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Any stories you feel bad about?

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I feel terribly guilty. Maybe it will pass with time.

I'm basically a helpless noobie at the moment. I've been a few fights, killed in self defence, but thats it.

After a long hard day getting start-up gear I'm on the run to meet up with friends.

I am shot at a bit earlier but I escape. I meet a guy, possibly the shooter, but no way of knowing.

He is well geared, looks to have a rifle. I say into my mic: "I have well armed friends coming, are you friendly?"

He doesn't respond for a while and tension is ramping. Then he types: "lol yeah, need any help bro?"

I shoot him three times in the chest with my piddly revolver. I loot his ak, his map, everything. He's been surviving for days it seems. He has a map with a ton of locations marked off, all the materials for cooking and hunting.

I don't know why I shot him. Maybe it was the stress of this game. I didn't plan on it. In-fact I wanted to be a survivor.

Now I'm not so sure. Its a damn intense game, and I'm going a little crazy playing it. Gonna take some time off. This is somewhat of an actual moral quandry for me.

Don't get me wrong, I think its totally cool for people to be bandits, thats working as intended. I just don't know If that is what I wanna do.

But fuck it....right?

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So I'm running through the woods to meet up with my friend at a halfway point near a lake, when he shouts over ts about finding a car. Finally! He says it's in pretty good shape, but doesn't have a lot of gas. He picks me up on the road, and we park near a deer stand, and hide the car as best we can. Well, our search of the nearby town and buildings yielded nothing in the way of car parts or fuel, so we figured we would just try and make it as far as we could on the little gas that was left.

Turns out, that wasn't very far. We got a good ways down the mountain, but at last, the car sputtered and died. Oh well. Fuck it. We hop out of the car...right into someone's camp. They've got an ATV, a goddamn ural, and an s1203 party bus, all in working condition. We looted all of them, and threw the supplies in the van, (four full jerry cans) which was already in the green and all systems go. Before we left, we blew up our mini, the ATV, and the ural. If I could have taken a crap in their tent, I would have. Enjoy, Seattle 88.

Oh right, I'm supposed to feel bad about something. I feel bad that I also didn't take the ATV.

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I'm going through a supermarket in Elektro as I walk behind the counter into the back rooms of the Market I look to my left and see a guy directly in front of me staring at me with an AK in his hands. He says in direct chat "Hey man, are you friendly?" But before he finishes his sentence I (just panicked by this guy sneaking up on me) start spraying rounds everywhere. Just before he bled out n the floor I heard him say "Seriously? You're a fucking dick." I felt shitty because is he didn't surprise me I wouldn't have shot him and even teamed with him, but his loot was nice :3

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Never feel bad about anything.

One made me laugh:

Me and a buddy went to the barn north of cherno, saw a guy in. He was stuck, so we said we were friendly. Some other guy with no weapons runs in and lays down.

We help the guy get out and right after we kill him.

All we hear from him is, "Aw, you guys are assholes."

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I was in Cherno recently, after I was sniped on the Balota Airfield by some guy, and I made my way to the apartments adjacent to the isolated hospital.

I saw a guy by the hospital with a Lee Enfield in a Ghillie suit camping in a corner by the hospital ladder around the back. He saw me for sure, but he did not shoot me. I'm not sure if this is because I didn't have a gun, but regardless I ran to the apartments.

Inside the apartments I found a Makarov with one magazine, so I run back to the back of the hospital. The guy in the Ghillie suit was still there, but this time he didn't see me approach as he was looting a medical supply box.

I unloaded every bullet into this guy's head. I kinda felt sorry for that bastard, until I realised he had a map, compass, watch and 7 whole mags for the Enfield along with some medical supplies.

Those mags were useful, they allowed me to kill a further two people before I dropped the Enfield. God speed.

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I hagve a story that tops most, and actually made me change my in gmae name and stop playing dayz for a week or two... lol.

So me and my friend were derpoing around in chermo with a winny, and he had to dc, so i was sitting there flipping through my music looking for a good tune, then i hear over direct chat "HEY! hey you". I started freaking out and looking everywhere. "Hey you! im up here in the building". I looked uip and he was in a two story house looking through a window. He told me to come up and i did.

We shared some sotries and food and stuff, trading like good peiople, and normally i dont kill outright. He was saying something and i thought it would be HILARIOUS if i killed him ( i dont know what the hell i was thinking) So i shot him and made him pass out, then started teabagging in front of him, then threw a grenade and blew up the whole room lolz. I felt so bad di changed my in game name and took a long break from day z, and to the person i did that too, im sorry i was a ick, and i hope you dont find out who i am :/

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The other night just outside of Polana me and my mate found a crashed helicopter site. After completely cleaning it out we retreated to the bushes nearby and took a break, apon coming back i could hear multiple shots nearby (they were loud, most likely a carbine). Then someone in the sidechat asks if anybody has morphine. My response of course was:

"are you in Polana?"

he replied that he was and a zombie had broken his legs, we told him help was on the way and booked it to a hillside overlooking the town. Then we spot him... crawling just over 50m away, the countryside echoes with our shots and he's quickly killed.

Only reason i feel bad is after checking the body he had absolutely nothing of interest to us, better than going in giving him morphine and having him shoot us in the back as we're leaving.

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Me and my friends were looting a shop i think it was in berezino. Well we were five guys and after some time someone appeared at the backdoors. he asked if he can come in because he need food and somehing to drink. we said yes but he should lower his weapon. he was really surprised because we were so many :D

after sometime we decided to kill him because he could follow us and ambush us (bit paranoid ;) ) he came back to the backdoors and just started to say something when 4 guys of us started shooting at him... he had nothing special expect that alice pack i took.

i feel sorry for him. dude if you read this: sorry about that ;(

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There's a couple of stories I feel generally bad about. Like one time in Elektro or Chern a couple of days ago. After I died I've been trying to get good loot in one of the big cities before I start my journey into the forest and beyond. I either die of zeds or other bandits. Just got a decent gear so I decide to head for the exit. One guy comes running towards me with 15 zeds on his tail. I decide to do the right ting. Shoot him in the legs. I made a run for the top of the hospital and watched him getting eaten. When thing had calmed down I tried to head for the exit again. This time a guy comes crawling across the road. I ask him if his friendly, and he says help me. He got a sniper rifle I sorta wants. I give him some painkillers so he wont shoot me but I dont want to spend my morphine on him so I say Im all out. I assist him to the hospital, at least almost. Across the road I start firing at a Z and bails. He has no chance and I get my sniper rifle.

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In the Russian forum I believe their version of this "Any stories you feel bad about?" thread has people regaling each other of those times when they didn't shoot on sight. Apparently some of them are really cut up about the time they bandaged complete strangers

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In the Russian forum I believe their version of this "Any stories you feel bad about?" thread has people regaling each other of those times when they didn't shoot on sight. Apparently some of them are really cut up about the time they bandaged complete strangers

Russians are dog-people.

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I was being shot at' date=' so I logged out and went to a different server and got behind the guys, jumped back onto the original server and came up behind the two and just unloaded my M14 into them.


now thats a tad distasteful if I say so myself dude. if your gonna log out in a fire fight just go to a different server. Its abusing the game when you do that.

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OK this is pretty bad I guess.

Me and some mates where cruising the cost in a PBX and saw a group of three people swimming to Drakon. We promptly pulled the boat over to the coast and I ended them with 1014 pellets.

The reason that they where swimming to Drakon is that earlier in the night I had marked a Heli crashite as being on the island in the Map.

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I have never even taken a shot at another player, let alone killed someone.

I think it's rude. :angel:

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I have never even taken a shot at another player' date=' let alone killed someone.

I think it's rude. :angel:


This is the wrong forum for you.

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Got an AS50, camped out a hill at Stary, sniped some server hoppers at 600m+ and didn't loot any of them.

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My friend and I were heading north from (I think) Komarovo. My friend was spotting his new Enfield, I think I had an AK74. We seen some guy, so we stop and look at the guy, say we're friendly. He stares at us while standing. I turn my AK on burst, as my friend takes 2 shots at the guy. My friend missed both shots, and had to reload. The guy was still standing there, so my friend took another shot and finally killed him. We looted him and he had basically nothing, we both felt bad. The painkillers and bandages were nice though. And another time, we seen a guy at Kraftwerk firestation, and I start saying over mic "We're friendly, you need help?" and he says "Yes I'm friendly :)" my friend heads around while I take the zombie aggro off the guy (wherever he went) I say "Ok, I took your agg-" as my friend unloads his revolver into him. Poor guy. He didn't have much either. We're bad people. XD

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Shot a guy in a ghille suit at close range and thought he had high-end gear, turns out he had a crowbar and some food/drinks... I was sad when i discovered that you cant loot people ghille suits.

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