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Crossbow... Opinions?

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i just found my first crossbow this morning and i am going to abuse the hell out of it. must be the coolest weapon around ^^ going to practice in the woods now ^^

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crossbows would be fine, if you didnt have to spend a 1-2 min finding the bolts again, make it show up in the gear...

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I think the iron sights add difficulty to the weapon' date=' and should stay as is.

It's a common find early on, so the sight difficulty means it would take practice and skill to use effectively.


Being completely off and not even centered?

There's such thing as requiring skill and being broken. Sure it's possible to hit things with it, I do it all the time, however the irons are just flat out broken. Aim at a zombies knees for a headshot!

That's a fair point, but I found the sweet spot when I was using it and applied it easily enough.

It could probably be adjusted to actually HAVE iron sights, or just flatten the aim a bit to make it easier for people to use. I won't complain.

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Check Youtube for the DayZ crossbow. I found one recommending setting up a crosshairs by drawing on your screen with a Dry Marker (non-perm). Works for me, even at the more extreme ranges of the weapon.

Only problem I find is that so far Zeds mainly fall on the bolt so I can't retrieve (In theory you only need a few bolts if you are careful and collect all your bolts). I suppose in real life your bolts might become damaged in use so makes sense not all are returned.

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Being completely off and not even centered?

There's such thing as requiring skill and being broken. Sure it's possible to hit things with it' date=' I do it all the time, however the irons are just flat out broken. Aim at a zombies knees for a headshot!


Sorry but you're just bad. Terribly bad. I play ArmA2 with DayZ (never played ArmA before) for 4th day already and I can headshoot everytime I use damn crossbow. It doesn't even need to be centered anyhow. Just stand against the wall, and shoot few times from diffrent ranges to calibrates it. There should be 3 dots for diffrent ranges to have perfect xhair but one dot in center of your screen is more than enough if you don't feel that weapon. Also it's SO DEADLY. It's 1 shot one kill no matter you hit head or the feet.

There are only 2 problems with Crossbow right now:

1) it's effective range is 30m which is means you have to go REALLY close

2) there should be a damn Quiver. And even if there was none then single bolt shouldn't take 1 crate in inventory while damn heli rotor take 4 crates...

Only problem I find is that so far Zeds mainly fall on the bolt so I can't retrieve (In theory you only need a few bolts if you are careful and collect all your bolts). I suppose in real life your bolts might become damaged in use so makes sense not all are returned.

It's quite hard to break Crossbow Bolt these days. It's not wood anymore. They're made nowdays with composite materials or carbon fiber. Anyway they're way stronger and elastic than in Medieval. I'm using sport bow IRL - it's not easy to destroy a modern arrow.

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It definatly need some attention as other people have stated, it need a longer range, a proper iron/reflex/scope sight and it needs a bolt quiver.

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It is quite a good weapon in my opinion, but it should be possible to loot the arrow back from downed enemies

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It is quite a good weapon in my opinion' date=' but it should be possible to loot the arrow back from downed enemies


It is possible if you see the bolt. However it should be done so bolt appears in body loot and can be collected back easily. What is now is just riddiculous as when you click to hide body the bolt vanishes under ground too.

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If it had a Red Dot Sight, the Crossbows stacked in 3's-6's, The Range was longer and if it did more damage, I would be on dis shiz in no time. The Perfect Silent weapon especially if you have the M1911/Revolver for Close Combat.

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if it did more damage

What more dmg do you expect? Right now it's 1shoot1kill wherever you hit - feet, head, doesn't matter. You think it should explode or launch tactical nukes?

(P.S. IRL composite arrow easily goes through half-centimeter steel plate at ~50m range)

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if it did more damage

What more dmg do you expect? Right now it's 1shoot1kill wherever you hit - feet' date=' head, doesn't matter. You think it should explode or launch tactical nukes?

(P.S. IRL composite arrow easily goes through half-centimeter steel plate at ~50m range)


Shoot a Zombie in the chest and it won't die.

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Shoot a Zombie in the chest and it won't die.

I shoot it in the arm and it dies. I shoot it in the leg it dies and I shoot it in the chest - suprise, it dies. I play since 4 days already. I think crossbow was buffed from the last time you've used it. If it hits the target then the target is basicaly dead. Didn't try to use it against players since never encountered any while I was wielding a crossbow but I'm pretty sure it will get target uncautious after 1st shot at worst. Gonna investigate this after I die (got plenty of EQ and I'm not as easy target as I've used to be)

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