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Cheater on Germany 7 on 23/06 3.00 AM GMT+1

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Thet is not a supposition, is a sure fact, and you can verify in your log.

Me ( .:SDH:.funboy ) with some of my friend .:SDH:.Cucukaloo .:SDH:.Julius .:SDH:.pdm.Andreino and Pane77 begin to play Dayz 00.00 GMT+1 and after a run of 2 Hours with some restore point on Novy Saboy etc. we arrive on the Biggest Air Field on the north west of the map ( this is far away from every player respown point.

As you can suppose finally we are all well equiped and around 3.00 a player with name "Paolo" with Guile Suite, Silenced M9, NV, DMR and full ammo shot and kill .:SDH:.Cucukaloo, thats ok! it will append, but .:SDH:.Julius kill him instantly and loot him DMR and other stuff. So ? after less then 120 second he come from another direction and kill .:SDH:.Andreino and .:SDH:.Julius, i'm near and i kill "Paolo" a second time and i loot ALL is fabolouse inventary ( the same full inventary of first time he has killed. My friend pane77 is near of me and ZOOT killed !!!! from who ? The cheater "Paolo" new and full equiped for the 3rd time, so i shot him on the face, but this time he put his "GOD MODE ON" then i die too...

This is a good game, but, if the people cheat and will not be punished we cant have fun, and we will go.

Please verify what i say in log and ban him forever end ever.

Tankyou for collaboration.

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a) you mistaken "Paolo" for 3 different guys (server log could show, NW airfield is a crowded place)


b) "Paolo" escaped the fight by pressing alt+f4 (which is completely legal, his half-dead body stayed there so you could loot it) and reconnected at the last saved position (close to you)

(did the server log say "Paolo was killed." ?)


c) "Paolo" fully equipped himself by hacking and teleporting from the coast in less than 120 seconds

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Dear Gai: We are not bandit, we shot for self defence on him attack.

a and b) Germany 7 is a Regular server THEN We've all seen the name "Paul". We have seen it in the rifle target before pull the trigger, and we seen the text on the chat "PAUL IS KILLED ( Friendly Fire ) from .:SDH:.Julius" the first time, and " Paul è stato ucciso " the other time we kill him.

b) He dont log out cause no one can log out when come headshotted by a full 3 man execution plotoon, and ever when he relogin, he appear near the place where he logout and not at 50 meter behind the shoulder of his raper. b/2) we are not at our first play, we know how to kill a player and prevent ALT+F4. b/3) the area is full of zombie, from the patch of they will disappear istantly on re-login, but this is not appended, the zombie near the are not desapeared on Paolo arrive, then he is not re-logged here but on the cost, full equipped, with a fuking strar treck trycorder to call spock for been teleported behind pane77 shoulder.

c) Thats right.

Please, look the proof on the log before to talk, and forgive me for my english, thet's is the best i can do in this language.

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I and my friend also met Paolo on Chicago server. We saw him in barracks near Airfield and we killed him and his body disappeared. Then he came back in 1(!!!) minute! We killed him again. Disappeared again. Then came back in 30 seconds and killed my friend and hit me. I killed him again and then he AGAIN came back and killed me. He was with DMR. Fucking cheaters! I hope someone will ban this sucker, because I have lost a lot of good equipment :(

Remember that nickname: Paolo

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if you need some proof we record ALL our game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCLQP7NPLtU at 45.00 min you can see the first time "Paolo" DIE. after that you simple look your game log to see paolo as killed 2 time in in 3 minutes at same spot far not les then 30 minutes of run from EVERY respawn point on the map. that is a sure TELEPORT cheat.

Ban him and other cheater or our clan will ask you back the money payed for arma 2 OA and our over 30 other player will never come in to play with us with your mod. Tankyou.

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if you need some proof we record ALL our game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCLQP7NPLtU at 45.00 min you can see the first time "Paolo" DIE. after that you simple look your game log to see paolo as killed 2 time in in 3 minutes at same spot far not les then 30 minutes of run from EVERY respawn point on the map. that is a sure TELEPORT cheat.

Ban him and other cheater or our clan will ask you back the money payed for arma 2 OA and our over 30 other player will never come in to play with us with your mod. Tankyou.

Funboy for a start you cannot get your money back because your unhappy that there are cheaters in an online game, and this is not a retail game think of it as a free pass to test out a potential future game.

But i do feel for you, our little group of survivors have also encountered these type of cheaters a few times in the past few weeks it is very depressing. We'd make a post here but unfortunately lack the needed evidence hopefully as this game progresses these type of cheaters will get caught.

In the mean time we will not let these gaming trolls ruin our fun of this great mod and I hope this Paolo guy if he is cheating gets a ban.

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b) "Paolo" escaped the fight by pressing alt+f4 (which is completely legal.........

errr... alt+f4ing to avoid death isn't legal. I'm quoting rocket here:

"Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit."


