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SA - Please no Ghillie Suits but how about Rain Coats ? and some changes on backpacks ?

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i'd rather military style ponchos than ghillie suits, that's a pretty cool idea/ keeps you camouflagued/dry.  



ghillies for sillies. 

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I would like both I dont mind ghillies but I think it should be in pieces or you should have to make it yourself DIY style. I do want ponchos they have some interesting old military ponchos and the new ones are badass.


What every Mercenary/Survivor needs the Poncho Villa.


....Or if you want to pretend you're Sam Fischer

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In a ex-soviet state in the middle of the 90's? :)

Would like some proff of that tbh hehe

DayZ isn't in 1990, though.


DayZ is set at the very least in the present (or more likely a few months in the future) due to the technology that's found; the FNX-45, for instance, is only a few years old.

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But ghillie suits are actually pretty easy to acquire, they're mostly used for hunting or birdwatching (so in-game they'd be found in barn or farm house loot tables). Military grade ghillies are handmade by the marksman/spotter who wears it, they shouldn't be in the game, or at the very least have to be crafted using rags and a civilian ghillie.

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