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More maps?

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I know DayZ's attraaction is one of relative simplicity (as far as ArmA2 goes anyway), you have the game, the mod, the patch and you're good to go.

But, I think Sahrani would be a GREAT map for DayZ gameplay. Have everyone spawn on the south coast of the Southern Sahrani landmass, and have Corazol as a sort of gauntlet for players to run to enjoy the rest of the landmass.

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I really hope that DayZ gets round to taking other maps eventually, when its nearing the end of beta maybe. So much potential to try it out in other maps that already exist!

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Yes, i'd love to play in Sahrani.

God,i have loved so much Armed Assault and Sahrani.

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These new maps are worse than chernarus, i thought panthera was really good till i noticed all the assets sticking out of mountains, the buildings you go in one door but cant get out the other one without crawling, and the ponds you can just sit in and wait to john rambo people. Its always gonna be a failed effort till these bugs are fixed, cant you wait for the finished product or are you just after quick fame with your haphazard rushed maps?

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These new maps are worse than chernarus, i thought panthera was really good till i noticed all the assets sticking out of mountains, the buildings you go in one door but cant get out the other one without crawling, and the ponds you can just sit in and wait to john rambo people. Its always gonna be a failed effort till these bugs are fixed, cant you wait for the finished product or are you just after quick fame with your haphazard rushed maps?

You do realize Sahrani was the main map in arma combat operations? it was ported to arma 2 the maps bugs are long fixed, its more than ready for dayz.

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