone who has a pistol and make sure you pump a lot of rounds into him then try and use the pistol he had...it wont work.

Edited by HighPiez

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I made a comment under a similar topic about the differences between switching out the base gun to improve accuracy. My 2 M4's were nearly identical so the results are invalid (I only had 2 core guns), but I also used 2 different mosins and there was a noticeable difference starting at 300M.  At 500M the 2 were nearly an inch off, one being near dead center of the LRS, the other dropping off and to the left. 


Some of my group that I run with tested it with 8 mosins (we server hopped for science! And from EU servers, so it's fine).  We found, that the same guy shooting the same Mosin with the Bipod and LRS in pristine, that there were at least 3 distinct "shoot modes."  One was nearly perfect accuracy (any variation we blamed on the shooter's skill).  One was off to the left, and only noticeable at 400+ meters.  The other was increased movement left and an increased drop that took off a few meters from overall distance. I took one of the "Pristine" Mosins, then KoS'd my team, because who can you trust in DayZ?  Nobody, not even myself...


Random thought, did the Sopranos steal the idea for the final scenes of the show from DayZ?  You're sitting there, doing something, then black screen.  We should get legal to check this out.

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I agree with everything you said, you have my beans ;)


Just a little correction, both M4s and M16s are made in both 3round burst variants(basic M4, M16A2/A4) and full auto variants(M4A1, M16A3....)

Indeed you are correct, I over simplified.


Now more lesson on the M4 so some kiddies will have an idea. 

- A pristine M4 given that what is in the game has what lookes like 14.5 inch barrel, should have an effective engagement distance of 300 meters.

- However, the effectiveness of the rounds in creating a kill shot diminishes as the distnace increases. At 600 meters your bullets will just be ice picks, will hit people but unless it hits bone, the guys can recover. Past that and grab your ass some Mosin Nagants.

- However, depending on the ammo you have, say you find an SOST, that shortens the difference in effective range between the Mosin Nagant and the M4.  The USMC is testing it in Afghanistan right now.

- the 5.56 is however deadliest 300 meters and closer, with the M855/SS109 more effective for armored personel and the older M193 more effective for unarmored personnel.

- If you want more accuracy for your M4, go prone hold your breath, and or use a bipod. Notice how many are not killed in firefights despite the volume of fire?

*Why i went down to the details of the bullets, is because I noticed last night that the M4 is quite detailed in the game, with different types of mags, red dot sights, and furniture available.  So it would just be time till that would be added (Oh please programers do add it) to make it more realistic.

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Now you can actually see the weapons condition with the new patch coming out.  So this will solve a lot of confusion people are having atm.

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