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What do you consider to be proper banditing?

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Anything goes. I'm not on board this KOS is bad train. Maybe there role playing as mass murderers? Doing what ever the heck you want in a post apocalyptic zombie infested world is what DayZ is all about. 

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Pretty much get shot at if you have your gun out and you're running around, but this sucks because what if you're just scavenging and watching out for zombies/other bandits?

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Well today, i was almost captured by one in Elektro but got away he was spooked bye my friends :) :), But i would say a one who is quite and sneaks around towns looking for prey. Well that's what im about to do!

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Anything goes. I'm not on board this KOS is bad train. Maybe there role playing as mass murderers? Doing what ever the heck you want in a post apocalyptic zombie infested world is what DayZ is all about. 

LOL agreed but this isnt banditry .... A bandit is after gain the method they use can be completely varied may include using a sniper rifle trying to head shot to not destroy the gear they are chasing.


In my mind there is no limit to how a person decides to be a bandit but to be one the goal must be to attain loot so if your shooting guys in jeans and tshirt that doesnt really make you a bandit that makes you a spawn killer a murderer ( hey if thats your kicks not saying its wrong just saying your not a bandit lol )


Ofcourse if you kill a spawn who tries to kill you while your robbing people thats all good your still a bandit lol ( people die in robberies all the time lol )...(no witness bandit is again acceptable bandit behaviour the distinction is if your seeking loot or just death 1 is a bandit the other is a cold ass killer...

Edited by SoulFirez
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Bandit is a loose term, you can be the crazy psycho killing everyone on sight, or you could be the micer bandit and just hold them up and rob them.  There's no one way to be a bandit really.  As long as you're causing heart ache and grief in the world.  But killing a fresh spawn just for the hell of it is kinda dumb imo.  Players with back packs are fair game tho lol

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If i were to play as a bandit, i'd roleplay something. Maybe a madman who asks them riddles, and if they get them right, i steal less stuff.


Come to think of it, i'm getting bored of helping people out. I'm going to do this.

Edited by Greaves

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Proper banditry is the kind from which you are able to walk away alive.


This whole "real bandits" circljerk is old.


If I wanted to run around handcuffing men in the middle of the street and forcing them to take their pants off, I would move back to San Francisco.

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Bandit = holding people up and/or killing them for their things. Items are your goal, their lives are just an obstacle.

Murderer = killing on sight regardless of your need for food or gear. Most of the time you don't even loot your prey, just move on to the next.

Regardless of what you are, be thankful you have the freedom to choose rather than be forced into some karma system that punishes you for surviving in your own way.

Edited by Punkrawks
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1. A robber, especially one who robs at gunpoint.
2. An outlaw; a gangster.
3. One who cheats or exploits others.


Works for me.

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My perfect execution of a bandit stop"


1) Make contact authoritatively, if they don't comply..shoot em. 
2) Restrain subject..if they don't comply...shoot em. 

3) Loot/Take blood/Remove their weapons. If they start mouthing off...shoot em. 

4) Free and back away from the subject..if they don't comply..shoot em. 

5) Instruct subject to leave the area, send a tail to the city edge to ensure their compliance..if they are seen coming back..shoot em. 

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1. Rollup on person with your squad guns pointed at them yelling to them to put there hands up.


2. Have your boy handcuff them.


3. Throw a sack over there head.


4. Steal anything of value including there pants.


5. Either kill them or use them as bait.


Bonus: Ask them to follow you onto a Hospital roof etc, you can handcuff prior if you want, or do it on the roof. Then throw the sack over there head, and push them off so there legs break, then leave them there after stealing there pants.




Edited by Rrezz

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My perfect execution of a bandit stop"


1) Make contact authoritatively, if they don't comply..shoot em. 

2) Restrain subject..if they don't comply...shoot em. 

3) Loot/Take blood/Remove their weapons. If they start mouthing off...shoot em. 

4) Free and back away from the subject..if they don't comply..shoot em. 

5) Instruct subject to leave the area, send a tail to the city edge to ensure their compliance..if they are seen coming back..shoot em. 



this is pretty much what I do. run up gun pointed at them, tell them to hold still and to keep their fucking mouth shut. Then tell them if they comply, they will live. If they comply, I'll leave them alone. If they try to trail me, I wait until they get closer and kill them.


Most of the time I don't completely rob the crap out of people. I usually just take what I need and leave them alone. I don't want to set them back too much if it's unecessary. However, if I don't have a backpack and very little, I usually just take everything.


The last time I held someone up I was like "What's your name?" they started to say their name and I interrupted with "Just keep your fucking mouth shut, got it?" lol

Edited by Gekkonidae

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