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DayZ HackER!

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So I was with my Squad Last night and we killed about 10+ people over time AND then all of a sudden we are walkin thru balota town.... then this guy and maybe 1 more? MAYBE?!? Kills all of us.



Check out clan recruitment section also for The 12 Monkeys!


Edited by KakiharaKeenan

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I see nothing here that would indicate hacking... Looks a lot like desyncing to me... :\

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All you are seeing is a bit of desync. The guy is in the house walking around but the server thinks he is walking further than he is and when it realizes that it he isn't, it throws him back in the house. 

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The music made it so dramatic xD

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No hacks, you probably aren't telling the truth and your "squad" killed unarmed / lowly armed players, this guy happened to be armed well, and killed all of you because none of you known how to play properly (i.e: never played arma, or only played it for DayZ mod). He also happened to be desynced, it happens.


I used to be like you, when I first started playing Armed Assault multiplayer (I played OFP beforehand but I never really player MP on it) I used to think people were hacking when I was getting killed so easily.  :rolleyes:


Go cry somewhere else, and go get some skills.

Edited by K9Alex
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I remember this happening to me, I glitched through a wall. So it's either that or he desynced.

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I blame the 3pp.

On what grounds ? If you're going to blame a game feature then provide some arguments, young boy.

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All you are seeing is a bit of desync. The guy is in the house walking around but the server thinks he is walking further than he is and when it realizes that it he isn't, it throws him back in the house. 

So my Squad Mate was inside that house watching the door the whole time. The guy never is seen in the first 2 windows he is seen in the 3rd also he looks straight up at my teammate from under him on first level which is when I shoot...



No hacks, you probably aren't telling the truth and your "squad" killed unarmed / lowly armed players, this guy happened to be armed well, and killed all of you because none of you known how to play properly (i.e: never played arma, or only played it for DayZ mod). He also happened to be desynced, it happens.


I used to be like you, when I first started playing Armed Assault multiplayer (I played OFP beforehand but I never really player MP on it) I used to think people were hacking when I was getting killed so easily.  :rolleyes:


Go cry somewhere else, and go get some skills.

I played 1000 hours of Arma 3 and 100 hours of Arma 2 DayZ and man oh man its tough to sound like a prick over the internet but BEANS to u fucktard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DATF4UpgYDo

Edited by KakiharaKeenan

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none of you known how to play properly (i.e: never played arma, or only played it for DayZ mod). 

This seems like a pretty ignorant statement first of all lol just because you didn't play arma or what have you, you immediately are ignorant to how a different game works? I've never played arma, oh and I've never played the dayz mod. However I've taken down plenty of armed/geared people who almost always shoot first and almost always have the advantage because of that. 


I'm not necessarily associated with this guy and I don't think there was any hacks involved from what he's shown so far, just desync and lag. They probably made a mistake in their movements, and it's possible they were bambi hunting, who knows and who cares. At least he's not posting a video boasting his bambi kills or how he can snipe fresh spawns from 800 meters away.

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I played 1000 hours of Arma 3








"At least he's not posting a video boasting his bambi kills or how he can snipe fresh spawns from 800 meters away."


True true.

Edited by SpartanxApathy

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This looks like a bit of desync. No need to be so mad about it.


Also, interested in how you've played 1000 hours of ArmA 3 and 100 hours of the mod and NEVER seen anyone desync....

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http://s29.postimg.org/56zg6nkw7/800_hours.jpg   800+...  I never call hacks on anyone and I been gaming for 20 years but playin back that video just a few weird things with that guy that i had no choice but to just show it... you be the judge I just find it funny people are so quick to defend possible hackers, I love this game I hope i'm wrong ill be happy then but I kno there are a few hacks and that guy seemed to be up to something.




:P  :P  :P

Edited by KakiharaKeenan

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