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Zombies became too unfair/super senses (hearing). Cannot sneak by them anymore.

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I started playing at 1.7.0, and I had a blast. You could legitimately sneak buy zombies and get pretty close to them. For example you could couch walk right behind them and pop them in the head. They would hear you if you ran right up behind them, but not walking. You could sneak in cherno pretty quickly and use moderate awareness around you to not attract attention.

I then updated to, and imho the zed awarness and senses have become worse to a point of just unfair and annoying, to a point where its unplayable in the beginning.

You can not sneak by any zombies without one of them hearing you from a significant distance away. I can't even go into simple buildings anymore without them detecting me, let alone major cities. This most likely has to do with hearing becuase I make sure im not in any zeds line of site, and crouch run by them at significant distances away. Then for some reason some random zombie through bushes or past houses that far away hears me, turns, and aggros. It sucks that I could legitamatly and carefully sneak into towns and cities without being detected, but when you do the same in, it doesnt work.

In combination with this, and the fact that you have no way to defend yourself at all, I find it unplayable compared to 1.7.0. I have heard split responses to the people I asked in-game. Half agreed and half said to deal with it. I tried dealing with it multiple times but it just feels unfair.

I mean what the heck are you supposed to do if the most basic loot is in buildings with zombies in them, and you can not defend yourself? It is already impossible to get into a single building without aggroing some random zombie plus you now start with nothing....

Just my take on the recent update.

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You should have seen the monsters :D

There are some problems with spotting through walls when they're really close ..

But who really cares about aggro when you're inside a building?

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I disagree, sure they can hear a bit too well when you're inside buildings (but apparently that will be fixed once 1.7.2 rolls around), however beyond that they're rather decently balanced. They're not the dumbass I can sprint around cherno without aggroing anything zombies they used to be, and they're not the superman zombies of

There's always room for tweaking but I'm content with where they are right now, you actually need to sneak to get around without aggroing a zombie or two.

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I will have to say that the zombies are a lot better than they were in the last release - I gave up sneaking into cities, instead running into town like a madman pulling as many zombies as i could before they caught up with me.

If you can find a hatchet, it makes a great improvised weapon once you get the hang of it. I usually let the Zeds get in front of me, and swing at them as i back up. This can minimize the chances of them scoring a serious hit on you.

I tend to crouch walk in towns or near zombie haunts, but prefer to crawl once I start to hear them. The other plus is that they are much easier to outsmart with the latest update. If they lose sight, you can often get away without alerting the horde. :)

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I agree with the hearing aspect, but that's all.

What's silly is the movement and it's affect on audibility. You move slower if you crouch-run sideways, therefore you have lower audibility than if you crouch-run forward. Another example; if you prone-crawl forward you are one tick higher in audibility, if you prone-crawl forward AND left, or backwards you are silent because you are ever so slightly slower. This encourages retarded crab walking and special olympics crawling behavior as to avoid our extremely loud movements near ever present zombies. Either make the threshold for the undeads hearing higher to aggro, or adjust the speed at which you have to move for the audibility ticks of our different movement speeds, at least to not encourage prone-crawling backwards into a town or crab walkin in like some asshole with a flashlight. Also dead bodies should not transmit colds, off topic sorry.

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We are probably playing two different games or i can't explain how it's possible that i can sneak around em easily (

There's so much ppl that pretends to be invisible... how the hell you imagine to not being see by another person by running in front of him? Are you serious?

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As a newbie, its very hard to sneak past zombies, even while prone. A zombie could be 10 feet away from me and instantly notice me while i am prone, its quite annoying, the lack of a weapon doesn't help too much either. I have to get them following me, and run like hell for 10 minutes, until i get to a building where i can lose them, rinse and repeat, due to my lack of finding a weapon.

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lol I was gonna say where the hell were you when was released. But someone beat me to it.

Whatever the release patch, never think that is how things will stay. It's still in development and as we saw in just a few days zombies can go from morons who cant catch anything to laser guided death machines and then back to something of normality again.

I fully expect many aspects of the mod to go one way or the other completely off the chart during this alpha. At times I have had to stop play and wait for a fix. This is the way it is and the game we test and play.

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I'm not sure what's happened but I was on the top floor of a 3 story building prone, I finally lost a zombie that was chasing me. I stood up, into crouch mode and instantly pulled every zombie on the ground. I had no weapon or bandages left so I had to die.

I can't really get around anywhere without prone now. They hear me easily around buildings, fences, and 3 stories up from the ground. I'm not one to bitch about the game being too hard, I like a challenge but this is a bit much.

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Yea zombies were god like... But now it isn't so bad!! You can be about 10 ft away from them while prone and be fine, just don't move or accidentally stand up.

