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Curious about peoples 'Rules of Engagement'

What are your Rules of Engagement?  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. If you're a position to kill, do you...

    • Kill on sight EVERYONE
    • Kill on sight ARMED players including melee weapons but leave unarmed alone
    • Kill on sight ARMED players, leaving melee and unarmed alone
    • Come in peace unless given reason to fight

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Depends on what gear the target has that I need, if I have an advantage or not. Basically I have a Risk vs Reward mentality. I also consider the threat they pose if I leave them to loot the surrounding area unchecked. My current character is almost fully geared up and ALL of it has come from other players.

Bandit life

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If you have only melee weapons ... we steal your blood....


blood type 0 ftw

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I'm friendly and seek out bandits, even if it means I get shot by over-zealous heroes who think I'm a bandit because I have a gun. Irony?

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I shoot them if they have a weapon of some kind. For me, this means that they may have loot on them.

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If you're fully geared in a big city, military base, or spawnable area. I'll KOS most likely.

If you aren't fully geared (don't have m4/mosin) in anywhere except maybe a military base (I understand paranoia in a base, you cant always tell what they have). I'll probably leave you alone, might even greet or help.

If you are fully geared in a random small town like up north or something, I'll likely avoid you unless you're a threat or seem threatening or I desperately need supplies (for now I'd rather kill first and loot second because of combat loggers)


Basically, I fall prey to my own rules. I usually hunt people who camp newspawns, so I see myself as a viable target (even though I'm usually nonmilitary geared I am still armed). If another bandit hunter sees me they could easily misunderstand my intentions and kill me, but likewise I could easily kill them. That's just how the game works. There are far more bandits than hunters though in my experience, so I've got a pretty clear conscience. 

Edited by Maia

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It's funny how many people will shoot an armed survivor in a helmet and a gas mask on the edge of town. I am overwhelmingly friendly, but that doesn't mean I run around in the open and don't keep my weapon at the ready. I figure if I see you first there is a better chance of us both getting out alive. The gear I wear is for camouflage and protection from zombie hits.

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Typically? Sigh. Well, at first, I was far to friendly, I died several times from KoS when I announced I was friendly, of course, most of the time I was kitted fully, which takes me a lot of time to do. Made my way to the coast fully geared and announced I would help others get kitted, as soon as I actually came into sight, someone with a Mosin shot me from a bush. I was pissed. Another time, I entered a camp without hesitation and checked the barracks, next thing I know, I have a rifle pointed at me from a window, he told me to come out without my weapons, I complied, (being held up was actually enjoyable, until he took my blood and I fainted. The guy was actually nice.) The rest interactions? KoS.. Except for three people I have met, which we stuck together and I friended them. Another time, a group of two came through town while I was looting, I saw him come up the stairs and yelled "Freeze", he replied "We gonna have a problem here mate?" "No, just leave, is there anyone with you?" I ended up trading some things and giving some ammo, like eighty Mosin rounds.. He walked off, saying "Sweet, guess we can pick off some people now." I just poker faced and walked away. When looting a barracks, a crouched man with an M4 was at the end of the building, with my past experiences.. I opened fire, my heart was already pumping by then, so it was like a reflex. Unloaded a whole pistol clip into him. I didn't want to, but he had an automatic weapon and probably would have shot given the chance. I wish I didn't have to KoS, but past experience proves it is needed.

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I dont understand why you want to kill people with gasmasks. They're sexy as hell. So of course people will wear it. It is so sexy.

Masks I can understand, they're creepy.

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Personally I kill armed but leave melee and unarmed alone. I don't mind giving a new player a hand though if I can't find any armed players to kill....but I think most of us has taken a few bambis out for sniping practice when you first get the long range scope =p


Feel free to share your opinions!


The poll is too vague to really be meaningful.  There are far more than the 4 scenarios that you describe.

Edited by NeedsFoodBadly

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Generally, melee armed/unarmed people I leave alone. Anyone with a gun within a range of engagement I shoot at. If they run away, they run away. I don't chase people, and I would rather get a clean kill, rather than having to move closer and check if someone is dead.


If I hear shooting, I try to stay away, but make sure that I know where the gunfire's coming from. The best thing to happen is that I see people leaving alive from that area, so I know which places to avoid.

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Kill if it is a possible hostage (for example, armed guy going towards me and I have nowhere to go). If not, I can just sneak and leave without it seeing me

Edited by xBlurHitz

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If you have full military gear and you're creeping around the edge of town, kill on sight. If you're unarmed or melee I'll hold you up and kill you if you defy it.


Same with me.  It is just too risky.  If you have a mosin, I am more open to allow you to live, but if a person has an M4 in hand, I will shoot to kill.  Burned too many times!

