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How do you protect yourself against betrayal?

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Found a link over on Reddit about player interactions on DayZ and a lot of it was centered around trying to figure out if a player is about to betray you or not (or if they are friendly at all). It got me wondering: What signs do you look for when you've come into contact with another player?

If I can get a quick clean magnum headshot in or not.

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It seems at this point you can't really trust anyone. Most people will gun you down without even a chat if you aren't fresh spawn geared. If you want to band up with someone, just set simple ground rules.

If both of you are armed, you both keep your distance. Weapons will be out of course, and you won't take your eyes off that guy most likely. The whole part of this game is to test that part of yourself that asks "Is it worth it to have an extra ally if I have to pay attention to see if he will betray me?"

If the answer is no for you, then roll solo. 

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From my experience, players that talk in a high voice or one that sounds like it might be some fake voice they just put on. Players who are slow to respond, likely because they are on teamspeak or skype (this is bad for you). Or players who are constantly trying to get close to you, especially if they have no gun, but if they have a gun and they are putting distance between you and them, that can also be a sign. Also, if they excessively justify reasons they are friendly, or keep saying friendly, or try to prove to you that they are friendly.

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I can tell you that playing with people that you actually know doesn't protect you from betrayal.

Not that it was an incident from SA, but from a MUD with permadeath - where I was betrayed by someone I had played with for 2½ years, which was also someone I talked with outside of the game.

Then you don't really know that person  :rolleyes:


Imo, betrayal amongst  real friends shouldn't happen. If it does, they were never your friend to begin with lolz. Someone you just met with the last week on these forums to play with are not your friends and you should be cautious among them. But like others said, betrayal is part of the game, but imo it's that person's fault for being betrayed to begin with.

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Then you don't really know that person  :rolleyes:


Imo, betrayal amongst  real friends shouldn't happen. If it does, they were never your friend to begin with lolz. Someone you just met with the last week on these forums to play with are not your friends and you should be cautious among them. But like others said, betrayal is part of the game, but imo it's that person's fault for being betrayed to begin with.


I would say I knew him, he had started planning that betrayal for about a year before he actually did it. Can't say I blame him, he played it pretty well I must say.

I have done similar things against real life friends, although not on perma-death servers - but killing your real life friends and looting their corpses, or luring them into traps. As long as it fits the character.

The only thing I wouldn't do is loot someone's corpse just to delete their items or sell their items to npcs. Need to have a fair chance of getting their stuff back, with or without the help of friends.

People need to stop taking things so damn personally. It's a game, spice it up - and as a personal rule, make sure that it is on equal playing grounds. No point in killing someone that can't defend themself...

unless you're a coward that is.


I'd rather die from another player's betrayal than from spawning on a server where you can't do jackshit and a zombie kills you. Any day of the week, except Tuesday mornings.

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If you speak to them and they don't reply but come towards you. Fuck no. Either warn them to stay back or shoot them. You have half a second to decide.

Other people will disagree here, but whoever has the gun pointed first is in control. I have had people at gunpoint, and I ensure my safety and let them know they can get out of this alive if they stay cool. It is not like a movie where two people will have a stand-off with guns pointed and sort it out. That sort of tension is going to explode at any moment. If you are at gunpoint and you get a sense they are going to torment you. Don't pull your gun out, they will kill you before you have a chance to point it. If you can, run for cover before getting your gun out. It is strange, there is actually a lot of body language to be observed in Dayz, as limited as it is.

As an example, if you hold some-one else up from a hidden position and tell them not to move, and they use their headlook and stay silent, they are probably trying to find you to turn on you.

If you are holding some-one up and trying to avoid killing them, be careful with your tone. Be firm, but don't act like a massive bad-ass. Don't laugh at them like they are a play thing. Mutual respect is an important thing to establish.

And then again, there is always the chance that a fuckwit is going to use this kind of playbook to fuck with you. It's all dangerous and exciting.

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Shooting them first is an effective protection against betrayal.

Edited by Metalunatic

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Every moment you spend in DayZ with a stranger carries the risk of them killing you. There is no way to avoid that possibility short of avoiding strangers altogether. I've fooled dozens of people, across my whole playtime, into turning their back on me so I could cleanly and safely extract all their loot with my melee weapon or pistol. I doubt there was any way they could tell what I was going to do, to be honest, or anything they could have done to prevent it. It's the apocalypse, if you want to run around trusting people that's your call, but I wouldn't recommend it... you might run into me :D

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If you're the one in control you can determine the sort of mood of things.

If I find an unarmed player and I'm armed than it is a lot more likely that I would be the one to be able to betray him not the other way round.

If I find a player with a melee weapon and I'm armed then obviously I'm a little more cautious and make sure I am infront or a distance between him.

If we both have guns he'd be dead :)

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