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Weight Carried: Impact to run speed and sounds

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Run speed and footstep loudness should possibly be impacted by the amount of weight carried.  For example, a player carrying 3 or 4 ammo boxes with nearly a thousand rounds should not be able to sprint full speed.


The above change might add additional things for people to consider when trying to escape other players.  Imagine if you're a sniper with a thousand rounds of ammo, and see a player with a M4 approaching up your hill.  You can either stand your ground with lots of ammo, escape slowly with your ammo, or drop a few hundred rounds and sprint away quickly.

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Agreed: The amount of items (weight) should affect your overall running speed and the distance one can sprint.

This would make players really consider what they find useful and what they really need to tag along.

So one can carry full combat gear with several weapons and tons of ammo and gadgets, but he ain't going to outrun a zombie without dropping some gear.

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Can you throw a link at me? If it's not too much of a trouble.


I'm just hoping it's not a Fallout-kind of encumbrance, where picking up a banana is too much and suddenly I go from Tyson Gay to Fat Joe.

Luckily there's no bottomless backbags...

Edited by Fulipes

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I'm not for weight affecting the running speed. It should probably effect how much energy and water you use while moving. I don't run slower with a pack full of stuff, but it will sure make you more tired. You'll have to stop and eat / drink more...

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I'm not for weight affecting the running speed. It should probably effect how much energy and water you use while moving. I don't run slower with a pack full of stuff, but it will sure make you more tired. You'll have to stop and eat / drink more...

like this idea more.

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I'm not for weight affecting the running speed. It should probably effect how much energy and water you use while moving. I don't run slower with a pack full of stuff, but it will sure make you more tired. You'll have to stop and eat / drink more...


That depends how much stuff you have. If you have two rifles, an 8-lb fireaxe, 300 rounds of ammunition, a pistol, scopes, tools, a bunch of canned food and a motorcycle helmet you sure won't be winning any 100 yard dashes.

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