[email protected] 1 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) Hello everyone im a new player to DayZ, my ingame name is PhoBuuS and i played the mod for awhile but didnt had a great computer so i now upgraded my computer and bought DayZ Standalone, i know it's early acess so i know it's buggy but i wanted to check if some of you experience the same problem as me and if someone has a fix or workaround for this. So my problem is as follows: i start the game and i play for 1 or 2 hours... then the game will disconnect and when i refresh servers it will not refresh or refresh really really slowly like my internet is struggling for signal.. and if i leave a server and search a new one sometimes it will do the same... and if it was just a connection problem in dayz it would be just fine cause then i can restart the game and continue.. but the thing is that it really makes my internet connection go down on it's knees.. the network icon on my taskbar will say i have connection and i will be on skype and steam but i cant make calls on skype.. i can talk through raid call tho for a limited time.. until it reaches the point where the little network icon starts saying no connection and then it will say access to internet and then down again and so forth... it seems my connection is struggling and i don't have a shitty internet connection i have 30Mb internet that to me i think it's fine i can do everything i play other games nicely like league of legends, heroes of newerth, battlefield 3,4 etc always with nice pings ex.20-50 ping... So what i have to do to get this working is unplug my Modem/router (thomson-TWG870) and plug it again.. i have another router installed a cisco linksys e2500 that i prefer to the modem/router and i know it isn't a problem from my e2500 because my internal network is working just fine.. i got all my computers, laptops and macbooks connected to it and i can access them all through file sharing... so i guess it isn't a problem from the e2500 but what do i know at this point it could be anything... i got a 4th generation intel cpu motherboard gigabyte z87x-ud5h with 2 LAN ports one controled by intel i210 gigabit controller and the other by intel i217-v also gigabit controller... this motherboard has teaming capabilities that i dont actually need but i posted here because it might be important and im currently connected to the i210... i tried connecting to the i217 the problem remains the same. Thank you in advance and i look forward to see what you all think of this problem and let me know if you experience the same or have experienced and what did you do to solve it. Edited January 20, 2014 by PhoBuuS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted January 21, 2014 Have you tried setting to Open DNS? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted January 21, 2014 hmmm no you mean like choosing another dns server instead of my ISP one? like choosing google dns servers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted January 21, 2014 (edited) hmmm no you mean like choosing another dns server instead of my ISP one? like choosing google dns servers? See below- https://developers.g...-dns/docs/usinghttps://store.opendn...setup/computer/ 1. Open the preferences for your router.Often, the preferences are set in your web browser, via a URL with numbers (example: You may need a password. Or preferences may be set via specific application for your router, which you installed on your computer when you added the router.2. Find the DNS server settings.Scan for the letters DNS next to a field which allows two or three sets of numbers, each broken into four groups of one to three numbers. It might look like this:3. Put in the OpenDNS server addresses as your DNS server settings and save/apply.Please write down your current settings before entering the OpenDNS addresses, just in case. Cache FlushingOnce you have configured your DNS settings and saved them, flush your DNS resolver cache and web browser caches to ensure that your new DNS configuration settings take immediate effect. Just a thought, Steak Edited January 21, 2014 by Steak and Potatoes 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted January 21, 2014 thanks for the quick replys and i opened up my router ip and on dchp server settings i changed the dns servers to and respectively and in windows aswell since i got a static ip adress! i am now going to check if it resolves anything ingame =) thank you very much in advance for your patience and quick reply ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted January 21, 2014 thanks for the quick replys and i opened up my router ip and on dchp server settings i changed the dns servers to and respectively and in windows aswell since i got a static ip adress! i am now going to check if it resolves anything ingame =) thank you very much in advance for your patience and quick reply ;) Anytime, just let me know how everything works out mate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted January 21, 2014 Hello again Steak and no it didn't change anything... i played like 2 hours and then i went off to try change servers but the problem is still there.. i switched off my modem first but then i would still not have internet so i switched my router aswell and now im here haha but it's really strange because i switched off my router first yesterday to see if it was a router problem but i would still not have connection so i switched off my modem aswell and then the problem was gone... so it seems to me that it affects both my modem and my router.. still other games are fine i can play with optimal pings and change servers all i want... this is really strange... i already messed with some changes in my network adapter but to no avail.. i don't know what else to do really... thanks again for the reply mate it would be awesome if you have any more ideas... because i can play the game but i need to switch off my router and modem after changing servers.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stuntz 10 Posted January 21, 2014 It happens to me too, after refreshing the server list and moving to a new server, my net completely drops, takes a few mins for it to come back following whatever the game does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sinphaltimus 262 Posted January 21, 2014 I have been having a similar experience these past few days and my internet sucks. 3d/1u dsl. I also run into a lot of desync issues where I can't do anything in game except move around. Happens more often when in vicinity of other players/friends. But like I said, only these past few days. I'm thinking it might have to do with the experimental version being tested on the network infrastructure. I am hopeful when experimental is released as stable to the masses, these issues won't be as common. