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Rōnin Rick

Why are 90% of the servers the same? (114008)

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Almost all the servers are the same damn one, 114008.


I suspect this server also happens to be in another timezone, so if I want to play the game during the day IRL, it's going to be nighttime in-game, which sucks.


So if I want to play during the day both in-game and IRL, I have to join a custom 24/7 daytime server, WITH 20-40 PLAYERS, ALL TRYING TO KILL ME ON SIGHT, assuming hunger doesn't kill me first, because ALL THE FUCKING BUILDINGS ARE ALREADY RANSACKED.


/end rant



Doesn't this seem like a poor design choice? If there is such a lack of server diversity, shouldn't the in-game time of day perhaps be randomized? I'd really like to play on a low-pop server at daytime. Many people would, in fact.




BTW, love the game, just frustrated that I can't gear out my survivor without getting gunned down immediately...

Edited by Rōnin Rick

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114008 is the version number. Of course they'll mostly be the latest version.


I agree, it sucks that 24/7 daylight is accepted on the hive.

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114008 is the game version, not the server name.




Edit: O snap, damn ninjas :lol:

Edited by Romeo Foxtrot

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Ah, many thanks!


But have you guys not noticed that at certain times it seems as though all the regular servers are night-time?


Maybe it's just me. I live in the U.S., however I don't know where most DayZ servers are located. I assume in-game time of day to be synced with the server's local time.



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Ah, many thanks!


But have you guys not noticed that at certain times it seems as though all the regular servers are night-time?


Maybe it's just me. I live in the U.S., however I don't know where most DayZ servers are located. I assume in-game time of day to be synced with the server's local time.




There is not a problem to find daytime servers. Even in the middle of the night. 




if you fin a server witch is almost full, lets say 37/40,  its most likely a day time server. Most people play on daytime servers and therefor people gather together on these servers.




When you see the first column after the server name, it normally say DAYZ_AUTO. But if find Dayz_AUTO its a daytime server. Its easy to spot, because of the small "a", "y" and "z"




You can search for specific words or numbers for server names. If you search "daytime", or "24/7" there is a good chance you make a hit, and the hit you get is 99% certain a daytime server. 


Hope this helps you out. 


And if you don't find any loot. Go away from the coastal area and find a town where no one has gone yet. Or just server jump like almost everyone else..:P

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