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my very first Dayz impressions

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Good day gents,

First, I would like to say that I was a counter strike player for years... then moved to consoles. But thanks to FrankieonPC, Jackfrags, Shosho, redreloaded on youtube, ive got to watch tons of Dayz Mod. I knew I had to get the dust off my PC and get the Standalone. I got it 2 days ago... and I have 19 hours played so far. Hahaha there goes ny life again...

So I first spawned... having no idea where I was but I was not in the coast. Upon reading the comments on here I decided to loot the first few houses and got my hands on a compass. Great! Now I can go north! So I went north.mm looting everything on the way... until the trees werent no more. I decided to go west... and then south and although I had no weapon other my lovely axe... I manged to stay alive through 3 different pvp.

I found a city and met another there who made me drop my axe... after a short introduction, he pointed where I could find a rifle and handgun at the NWAF. Once I got there, it was night and decided to call her quits. I slept for 3 hours, went to work for 8... came back home and started looting the airfield. My character at this point was stacked! Military issues everything, I had a defib, first aid pack, pristine acog, supressor, buttstock, handguard... everything but the gun. I made it up the air traffic control tower and there it was. An M4!! After 12 hours of looting I finally had something to defend myself other than my trustworthy axe! I loved my axe... I killed about 50 zombies with it so far!

So I put everything on my m4... everything was pristine! I had bloodbags, saline, bandages, gas mask, kevlar helmet... I looked like a real GIJoE!

But soon as I step out of the ATC tower, someone KoS' d me..

Regardless... I love the game. I respawned as a new character and I have a mosin with pristine sight.. and I havent a water bottle yet :/

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Good day gents,

First, I would like to say that I was a counter strike player for years... then moved to consoles. But thanks to FrankieonPC, Jackfrags, Shosho, redreloaded on youtube, ive got to watch tons of Dayz Mod. I knew I had to get the dust off my PC and get the Standalone. I got it 2 days ago... and I have 19 hours played so far. Hahaha there goes ny life again...

So I first spawned... having no idea where I was but I was not in the coast. Upon reading the comments on here I decided to loot the first few houses and got my hands on a compass. Great! Now I can go north! So I went north.mm looting everything on the way... until the trees werent no more. I decided to go west... and then south and although I had no weapon other my lovely axe... I manged to stay alive through 3 different pvp.

I found a city and met another there who made me drop my axe... after a short introduction, he pointed where I could find a rifle and handgun at the NWAF. Once I got there, it was night and decided to call her quits. I slept for 3 hours, went to work for 8... came back home and started looting the airfield. My character at this point was stacked! Military issues everything, I had a defib, first aid pack, pristine acog, supressor, buttstock, handguard... everything but the gun. I made it up the air traffic control tower and there it was. An M4!! After 12 hours of looting I finally had something to defend myself other than my trustworthy axe! I loved my axe... I killed about 50 zombies with it so far!

So I put everything on my m4... everything was pristine! I had bloodbags, saline, bandages, gas mask, kevlar helmet... I looked like a real GIJoE!

But soon as I step out of the ATC tower, someone KoS' d me..


That's how KoS feels. As illustrated above, 99% of your experience (in blue) will be destroyed by the 1% (in red)


> You're NEVER safe at a military hotspot. Check your corners before approaching and exiting military buildings.


Good luck out there!

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Always look left and right before crossing the (door line) road lol.

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Perhaps I should have seen him... but he was just peeking out the hamgar door... which I was into 2mins prior to that. I learned my lesson though, loot what you need and gtfo asap. Heheh

My second character just got killed at the balota airfield... I was in the hangar and as I was making way my back out from the back, someone said stop there, which I did... but he fired right away. Im pretty sure they were 2 men, glitching under the ground as the shots from 2 m4s definitely came from behind me and the front was clear.

Entertaining and stressful game!

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yes, yes it is


Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here everyday..

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