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stuntz 10 Posted January 21, 2014 I should mention that I'm on a fibre optic cable 200mb down/20mb up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MartinD (DayZ) 86 Posted January 21, 2014 (edited) Are you sure its not just the server restarting that disconnects you? a lot of servers restart every 2 hours. As for the searching for servers I've had issues with the list not refreshing and no servers showing up, I just exit to the menu and then hit play again and the server list works again. Edited January 21, 2014 by MartinD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hypnotisk 0 Posted January 21, 2014 I got the same problem.. All others games works great! But after 30 min playing i lose my connection and the internet icon says " No connection".... i also got a lot of desync when my internet is fine.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted January 21, 2014 Are you sure its not just the server restarting that disconnects you? a lot of servers restart every 2 hours. As for the searching for servers I've had issues with the list not refreshing and no servers showing up, I just exit to the menu and then hit play again and the server list works again.yeah i know mate but i didnt get disconnected... i just left the server after 2 hours and then tried to refresh the server list and it didnt refreshed... and then i tried to enter a website and it didnt enter... my internet connection really drops! even if i wait no matter how long i need to restart the modem and router to be all ok... because all my devices lose internet after changing servers in dayz! it's really awkward.. all my other games work fine only this one makes my internet crawl! i get some desync (yellow chain) and rarely the red chain but sometimes it happens to... im not on fiber optic but i have 30mb download and like 2 or 3mb upload! it's not much but it's the standard internet speed... you can do everything... you can stream and you can play and download... so i dont think its my connection either! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr Bolouswki 2 Posted February 22, 2014 I get the exact same problem - game works fine until I need to do a server refresh - no servers show up and if i open a browser I cannot open web pages i.e. my whole internet crawls for about 2-3 minutes. It's not a total disaster (i usually get back in within a few minutes) but it might be indicitive of some sort of problem with how DayZ is utilising bandwitdh/ports etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Sleaze 0 Posted March 4, 2014 Got exactly the same problem... <_< Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Feartehfatman (DayZ) 0 Posted March 20, 2014 I'm kinda having the same problem but my internet signal completely cuts out and i have to restart my hole router to get my signal back sometimes i can play on a server for maybe an hour if I'm lucky by the way im using a wifi card to connect to the internet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freethink 984 Posted March 25, 2014 +1. I can play the game fine but if I refresh the server list once or twice my internet dies for 5 minutes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KLink92 0 Posted April 6, 2014 I have the same problem and it is pissing me of ! Is there any kind of solution ? Its the damn game and not my Internet thats for shure Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 13, 2014 Alright guys, this was pissing me off so much, and I haven't found a fix yet... BUT, I've found a stupid little work-around to get you playing the game in the meantime =)Load up DayZ, refresh the server list and wait until it's finished loading servers. Then DON'T join a server right away! Minimize your DayZ and open Google. Yeah you'll find your internet probably still not working, so just wait two minutes, maybe five, whatever. Then refresh your browser and see if Google is working now... if it is, maximize your DayZ, then from the server list that you loaded up before, join a server, and away you go! Just don't maximize your DayZ and then refresh the server list.Hope that helps at least one person, I felt guilty just jumping right in game and not sharing how I got playing again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UNDERWORLD 76 Posted April 13, 2014 So yesterday I was playing. First time I logged in, char had been wiped. Annoying, but as everyone says #Alpha. Got lucky and got looted up pretty good after over an hour. Came off. Went back on in the evening with a mate, wiped again. Again, #Alpha. Tried re spawning somewhere good, no luck so didn't do anything. Tried today, can't connect to server. My internet goes crazy when trying to find servers on DayZ, my mate on ventrilo can't hear me properly because my connection is going nuts. Reset router and after maybe half an hours messing around eventually got into a server with my mate, huge desync and I figured I'd close DayZ and load again. Problems finding servers again, eventually got back on to same desync problem hit instantly. Internet goes mental then, dumps me out completely. This happened to me for like a week straight a while back and magically sorted itself out. I've not done anything major to my PC or router settings, no resets until today. Thing is, I'm a technical guy, not professionally but I've grown up and used computers enough that people come to me for help. I can't figure this out at all, and it's driving me nuts. It has all the hallmarks of being an internet rather than DayZ issue, but none of my other games online do this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freethink 984 Posted April 23, 2014 (edited) Just as an update the latest update seems to have fixed this. I quit the game and refreshed the server list 5 times in a row and here I am able to post to the internet immediately afterwards! Cheers Devs! edit: nope! still happening Edited May 1, 2014 by freethink Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted May 19, 2014 I still have the same problem..............aswell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MyGamertagBro 0 Posted May 22, 2014 (edited) I'm having the same problem, every time I'm in the server browser my internet completely dies out on me. Sometimes I'm lucky to get into a server, then there are times that I try to join and get "Connecting Failed". If I refresh the server browser every server disappears and I'm left to restart my game to get the servers back. When I quit the game my internet is completely down for 3-5 minutes, I even try loading things on my phone to see if it's a computer issue, but it takes forever to load anything up on my phone (iPhone 5, never have any issues with programs that require internet loading slowly). It's honestly as if the Server Browser is a way of DDoS for a few minutes... Edited May 22, 2014 by MyGamertagBro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1D10T (DayZ) 4 Posted May 24, 2014 (edited) Same problem.. Still... :( Tried with two brand new Netgear CG3700EMR and 2 different computers.. Edited May 24, 2014 by 1D10T Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kermakakku 1 Posted June 3, 2014 Happens to me too. I guess its just a problem in dayz that needs to be fixed by developers. Its expected since its in alpha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites