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Lots of Zombies

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that gif. what's it from?



Looks like REC not sure which one possibly the first one?


I have noticed a slight increase in numbers around towns, not sure if anything has changed or not, but I've not seen more than 5.



edit: deffo REC if you've not seen it do so - amazing zombie/evil dead film from Spain. Hollywood did a remake pretty much identical to the Spanish one - dunno the original still wins. There has been two follow ups. REC 3 got panned but I kind of liked it.

Edited by Jonah_Hobbes

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Six zombies is my max as well. Running through Cherno at night and things got a little crazy because a zombie went to hit me and when he missed it made a loud noise like a bullet ricocheting or something.

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I've had 10 at most. Lately all I've seen were a few here and there.  ONE time the whole server was full of invisible zombies that would keep hitting me and no matter what you could run  faster then them. That pissed me off cause i ended up dieing.

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I've had 10 at most. Lately all I've seen were a few here and there.  ONE time the whole server was full of invisible zombies that would keep hitting me and no matter what you could run  faster then them. That pissed me off cause i ended up dieing.

lies        Animated_lie_detector_machine.gif

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I shot six from a distance but it looked like someone herded them then logged out.

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dunno sorry



As I said before the excellent film REC MV5BMTcxNzI1NjY1N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODcz

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Yeah wasn't too sure as it's awhile since I've seen them.

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I had too kill one once and somehow ended up having to kill another seven xD

Literally just S*** my pants. Was just in the hospital at Berezino and saw one military zombie facing the wall, went up to take him out with my axe and turns out there is like 5-6 all glitching together facing the wall. Obviously i freaked out, ran my ass off, and unloaded my sks into them. My heart has never pounded so fast.

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Notice this yesterday: saw a group of 4-5 near sniper hill brezino and then while running pass the heli crash site near rify there was 10ish. 5 or so in a group and the rest either instant re spawns or agrod from gunfire and we're in the immediate area.

New addition or an unexpected result of some experimental merges yesterday?

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Got a herd of zeds following you? Zig zag like you're avoiding an alligator attack, and then find the nearest steep hill to have them sled down to their deaths. Unfortunately as it stands now zeds are no threat to anyone anymore than hunger or thirst.

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We have set up people in the past, here's how. Once they are tired just round of a few and take them to a hot spot and then log off for the night..


Edited by Dawgstyl

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The more I thought about the more appealing this idea sounded to me, so I decided to try it out for myself. 


My experiments with zombie herding


I went to the suburbs of Cherno, since in my experience there is always plenty of zombies there. And true enough, they were literally all over the place. I ran around, firing a few pistol shots in the air to announce my arrival.




Everywhere I turned there was lots of zombies, I counted about 20 of them, however it soon became clear to me that zombieherding required a refined technique, since only a handful, 5 or 6, would take up pursuit at any one time, the rest would slow down and eventually completely stop.




I tried running in circles, catching up with those that I left behind, but when I did that, the ones that had been at the front of the herd stopped.




So I eventually had to settle with a small herd of 6 zombies. Zombie herding is not without its dangers, while they mostly stumble ahead in a measured pace, if they come near the herder they do sometimes make sudden sprint attacks, which, if the herder is not careful, zigzagging in front of them is a good strategy, I found, they may claw you in the back. I was hit once, and had to climb some ladders to bandage myself. When I came down, I only found 2 remainders of my trusty herd and had to return to the suburbs to gather some more.




This is my herd. Going downhill to the city itself I unfortunately lost one, it was a bit frisky and tried jumpattacking me down hill, and it must have stumbled because it fell down and did not get up again, luckily I found a youngling in the city which I soon managed to round up and add to the herd. I went to the nearest large street, where a few passive zombies was already in place, then I quickly went through a gate and sprinted away from the place before any of my herd knew what was happening.


While it was great fun, it was still a bit disappointing that I could not round up a herd bigger than 6. I hope it was just because I was a rookie, and a bit of practice will help. I am thinking that being in a group would very likely be an advantage, at least two, one in front and one in the back, but a couple in the sides wouldnt hurt either, perhaps making it possible to keep more zombies in the herd.


I've done this in Berezino. The most I managed to maintain in my troupe was 8, I think. I was surprised at how difficult it is to keep them interested - you have to work pretty hard to prevent the slower ones from just dropping out of the gang and getting left behind.


I like to gather them at the T-34 statue and run tight circles around them, and figure-8ing amongst the group - sometimes you can get them to start hitting each other, which is an amusing spectacle.


Once you do this, though, you realise just how easy it is to carry on about your normal business of looting and exploring, even with the mob on your tail. As long as you keep running and zigzagging they very rarely get a strike in.

Edited by Pillock

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This. I think the most I've seen at once was maybe 4-5?

ya me to, they came running at me when i spawned at edge of censored for safety.

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I want to see towns heavily populated with zombies and hordes roaming around but not until the pathing for them is fixed and the hit detection for them is fixed. However i have had fairly large hordes, well large for this game lol. I had around 8 run out of the woods toward me after shooting one with my mosin while on my way to the airfield way out west. I have actually had more horde type zombie encounters the farther i get from the coast. 

Edited by Sirwarriant12

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I do think it's worth mentioning, that I disagree with the approach that they seem to be taking with regard to respawning zombies.


Meaning, the second you drop one, another spawns nearby already aggro'd. I recognize that this is a placeholder, but in my opinion, any iteration of the concept will become either formulaic or irreconcilable with other systems.


I want the persistent numbers of zombies and hordes already spawned. I don't want insta-respawning zombies which are already aggro'd. For one, it completely ruins the "risk assessment" process and makes the experience formulaic, if you're entering into an area... regardless of how many zombies are spawned, and you KNOW that you'll spawn an unending train of zombies (vice aggro a pre-existing horde) if you fire your weapon.


There's no weighing of pros and cons, if you fire your weapon and X always happens. Whether you're looking at a crowd of 5 zombies or 100, the outcome becomes the same if every time you fire, more zombies SPAWN around you instantly.


Likewise, it completely ruins the notion of "clearing" an area, even momentarily.



What ever happened to this? Just watch the first two or three minutes or so. I recognize that it certainly is likely to have been put on hold given that they're revamping zombies almost entirely. But this is the direction I want them to go in once it's all sorted out. 3000 zombies (at least) on the server? Yes please.

Edited by Katana67
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I would love to have 3000 zombies and roaming hordes but if there are that many they need to be much slower than they currently are. Half the time they run faster than the player. I don't want hundreds of zombies running around going faster than the players.

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I would love to have 3000 zombies and roaming hordes but if there are that many they need to be much slower than they currently are. Half the time they run faster than the player. I don't want hundreds of zombies running around going faster than the players.


I've never NOT been able to wholly outpace a zombie, both in the Standalone and in the mod. They keep pace with the player, they never overtake. That's the way it should be. I want them to be fast.

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I've never NOT been able to wholly outpace a zombie, both in the Standalone and in the mod. They keep pace with the player, they never overtake. That's the way it should be. I want them to be fast.


If you had a choice though, would you prefer hordes of Romero style zombies, or the whole rage virus/28 days later style deal? I mean putting aside engine limitations, lag, gpu performance etc...


I just ask because I'm wondering if people have accepted the limitations of the engine, and are seeking the optimal way of making the zeds a threat, or, do they genuinely prefer the faster animalistic style zeds?


Personally I've always preferred the romero slow rolling "if theres enough of us you're fucked" style... 

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I've never NOT been able to wholly outpace a zombie, both in the Standalone and in the mod. They keep pace with the player, they never overtake. That's the way it should be. I want them to be fast.


While I may not agree with you on respawning, I too believe they should be fast. I wouldn't mind if (once we have stamina) they could outpace our jog, but not sprint. Makes it more of a tactical decision when to use sprint, and makes stealth favourable whiles moving through towns and cities. 


I guess I could go for clearing areas, as long as it was only clear for like 5 mins. Maybe if the zombies spawned in the woods surrounding there town of origin and slowly wandered back in from all angles. That could give the felling of the activity in the town pulling zombies from afar while still allowing a more definitive risk assessment. Could also be quite realistic, sry.....authentic lol, the more shots you fire (zeds killed) the more come out from the woods. Oh...and keep snipers on there toes lol :)


Im pretty sure if you had people in every town the mod could be forced to spawn in a lot of zeds....maybe not 3000 but 1000 maybe? Imagine 3000, that spawn in on server up, but also respawn.....now that's the environment im hoping dayz becomes. No clearing areas for long periods of time....constant, unrelenting, merciless, fast, zombies. The only place you are safe is on the map fringes and deeper woods around the map :)

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If you had a choice though, would you prefer hordes of Romero style zombies, or the whole rage virus/28 days later style deal? I mean putting aside engine limitations, lag, gpu performance etc...


I just ask because I'm wondering if people have accepted the limitations of the engine, and are seeking the optimal way of making the zeds a threat, or, do they genuinely prefer the faster animalistic style zeds?


Personally I've always preferred the romero slow rolling "if theres enough of us you're fucked" style... 


I'd rather have 28 Days Later style zombies, and hordes of them as well. Rocket has said that this is what he'd like as well, way the hell back in 2012 I believe.


I don't see why it has to be hordes or sprinters, we can have both.


Ideally, though, I wouldn't mind if we had a lot of sprinters, a few shamblers, and some crawlers like was the case in the mod.



While I may not agree with you on respawning, I too believe they should be fast. I wouldn't mind if (once we have stamina) they could outpace our jog, but not sprint. Makes it more of a tactical decision when to use sprint, and makes stealth favourable whiles moving through towns and cities. 


I guess I could go for clearing areas, as long as it was only clear for like 5 mins. Maybe if the zombies spawned in the woods surrounding there town of origin and slowly wandered back in from all angles. That could give the felling of the activity in the town pulling zombies from afar while still allowing a more definitive risk assessment. Could also be quite realistic, sry.....authentic lol, the more shots you fire (zeds killed) the more come out from the woods. Oh...and keep snipers on there toes lol  :)


Im pretty sure if you had people in every town the mod could be forced to spawn in a lot of zeds....maybe not 3000 but 1000 maybe? Imagine 3000, that spawn in on server up, but also respawn.....now that's the environment im hoping dayz becomes. No clearing areas for long periods of time....constant, unrelenting, merciless, fast, zombies. The only place you are safe is on the map fringes and deeper woods around the map


That's sort of what Rocket has said that they intend to do. You clear an area.... for however long, zombies aren't going to respawn.... then they respawn on the outskirts of the area (or town) and gradually migrate back into the area.


I do want to be clear, I'm not against respawning zombies, even rapidly spawning zombies. I am, however, against pre-aggro'd respawning zombies.

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I do want to be clear, I'm not against respawning zombies, even rapidly spawning zombies. I am, however, against pre-aggro'd respawning zombies.


Honestly I wouldn't worry about that, I agree with you 100%. But im also 99.9% sure that's just because we still on there prototype respawn system. They probs work on that once the navmesh is in place, might even make the job easier :)

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