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Same with me.  It is just too risky.  If you have a mosin, I am more open to allow you to live, but if a person has an M4 in hand, I will shoot to kill.  Burned too many times!

I don't really understand this, the M4 is way to inaccurate to be honest, I'm more afraid of a mosin armed player..

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You can usually tell by the way they move if they are a threat, threat = shots fired but I try to interact. I did axe a guy to death who was stood still in the middle of a town and wouldnt answer or type then thought "I bet he was tabbed out and looking at the dayzb map" more fool him for not doing it in a bush ffs!

Edited by Boonie

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The poll is too vague to really be meaningful.  There are far more than the 4 scenarios that you describe.


Exactly what I was about to just post.


The reasons for me engaging another player are not so basic as kill on sight. I wouldn't so easily summarize my player interactions as killing on sight, because of the other styles of "killing on sight" that currently exist in the game. I'm not the kind of person to run down freshspawns. Should a fresh spawn enter my building, that I am looting, following or approaching me, yes. Running away from me in a different direction - no - but guess what? I can still "see" them.


I will kill for the following reasons:

  • Protect myself, or a friend
  • If I encounter another player looting the area I am in, and I am within an effective firing range.
  • I am being followed
  • I see a player moving into the area I am moving into, and I am not going to avoid them.
  • My intention is to ambush a player leaving a loot zone for the possibility of looting them.


Otherwise I might just entirely avoid them (or observe them for a while); Or not engage if I am beyond an effective firing range. Such as I see a player moving in a direction that isn't a threat to me, there's no sign they see me, and no point in giving away my position.


If I turn a corner while I'm clearing a building, and there's a player there, they are eating a bullet.


And any Howard Stern fans...


Edited by Knightmare

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Peace and love is my way of choice.  You can always get gear again, but the crazy interactions you can have if you engage with people are priceless :)

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I only try to make contact with people who haven't seen me and therefore still won't know where I am even if they turn out to be baddies, though strictly speaking if I see some one with a gun I will FedEx them some bullets ASAP.

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Until today the only encounters I've had with players with guns was KOS - Every person I met would try and kill me.

In total I have been killed 5 times by other players and have killed maybe 7 possibly 8, ( a couple I'm not 100% as I hit them and they logged).

Two people earlier chose not to KOS and payed with their lives. I was blown away that players would not try and kill me straight away I just acted on instinct and killed them. OK I needed the first guys boots so that was pre-meditated.

Bases/airfields - I'm super anxious so will just fire immediately. My gun is always ready and I only swap to the axe to quietly take out Zs.

Towns/roads - if I can avoid other players I will unless I need loot and I think they will have what I need.

Never kill unarmed anymore or respawns.

I'm trying to mellow but instinct just kicks in I can't help it.

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Personally I kill armed but leave melee and unarmed alone. I don't mind giving a new player a hand though if I can't find any armed players to kill....but I think most of us has taken a few bambis out for sniping practice when you first get the long range scope =p


Feel free to share your opinions!

non of your vote options make any sense.

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never kill bambi's unless they attack with fists.  Always offer assistance, food, compasses, can openers and saline bags.


Players with melee weapons same deal.


Armed players:  If in a pvp zone like electro or bases/airfields, shoot on sight.  That is my rule all though i don't stick to it.  If i can I get into a position where i have a drop on someone and then explain to them that I am armed and that I can kill them but I would rather not and that I will reveal my position once they put their weapons on their backs.  Then I have a chat and go on my way.  However this isn't always possible and then I am afraid someone has to die.


If I am in a high loot area like school/firehouse/prison/baracks and you have the audacity to spawn near me while you do your dirty server hopping I will kill you without thought or remorse.


If a player armed with a melee weapon tries to attack me or my group I will make him strip naked and make him run for his life, that is if he is still alive.


So to sum up, I am not friendly, I only tolerate so much, but I do enjoy helping people and interacting with people a little more than what I enjoy killing people.

Edited by GungZA

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During the firsts days of Standalone, I used to shoot pretty much everything on sight, however I revised my RoE:


I will engage if;

- I am being engaged.

- A player is aiming a firearm towards me.

- A player is "waiting for targets"

    I.E: Hiding in the trees next to a road, hiding on a rooftop, waiting inside a building with his weapon out

- Unarmed player attempting to draw me towards his armed friends. (This happened a lot, but they were WAY too obvious ..)

- Squad more than 2 (In that case i'd go 'guerilla ambush' style, shoot as much of them as I can then bug out before they return effective fire)

- If I feel shit's about to go down.  :rolleyes:


I will not engage if;

- Unarmed and not hostile

- Has not seen me / Not acknowledging my presence

- Is "Friendly"

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I'll shoot any armed player. I don't give a shit if you're coming at me with a toothpick.

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