Gaidoon - bitter? Because someone is a bandit they deserve to bear the brunt of a cheater? Your logic needs some work.

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@Lumberjack: tankyou for your post, i understand we cant call back our money, but... cheaters smell like shit and the genius who create this beautifull mod, need to take a position, or with the players, or with the cheater, we are only asking here to take a choice... so we can take us decision about play or not play.

@Waken: thanks, but do not waste time responding to Gaidon, he not worth the toilet paper you wipe your ass in the morning.


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Ban him and other cheater or our clan will ask you back the money payed for arma 2 OA and our over 30 other player will never come in to play with us with your mod. Tankyou.

I lol'd...

well... with that attitude...

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If this happens to you, after 4 our of continuos play, 11 km walk, I'm not sure if you'd be happy right now, rather I know you will be pissed off exactly like us ... but as the Italian proverb says: "They're all good to be gay, with the others' ass".

We are only asking for a offcial replay of the devs on the politics against the cheater, and we want to see how many time a trasversal ban need to be setup an all server after to proof are sended to the staff.

That is very important to us before to spent money in a server here in Italy, cause we can happly play a development stadium game, full of bug , and with a lot of crash, but we cant play a game full of cheaters.

so waiting for DayZ rappresentative comment.



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I understand you are angry, but you should step back and take a few things into consideration.

First, you will never get anywhere threatening to boycott the game, there are just too many DayZ players now, so the impact of one clan leaving the game seem trivial, despite the clan being 30 members strong. Threatening to leave makes you sound like a child.

Second, you didn't buy DayZ, and have never given the creator of DayZ, Dean Hall, anything. You bought a game called ArmA2 and its sequel, Operation Arrowhead from Bohemia Interactive Studio. You then downloaded DayZ; a *free*, still-in-development zombie apocalypse mod that happens to use those two games for its engine.

If you still insist you are owed a refund, you must contact the retail store or online service you purchased Arma2 from. However, when they ask you why you need a refund, you probably will not be able to use the excuse that a "third party, alpha stage mod has a cheater that killed me once". I'm sure the people you speak to will explain that Bohemia Interactive is not responsible for third party individuals programing mods that use their title for its engine, nor are they responsible for the development of DayZ, nor for any exploits that DayZ might still have. If you read the end user license for that product, I'm positive it spells all that out for you. In short, ArmA2 is not the defective product, its the third party mod that you are complaining about.

Third, you need to realize this is not a finished game. This is an open, public test. The finished game might not even use ArmA2 or ArmA3 for its engine. This public test, or "Alpha", is just to flesh out the game mechanics and get feedback from the public. It would be far less stressful if you just remember that the game is probably not even 10% finished at this point. Of course there will be exploits that need to be fixed. There have already been a lot of bugs and exploits squashed already. Just look at the release notes for the past updates. Every one of them has a bug fix or an exploit countermeasure.

Fourth, if the developers find out that that the guy who you claim cheated, actually did cheat, they might not even know how. They might not take any action against him till they figure out what he is doing, and thus, they cannot reply to this thread yet.

And, finally, my fifth point.... even if there was a cheater as you claim, and the developers know about him, and know how he did it, and how to close the exploit, they might not have time to get to it right away if its not a widely used exploit. Frankly, if you have 100 people shooting rocket launchers at you, you are not going to worry so much about the lone guy throwing rocks at you. You take care of the biggest threats first.

Basically, you and I have no way of knowing what is going on with the development stuff, they might have already found and fixed the exploit in the next hotfix, but not told anyone about it, to keep it from being abused till they can get the hotfix released. Chill out, nothing is gonna happen as soon as you demand it. Its only been 2 days and you are ranting about one cheater in a early development video game mod that you downloaded for free. Try to put things in perspective here. You probably have running water, plenty of food, access to quality healthcare, and obviously, stable internet, and a computer that can run ArmA2. You are clearly better off than 95% of the worlds population.

TLDR: Early alpha software, its not perfect. Its free, runs on top of paid games. You are clearly having "First world problems", get over yourself.

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Tankyou for the time needed to set up a great answer like that you do.

For sure I'm the god favorite side of the world, I know that, and for your information in real life I'm politically envolved to solve the most of the problem of our earth by proposing with a group of activist new solutins for golbally and territorialy old problems.

In my free time, to dissipate the stress accumulated on work and political activity I play some game like this, but to make the game usefull for my mental re-equilibration i need to play a far game.

We come from battlefield 3, and there are also cheater there but the policy against this pleague is clairy: you cheat once and you will be bannede ever on all server via punkbuster ( your ip will be banned, your game guid will be banned, and in some case the md5 and hash of your hardware will be banned ) .

I'm not asking so much, i know there is no possible to make a "Exploit free" game, i only want to hear : " Yes we are working on a good anticheat mode to ban proofed chaters forever and server orizzontally on this game " and i will sleep happy.

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