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Third person kills sound?

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I've recently installed Day Z on a new harddrive, and when I try to play it I can get into servers fine. Everything seems normal, but when I press Enter to go into third person the sound drops out completely. Pressing Enter again doesn't bring it back, only a restart of Day Z does but the problem returns the moment I press Enter.


Any idea as to what causes this?

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Quick update, I checked the game cache, it replaced something but didn't fix the problem. Neither did re-installing Arma 2, Operation Arrowhead, and DayZ from scratch.

I even tried on a fresh install of Windows (was about to do it anyways), and the same problem persists.


I've played DayZ on this rig with the same hardware before, but for some reason this time no matter what I do the problem is still there.


Any ideas? Anyone?


New Update: Further exploration shows that it's not Enter specifically that turns off the sound. My keyboard mixes the numpad and the arrowkeys, home, end, delete, etc. I swap between them with numlock. To press enter and go into third person I for some reason need numlock on in DayZ. Opening DayZ with numlock on allowed me to switch to third person without error. Only after pressing numlock again did the sound disappear.


Avoiding numlock for a bit, I noticed that when pressing capslock to use voice the same problem happened AGAIN. So something about the "lock" keys is making DayZ's sound up and leave. For now I've just rebinded voice chat to avoid the "lock" kets. Really odd.

Edited by Shodex

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