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All my stuffs had been gone

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stable? all my stuffs, progession has been gone, what's the point to play this game if i know therefore that my stuffs that i am collecting for hours, will be gone and will never come back.

so why i'm playing the game?

thats the alpha for ... ohh my god... finding bugs


- thats why u and WE ALL are here.

- u acceptet things like that on every gamestart.. didnt read that huh.


goddamnit kids who wont read...

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i have just logged in-game to play and when i started the game i can see that all my stuffs has been gone, nothing from what i had before the last check point i quitted the game has been saved....

what can i do??? 10 hours took me to collect that stuffs. my Steam- ibeatzrunner


You have read the disclaimer everytime you load the game haven't you?


C'mon guys, we're a month into the Alpha and people are still surprised that Alpha type bugs are happening. Really?

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Don't waste your time playing if these alpha bugs annoy you just come back when the games fully released right now we need people to test the game and bring up constructive points rather than just moan about it.

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