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Stealthing and what to do about it.

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Right now in the current state of the game, stealthing has become next to impossible. The only way to get to point A to point B without being prone 100% of the time is to physically run there. And that's what everyone does, they just run to where they want and say fuck it to all the zombies that are chasing them because they can just run in a building and lose them. This is what "Stealthing" has degraded into.

My suggestion is to revert back to the previous levels of sight and hearing but with 1 major addition to zombie AI, screaming. Screaming very loud and attracting all zombies within a relatively far radius. This is nothing new for zombie games, but I feel it has a special place in DayZ. The biggest problem I have with the new stealth is not the zombies themselves but the PvP side of quite literally running through town grabbing gear. You make yourself a huge target and if you are anywhere near the other guy it makes in next to impossible to not know where the guy zombies are running after is.

This is not how people would act in a zombie apocalypse, they would be extremely careful not to aggro a single zombie, they would check corners, they would take time, and they would be careful as fuck about where they were and what they did. Previous to stealthing was relatively easy and if you managed to aggro a zed or two it was no big deal, just run off in the woods and kill them. With this addition it would be like walking on eggshells, knowing that 1 wrong move could alert the whole town to your presence.

I'm very interested to hear feedback on this idea, but I think it's fair to say that stealthing and zed mechanics/AI needs some reworking.

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Here's my take on it:

Running: 2 sound, 4 sight

Walking: 1 sound, 4 sight

Crouch Running: 2 sound, 2 sight

Crouch Walking: 1 sound, 1 sight

Prone: 1 sound, 0 sight

And of course, cover bonuses:

When near a bush: -1 sight

When in a bush: -2 sight

When near a tree: -2 sight

When inside of a tree: 0 sight

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Right now in the current state of the game' date=' stealthing has become next to impossible. The only way to get to point A to point B without being prone 100% of the time is to physically run there.[/quote']

i disagree, i had fun sneaking around cherno and elektro without gun

try to use trash cans, and empty bottles to distract zombies... if they patrol at the area where you want to go, just throw a whiskey bottle 20 meters from them and they will slowly follow it and you will have clear path.

i did this and i had only to crouch or crouch walk, never to prone. also it helps to take a melee weapon with you, it is completely noiseless, so if you accidentaly attract one zombie, you can knock him down silently not attracting the others

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I kind of like where it's at right now with sound. The only thing that's bothersome is if they're looking at you they'll see you from pretty far unless you're prone.

Also I think if you're not moving or making any sound and are prone they shouldn't see you at all unless they're less than 2 feet (or 5 if they're looking directly at you). This is of course provided you're laying in a dark lit area or the grass. If you're in the middle of the street or a wide open area then the distance they can see you should be increased.

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Yeah I'm really not have any problems..

You need to adjust to the zombie aggro radius.

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Works right now.

Screaming seems like a cool idea, but I can also see how that could frustrate me.

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