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potential TPV/3RD-person-hate-fix by *cough, cough*

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Solution: Remove the ADS accuracy from 3rd person and increase the time it takes to switch between views by adding a slower camera change and *кашель* hip fire accuracy.

Currently, when you fire in third person, your character raises his weapon and then fires just as accurately you could in first person view if you could compensate for the inaccuracy, which is always much lower than the crosshair dot.

A player with enough experience to anticipate the perceived lower trajectory could dominate anyone in first person view assuming he could click the mouse button fast enough.

With enough experience using the current the third person view, you could dominate anyone playing in FP. Combine this with the ability to look around any corner in absolute safety. this completely destroys any reason to use the FPV. In combat, an experienced player can use the current system to do nothing but "run and gun" high value coastal towns or military hotspots. This partly explains the newspawn player's tears.

Adjusting the time it takes to gain the current ADS accuracy would potentially prohibit rapid twitch kills from quick switch style players or panicky survivors and this much would at least break some player's dependency from their third person shooter twitch instincts.

TLDR: reduce third person accuracy greatly, increase transition time between views.

Reduction of third person spotting could also be solved by one of the various adjustable third person view proposals based on distance from object or whether a player is "in" a building or not. Blah.

I am a diehard third person shooter but I've been converted by a decent rig and quality gameplay.



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How does that solve the "peek around corners" issue?


I think we should stop trying to solve the 3pp issue, it should be people who play in 3pp trying to justify the retardness behind it becuase so far I haven't seen one solid argument to keep it in the game.

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Yeah errase everything that stops DayZ to become a CS or COD. Lets make everyone run with gun on hip and shoot like in Sirious Sem

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Another thread on 3PP that doesn't address the problem with 3PP. The issue isn't shooting accuracy, it's seeing over/around things you can't from 1PP as Awruk said. There's a huge thread in the General section already, we do not need another one.

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Yeah, erase everything that keeps DayZ from becoming another CS or COD. Let's make everyone run with gun on hip and shoot like in Serious Sam


Cleaned it up a bit Electi, hope you don't mind, but pretty much my thoughts. This was never even an issue when the game was a mod of ARMA II. Now that DayZ has become 'commercial' all the twitch FPS players bought into it & suddenly we have a 1PP vs. 3PP war.


How the shit do you even know when someone has killed you "exploiting" third-person? What does it matter? If you die, you're dead. It's DayZ; respawn, cry, bitch on the forums, do what you have to do, etc, but get over it though.


Pointless argument is pointless. You're never going please everyone because kids NEED to whine about something. Perfect example is BF4. You say "head-glitching," back in my day that was called "taking cover."


Example two. I play solo 90% of the time. Surely this would entitle me to report clans who exploit teamspeak to call up mates & hunt me down across map then? Well they have the god-like ability to whisper sweet nothings mysteriously to friends 7km away, while I, unfortunately, cannot. Sounds like a pretty fucking epic cheat to me.


Basically, you died in a game with guns that is competitive & you have to blame anything but yourself. While I agree it's good to discuss topics, this one has been beaten into a fine red mist. Leave me to my 3PP servers & go shoot each other in your "hardcore ultra-realistic 15 degree field of view 1PP servers."


So immersive


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Another thread on 3PP that doesn't address the problem with 3PP. The issue isn't shooting accuracy, it's seeing over/around things you can't from 1PP as Awruk said. There's a huge thread in the General section already, we do not need another one.


I'm addressing the other major issue with third person view, the shooting from third person.  There are already a lot of solid solutions to the peak around the corner issue. By gimping the players ability to quickly switch views and not allowing them to panic shoot in third with much accuracy, there will be less incentive to use it in high risk areas.


Cleaned it up a bit Electi, hope you don't mind, but pretty much my thoughts. This was never even an issue when the game was a mod of ARMA II. Now that DayZ has become 'commercial' all the twitch FPS players bought into it & suddenly we have a 1PP vs. 3PP war.

We've been having this debate for as long as I can remember. It's not new and has nothing to do with the DayZ becoming "commercial".

Edited by SausageKingofChicago

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