Gandalf (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Silly title i know( i DONT MEAN NONREALISTIC ZOMBIES). I created this account just to state the issue with the new zombies in the most recent patch. I didnt not proof read and edit this post because i do not care C: 1. How impossible it is to shoot them while they chase you. just.. no. I cant. i mean one zombie is fairly easy to get down, two is just about the same. but once i have Three zombies, im struggling very hard to stop them. *This becomes a major issue to me because i do not play in major cities. i explore the rural areas as i found a extremely powerful gear. I just cant stop them. i just cant. There is no buildings to run into when im being chased, i fire my weapons, and sometimes even the makorave is as loud as a enfield. I attract more zombies then i have killed. i must run. To where tho? I hate to admit it but sometimes i am forced to DC because im so overwhelmed. 2. The zombies power to scratch you mercilessly with every strike. By this i mean I BLEED EVERY CONFRONTATION I AM IN. I do not have that many band-aids at hand to subdue all these cuts and scratches. DA FU*( is this. Play stealthy you will say, i know. i do.. But sometimes theres just that one bugger that finds you, and what do you know!>?!? you bleed.3. My greatest concern. WHY DO THEY KNOCK YOU OUT SO EASILY.i will not be in any fight for maybe two hours on end!!! il have around 11k blood and some fat russian guy with a broken leg knocks me out by touching my?? If were going for realism i dont want to be knocked out with one blow. Its just insane. It ruins the game at times, i really rage quit when that happens. You basically are DEAD if you are knocked out at ANYTIME during a zombie fight. even ONE can destroy you. my concern/ rage is with how powerful this last patch has made them. I am DOWN for all the great AI improvements in in the awareness category but i just cant stand how powerful they are. One zombie fight (with multiple zombies) can leave you with -6k blood. That only happened to me back in the old days when i was being chased by a horde.sorry for the grammatical issues and such. im just sad to see the day a fat russian guy in a myth busters hat can knock me out in one touch and kill me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Imbalanxd 59 Posted June 23, 2012 When you alert zombies and you have no where indoors to run to, you screwed up. Screwing up is ill advised in DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nombot 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Zombies aren't actually real. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duskling 1 Posted June 23, 2012 I agree with everything said in the post above.A Major issue you forgot is that zombies run forever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gandalf (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 i guess u can say i goofed. but honestly u cant say u havent alerted zeds outdoors without buildings to go into. And you know the burden it pains you. This is a simulator. I can simulate my self shooting a middle aged zombiefied russian guy without him doing triathlon sprints and dashes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathpony (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 you say that zombies are to "unreal" .. when you look at it there is nothing realistic about a zombie. in my opinion if you are detected by a zed and have no building to run into, then just start running! head for the woods with thick brush, if there is nothing around then keep running until you find something. the fact that they can fuck you up with ease makes the game challenging . that's part of the day z exp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gandalf (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 I dont mean UNREAL as in REAL LIFE. Its just an expression.. like Christ, its hard mode on level 200 expert setting. I dont tottally have an issue with the zeds chasing its the fact that im ALWAYS bleeding after EVERY SINGLE confrontation. EVERY SINGLE ONE!! The first touch when you spawn still causes an instant bleed. I dont understand >.> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sqpantz 0 Posted June 23, 2012 im just sad to see the day a fat russian guy in a myth busters hat can knock me out in one touch and kill me.:DI had a good laugh. I knew I recognized that SOB from somewhere!I don't have too much of a problem with how strong they are (aside from being able to break your leg in one punch) but spawning with nothing can be frustrating with crappy loot luck.Last couple of spawns, whether I have somewhere indoors to run or not, the bastards seem to follow me indoors and scratch me to death. They seem to know I have nothing to defend myself with. If you don't find a weapon in first four of five loot areas you risk your life going into, odds are that you'll eventually aggro one zed and then you're f'd. Start me out with a hatchet/crowbar at least! I seriously doubt anyone (especially someone apparently afflicted with Osteogenesis imperfecta) would have the balls to venture out into a zombie infested world armed with nothing but a band-aid & some Tylenol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beloozero 118 Posted June 23, 2012 Hatchets and crowbars are more often-occurring than guns so keep looking and you'll eventually find one. However, the crowbar is a pile of moose doo-doo. It takes 3-4 hits to drop a zombie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gandalf (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 I seriously doubt anyone (especially someone apparently afflicted with Osteogenesis imperfecta) would have the balls to venture out into a zombie infested world armed with nothing but a band-aid & some Tylenol.lmfao. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Oh so wait... I think you didn't understand the point of this game... You must NOT survive. You are trapped in a freakin hostile world where every inhabitant have been infected with a disease that boosts their strength, aggressiveness and speed. You SHOULDN'T be able to shoot at 3 men running at twice your own speed while running backwards. This is not L4D, there is no point A to B to win, no justice. And yes, I also almost bleed every moderate to major encounters I have with Zeds. That's why I keep it to the minimum amount. This isn't a shoot'em all, it's a survival. And btw, you wonder how they can knock you out so easily ? Just try fighting with any man that weights 100 more pounds than you, who doesn't pain, doesn't hesitate to punch you as hard as he can and can actually hit about twice as hard as he should. THAT is Day Z ! YOU shall NOT survive :Dnot even sorry for the long and horrifying post ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted June 23, 2012 It's ridiculous that zombies can break a limb on the first hit.There should be a chance of a breaking a limb after the fifth hit from a zombie within 5 minutes. While the unconsciousness issue should be dealt in a similar way but the blood level should have to be <8000 and the knock out chance should appear again after the fifth hit within five minutes. Bleeding should similar, a chance after the third hit within 5 minutes. The bleeding effect should be much more devestating, but you don't lose blood every zombie hit. Zombies should be much slower, not a John Romero speed or the indoor speed, but they keep the same speed everywhere except climbing slopes. I feel this would be a realistic addition to the game. They're decomposing piles of flesh, rural middle-aged Jamie Hynemans (the guy with the beret from MythBusters, an awesome program) not some fucking Austrian body-builder runner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badmethod 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Hatchets and crowbars are more often-occurring than guns so keep looking and you'll eventually find one. However' date=' the crowbar is a pile of moose doo-doo. It takes 3-4 hits to drop a zombie.[/quote']^^ What he said. The little axe is the go and they are all over the place. Hell I even prefer it to the old Makarov that I used to spawn with. Kinda silly how I have to reload it though hehe. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites