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Invisible Walls

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Hi! There are a lot of "invisible walls" in the game. I don't have many problems in the towns, but outside in the forest is very hard kill someone behind a tree or hill because invisible walls stop my bullets. Someone had noticed about it too?

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I think the hitboxes of the environment is a bit edgy, that's probably what they meant when they said "were gonna update the graphics and engine soon". Either that or whatever man, hope I helped enough >>...

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It doesn't matter if this was ARMA2 or 3, the FIRElods are made the same.

Basically, invisible geometry that has to be as simple as possible but tries to follow the contours of the visible model.

The simpler it is, the more efficient it is - and multiply that by however many objects are on screen...

But, the simpler it is, it will cut corners and overlap "empty" areas of the trees/model etc and your bullet will hit it.

The visual geometry is just that- visual, and has nothing to do with where a projectile collides.

...unless they've done a complete secret revamp of it all..!

Edited by meshcarver
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Then, can we expect rocket will be able to fix it?. Is this issue present in arma 2/dayz mod?

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Then, can we expect rocket will be able to fix it?. Is this issue present in arma 2/dayz mod?

No it wasn't.

Yeah you can expect them to fix it, because it is a huge issue that makes reliably firing weapons in prone position impossible.

If you're prone and not on/in a building or on a road there's a high chance that your bullet will hit the ground 10 cm in front of you.

And it happens everywhere on the map.

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It will always be an issue of refinement Vs performance guys.

Whilst creating my own island assets it is something that is a constant compromise, as to make the FIREgeo fit EXACTLY to your visual LOD is extremely uneconomical, and you can almost feel the FPS dropping as you make it lol..!

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I only had the prone shit happen when I was on a really steep hill. On flat (or almost flat, you know what the fields are like) ground, I had no problems.

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