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Bambi needing advice!

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So I start having a few games of dayz standalone past few days,

got the idea of the game, and cant get enough,

so my current character, iv passed electro then cherno after a few scrapes with other players

got my self to balota airstrip, got kitted out with decent gear

pistol, camo gear, tactical vest, first aid, water and food

im now heading straight north to the northern airstrip.

at the moment I have a really blurry screen, maybe of bleeding?

and I don't seem to come across any good high end weapons, any advice where to go?



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Blurry screen means you are unhealthy, even if you aren't injured and you have full color. You need to drink a lot and get energy from food.

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Youll find good weapons in the airstrip (try the ATC Tower)


As for bleeding, like the other player said make sure you eat and drink. If its still blurry try relogging sometimes it fixes it

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Esc>Configure>Video>Rendering>Turn off Post Processing.


Edit: Make sure that rendering resolution is at 100%

Edited by Beck

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Blurry means your hurt.. get full on food and water and it will slowly get better, or find a friend to blood bag you or saline bag you... currently Saline rocks!


There is not  a whole lot to get kitted out with currently, and what is in the game is different enough to not be seen as equal to different players...


Finding gear might be rough until they implement respawns.. If a server restarts and you get kicked off... FRESH LOOT!.. hop back on and head for the nearest military spawn.


The military camp on the south end of Zelenogorsk as well as the Northwest Airfield, the military camp SouthEast of Povlovo are all decent places for loot on the West coast, but can be dangerous. The Northeast Airfield is less dangerous, but less loot to be had.


Other tips:


Find gear with extra inventory slots. I opt out of the big backpack though as it makes people stick out like sore thumbs.


Fruit gives you very few energy (food).. eat them on the spot. not worth your inventory space. Never eat rotten, not worth it.


cereal and rice gives a lot of energy but takes away water.. try to ensure your good on water before eating them. I personally don't think cereal is worth the inventory space as it takes almost as much water from you as rice, but offers half the energy of rice.


along with energy, beans spaghetti and fruit all give you a tiny amount of water


along with water, soda gives you a tiny amount of energy


If you like sniping get a mosin, although worn to ruined long range scopes shoot to the left (and hard to find). I try to keep a pu scope on me as well.


M4s are cool too, people say they can be very inaccurate. Using pristine components will help that, upgrade iron sights to a red-dot sight, or if you like some magnification, an acog .


Canteens hold more water than water bottles.. 


If you get in a lot of scraps, a helmet might be wise as it protects you from melee damage as well as at least one head shot from most bullets (depending on condition). 


Also any town with a firehouse or school typically has a chance for a weapon spawn. Same with the houses with pianos in them. There are a couple others, and as time goes by you will begin to recognize them.


be careful, lots of bandits and murderers out there. The one millionth player signed created a character today.


And now a shameless plug for my community website... www.wolf-mind.com

Edited by wolf-mind

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