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Visible Injuries?

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As someone who mostly plays a medic type of person thingamajig, it recently occurred to me that how awesome it would be if we were able to see a players health status.
But I do loathe health bars in my simulators, for bleeding we already see a jet of dyed propane, for pain we already have players bitching and moaning. But what about other health affects? (is sneezing a thing? I don't remember)

Say for the unhealthy of have taken bodily damage blood(dried?) spatter could appear on the clothes model or their face, we already have different textures for ruined clothes with tears and holes in them, why not wounds and dried blood? Broken legs could perhaps look twisted at a sickly angle, bruised deeply or simply bloody, players suffering dehydration and starvation could look more "gaunt" with sunken eyes and very little body fat or muscle tissue. Or perhaps certain bacterial infections leave looking a bit... zombieish...

Just my thoughts that I believe would be a welcome Idea somewhere down the line, and it would most certainly tell both heroes and bandits alike who is weak for the taking or who is in dire need of help...

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I would like to see this too.  Also with bandages showing on reciently bandaged players.

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considering they cant even make blood look normal instead of a fountain i doubt they would waste their time

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considering they cant even make blood look normal instead of a fountain i doubt they would waste their time


I think they could easily make it look normal, it would just be way to subtle. You simply wouldn't notice without the pain associated with a wound.

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I want dismemberment and lotsa gore.


Not some bright red blood spurts.



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I beleve the current bleeding effects are placeholders.

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I think they could easily make it look normal, it would just be way to subtle. You simply wouldn't notice without the pain associated with a wound.


I think you'd get used to either using third-person to scan your body or just tapping tab to check for the "bleeding" status pretty quickly.


I can't say I'm a fan of the current bleeding effect, especially when we've got the nice new lighting, models and animations.

Edited by Mos1ey
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I think they could easily make it look normal, it would just be way to subtle. You simply wouldn't notice without the pain associated with a wound.

I play first person only anyway.

I always notice the YOU ARE BLEEDING

Even then I have a bleeding indicator in the inventory.

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I play first person only anyway.

I always notice the YOU ARE BLEEDING

Even then I have a bleeding indicator in the inventory.


Ah yeah, forgot about those red status messages!

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