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random sound events

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I call this idea sound event because it is surely way easier to implement than any graphical solution, while it gives a lot of space for imagination (or immersion as you call it). My main thought is that dayz seems sometimes a little quiet, what I actually like since I fully understand it is part of the game concept. But what I miss is something which breaks through the silence sometimes. Events which give you a hint where to go, or inspire your fantasy, that remind you, something is still happening. Maybe the main events are over but it wasn't a long time ago. Things like screams from random people in the wilderness, gunshots or gunfights which are not player-driven (since you will not have anything like this on low populated servers), maybe a helicopter flying over or a typhoon (signal horn) like a last cry for help. Something that in fact gives you the immersion to be part of an ongoing story.


These sound events could be sent out either randomly or at will from supply-boxes which are put in the landscape and which offer special items, like weapons, food or something else. This is a optional addition to my idea since for me it would be sufficient to hear the sound event, since it would help me with immersion or imagination.

I'm not talking about something that happens all the time, but at times. It would surely destroy immersion if it was kind of normal or expectable, but it would give you shivering if it was something special and uncommon. I was inspired by the exploding gas station, which really made me like: "What the heck is going on here?!"


If this idea is not new - sorry. Just gave it a try without searching a lot.

Edited by jayleann
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A good idea I think if it was tweaked a bit.


For example, I would love the screams in the night kind of sound event to add that bit of extra depth into the world development but you do need to be careful with these kind of things as they can quite easily break the immersion when you know they are just fake sound events. Perhaps some sound events that are more environmental like animals crying in the night (fox, owls, crickets) 

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I don't like the idea, that some containers in the woods will scream.


Once DayZ is finished (about...2036), there will be firefights in the forrest next to you. And there will fly some helicopters around and give your position to their fellow scouts 8D.


It would be nice, if survivors would screm and shout though. Because... you will, if you're trying to pull out this bullet from your knee. 

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I don't like the idea, that some containers in the woods will scream.



lol. :blush:

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I don't like it. Sound is very important, and anything that isn't happening for a real reason is just pointless. It detracts from situational awareness. I'd rather have more sound events that are triggered by players like doors squeaking when you open and close them, stairs creaking randomly when you walk up them, twigs snapping when you walk in the forest. Sounds should have meaning, not just be randomly occurring set-pieces for "spookiness."


No thanks.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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I read the thread title and thought it was about the random sound events we already have

- Rabbits making zombie noises, pretty random if you ask me

- Soda cans opening everywhere, some people say it is caused by players opening a soda can anywhere in a world, I consider it random

- Ammunition stacking sounds, also pretty random

- Fence gates creaking and sticks breaking in woods (actually intended for atmosphere).


I like the general idea, as even the bugged sounds keep me cautious, remind me that I have to stay alert. But I on the other hand, you get used to them quite quickly, I simply ignore cut-off zombie noises, soda cans or ammo sorting (reloading is completely different though).

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There are in fact different sounds with "no meaning", like the ones you hear when entering a city. They exist only for immersion. But I don't want to force a path on this thread, if there are other sound ideas or sound events which you think would be more adequate, I accept that. And its not about spookiness alone. Maybe when you only walk through cities it is enough to be just aware but in the woods and on low populated servers it's really quiet sometimes. I mean REALLY quiet. You can walk for hours with absolutely nothing happening and that I find boring sometimes because I very well know that there is no zombie waiting between the trees, it just won't happen and I know it.

Edited by jayleann

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What random sounds, like wind? That's an environment noise which makes sense, it is caused by the environment. That's fine, as long as it's consistent. However, as Baarn pointed out, the current randomly occurring noises like the zombie sound glitch, can opening glitch, and combo noises become routine because over time you realize that they are in fact random and not connected to a real event in the world, which is exactly what would happen to random sound events. Players would just realize they are random and ignore them. It wouldn't add to the game at all. Sound should be congruent and logical. I didn't even like that random fence noise that would go off every 5 minutes in the mod, it was routine and annoying after a while. I'd rather hear things that clue me into real events around me.


An example I can give is back in the mod. I wen't into the back of the supermarket in Stary Sobor, and through the wall I heard the faint sound of chewing. Because the sounds at that point were stable, I knew that a player was in the main room of the supermarket eating a can of food, at which point I was able to round the corner and shoot him before he could react. That is critical. If I'm just hearing random nonsense then those kind of events are not going to have meaning like something as small as that chewing sound.


And you're aware that the goal is to have up to 4000 zombies on the map, right? So you might know that a zombie won't attack you in the woods now, but it's alpha so that's going to change.

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It's hard to believe that they will spawn zombies in the woods, but I get what you two mean. Thank you for elaborating.

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