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I'm not going to bother really reading the posts. All I have to say is that the game runs smooth as a babys bottom. I died after 2 weeks of living off the land and as soon as I spawned I went through Solnichy (however you spell it) and I did get chased by zombies but after cutting a corner or going into a building and exiting through the other end i lost em. even found a makarov and en field... soo..maybe DayZ is weeding out the rookies from the pro's.

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Yea zombies were god like... But now it isn't so bad!! You can be about 10 ft away from them while prone and be fine' date=' just don't move or accidentally stand up.


This is unavoidable at some buildings.

I've alerted plenty of zombies due to my guy starting to stand up, while I'm crawling into a building. For example, at the northern airfield by the hangars, I was crawling all the way to the entrance when suddenly my character begins to SPRINT by the entrance of it, alerting perhaps 5-10 zombies.

Get's really frustrating after a while.

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I've raided multiple helo crashes in and the zombie density around those makes it look like a zombie dance party. Yet, in-and-out, grab loot and scoot and I haven't angered any of them yet.

Just go prone sooner, and keep your distance. Observe the zombies paths/trajectories and time your movement in conjunction so your path does not intersect theirs.

If you must enter a building, check the surroundings in advance and try and peek to the interior or listen for interior zombies.

In short, be carefully, plan ahead and use your senses to the best of your ability to stay alive. Just like you would do in real life if you were surrounded by thousands of mindless, infected killing machines.

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i just HATE thos army zombies, already the second time, that it senses me through walls, crawling, comes around and breaks my effin' legs. i never have seen any morphine the last few versions. and crawling around on a 225 square km place is too stupid so i have to kill myself again and start from the beginning

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I will have to say that the zombies are a lot better than they were in the last release - I gave up sneaking into cities' date=' instead running into town like a madman pulling as many zombies as i could before they caught up with me.

If you can find a hatchet, it makes a great improvised weapon once you get the hang of it. I usually let the Zeds get in front of me, and swing at them as i back up. This can minimize the chances of them scoring a serious hit on you.

I tend to crouch walk in towns or near zombie haunts, but prefer to crawl once I start to hear them. The other plus is that they are much easier to outsmart with the latest update. If they lose sight, you can often get away without alerting the horde. :)


Is this how rocket envisioned us dealing with zombies in this survival horror game? Running into town, train them all then los and reset them? As if we are exploiting a leash mechanic in world of warcraft?

I think a lot of this would be solved with introducing a non violent method of dealing with zombies, whether it is throwing trash to get them to investigate, or giving us the ability to melee with our fists. But if im supposed to start a new meta of training then leashing im not playing.

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I'm not quite sure what the OP is talking about, but I spent an hour or so yesterday crouch-walking near large groups of zeds in Cherno without any issues. You can easily get within 10 metres of a zed as long as they aren't facing directly towards you.

I even started running just to make a zombie train, but after turning a few corners, 3/4 of the zeds lost line of sight and stopped chasing. Too easy.

Don't forget; empty cans/bottles are incredibly useful for distracting/drawing zeds out and away from buildings. They're arguably the single most effective item if you need to stealth-raid cities and towns.

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I didn't start playing until a few days ago, and honestly it would seem that I should be really glad that I didn't have to adapt to this AI-awareness update. I'm extremely cautious around zombies, especially in more populated areas, and thus I have few run-ins with them due to my extreme conscientiousness around them.

I say adapt and overcome. The game isn't "too hard" now, since evidently a noobie like myself can get around them in even the most populated areas (Berezino, heavily-aggroed Cherno, etc.) you just need to slow the fuck down when you're going around places and be more aware of your surroundings.

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Ahah.. you know what? The first day i've played DayZ i've ecountered more "experienced" players, and i seen em running in the middle of zeds groups, and i were like: HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOIIIIIIING!! DON'T GO THERE.. YOU GONNA DIE!! ... lolz.. there were so many guys playing with this careless style (because they are used to play the traditional FPS's and have no patience for a slow paced game) that i felt the "wrong" one (too care).

But finally the recent patches adjusted that brainless behaviour, and now you really have to think of what you're doing: the zeds are the CENTER element of this game, this game is called DayZ for a reason... but ppl were used to treat em just like an additional unnecessary element.. no guys: YOU SHOULD FEAR THE ZEDS .. or the game will loose it's purpose.

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1.7.5 is fine..hard but you can do it. Managed to sneak through Vybor..nedded 45 mins with my team but we did it. There where like 100 Zombies but it was cool..

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my main issue is them seeing and/or hearing you through walls and objects. as well as them then walking through the wall to get you. it sucks when you're outside, they're inside a building, you can't see them (although you can usually hear them), and then they just walk through the wall and attack you. as it is now, you just have to be aware and try to avoid these things

issues where it takes you out of prone suck as well. and of course breaking your leg when crawling through a door or whatever

the way the terrain changes can be annoying too. you could be crouch-walking along through the grass with 1-2 'sight bars', then step on some mystery gravel, your bars shoot up to 4-5, and zeds see you

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