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General Zod

Black screen when entering the server

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This is what happens, it only happens on a day time servers. The only way around it is to disconnect and keep trying several servers until it just works fine. It does not go away on it's own. 


It seems to happen only on low populated servers 5 people or less. 

Edited by chmielu1258

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Mine does that too. Are you sure it's not transitioning to night time? It takes my screen a second for night time to load up. Adjust your brightness and gamma then set them to the highest. If it still doesn't work then there could be a problem. At least this is what I've done.

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It's not night time, I can't move my cursor side ways at all and when I move it vertically it re-centres itself (which you can see on the video) and I guess it's not supposed to happen during night time. Also even during very dark night you can still see something, especially the sky, here other than dot on the middle of the screen it's like my monitor is off. 

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Post under post but I have found the solution.

It is in fact transition into night, however it seems to be bugged. In order to get normal screen you need to go into Configure and than Video just hang out in there for few seconds, it might take 2-3 attempts for it to kick in but it works. 

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