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How do you personally deal with ghosting, and overlay hacking.

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Ive been a survivor for about a month now, maybe more like 3 weeks. I have gone from getting a beat down every respawn in cherno or elektro within 30 min, to usually surviving 6-8 hours. I am usually fully geared now with alice pack, map, compass, 1911 with plenty of ammo, a full auto capable assault rifle, and the ability to heal myself and my buddies, and cook meat, each respawn before i die. So I am not a total noob anymore. I know how to deal with zeds, I can get blood bags, I can take out spawns at crashed heli's solo np.

What my issue is, and I am not asking for a nerf, but how to deal with it. Currently the last 7 deaths I have had, have been from getting shot in the back at point blank range. Even in random houses that really have no real value, and aren't worth server hopping for loot. Someone hears me, I hear them, i begin searching for them, and they are conveinantly gone. Que 2 min later, they are directly behind me, no sound or sight of them approaching , pointed directly at me. Bang, time to start a new charactor that days journey is at an end. They risk absolutely nothing.

Ive also got a freind, that has tested an overlay of sorts that shows players on the map, vehicles, tents, and loot piles. Hes not sure what you can do to not get caught using it, but its definately out there, and most likely requires an admins help to not get banned using it. We decided to try and investigate the rash of very coincidental deaths lately, is why he even tested it. Also I know these guys are just finding players, with the overlay, ghosting behind them, and logging back in and gunning them down. What do you do to protect against that? Have any of you come up with valid tactics? Its pretty infuriating.

And I know I signed up to post this thread, its not because im a sperging neckbeard, its because I have just lurked, and learned enough, that I didnt need to ever post anything, until now. I want to enjoy this game, but getting shot in the back every death, and not even by snipers, as I am good at using cover and avoiding obvious trap spots, really sucks. What do I do, aside from rage quitting.

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Nothing you can do until a solution to server hopping is made, if there even is one. Overlays are already dealt with by BattlEye.

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Can someone explain to me what "Overlay Hacking" is? Sorry if i'm a moron, ive just never heard that before. just like, a mod that shows where everyone is? or..?

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I have had people pop out all of a sudden, and in fact my friend has logged out in cities before, and it's pretty comical when we're all logging in to play and he's like "OH GOD THERE'S PEOPLE EVERYWHERE."

So first I would say, remember that not everyone who spawns in "behind you" is hacking and ghosting behind you. There is a great deal of randomness involved.

Second, keep tabs on the lower left corner of the game -- it will tell you when people are d/c'ing + connecting.

Third, stay alert. Just because you checked a room, treeline, or whatever, doesn't mean it's safe. This goes DOUBLE for forests, not only b/c people may log in under a tree somewhere, but because it's the FOREST and any random player could easily stumble into you.

Also, in case you're being stalked -- be especially wary when you leave cities. The easiest place to pick up a mark is as they leave a city, b/c there's generally some open field you have to run through to get to the treeline, and it's really easy to spot people as they dart across (even easier when you see newbies who try and crouch walk or crawl through the open field -- you want to sprint as fast as possible).

Don't assume you're safe once you hit the treeline -- the highest odds of picking up a tail are here, so sprint full speed and keep looking behind you. If you keep full speed, your pursuer will have to sprint to keep up and thus be easier to spot.

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My buddy claims, you would need the admin to be in on it, for you to not get caught by battleeye. How this is done I have no idea, hes just reading it in some members only forums, third party. Id rather not know it would probably make me jaded.

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My buddy claims' date=' you would need the admin to be in on it, for you to not get caught by battleeye. How this is done I have no idea, hes just reading it in some members only forums, third party. Id rather not know it would probably make me jaded.


Play on a different server then?

I would bet money that you're actually NOT being killed by hacks the majority of the time.

It's pretty common for players to constantly accuse their killer of hacks when in actuality they just got outplayed.

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Im assuming your just trolling, but in case you assume noone ever ghosts to sneak behind you and kill you, your a fool. Its obvious in some locations, its likely you just got ganked by a server loot hopper that got lucky in others, and some locations you can tell it was just bad luck.

IE. I know if it happens to you in a barracks its probably just a lucky loot hopper. IF it happens in a random house in a town that has no point to it, its likely an overlay hack / ghosting, If it happens in a cherno, elektro, or stary, your likely just unlucky.

My main issue is with the, I hear them, they hear me, or I shoot or they shoot once and miss. Everything goes quiet for a minute, then bang headshot from behind or from inside the building where the entrance has been covered.

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So because your friend is a dirty hacker, and you justify his actions by saying he did it because of hackers...... (we need more smileys)

Now you think a hacker kills you everytime someone gets the jump on you.

Laughing my ass off at you right now.

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Someone hears me' date=' I hear them, i begin searching for them, and they are conveinantly gone. Que 2 min later, they are directly behind me, no sound or sight of them approaching , pointed directly at me.


how about, instead of looking for them, you just gtfo out of the area if they've disappeared. if this has happened to you more than one, then you should know what a disappeared played might mean and should get away from the building to a better vantage point and kill them when they respawn in/near/around the building. find a vantage point that covers your back, just in case they spawn out further than you guessed

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Player asks a question with legitimate concern.



"U iz bad noob scrub lololol why u so colonrampaged assfaggot?"

Seriously, if you're just going to shit on people then do us a favor and go do it in game with your pr0 skizzles. Calling someone bad doesn't help them get better, it doesn't fix actual issues with gameplay, and it makes you look like you have downs.

@MyalTerego, you should be used to dying by now, you should also note some servers allow maps to track players within range of you. Gear is extremely easy to come by in the starting cities now so I don't really think this thread has much merit, but you do have the right to be heard.

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If they are behind you, and you never see them approach... how do you know where they are?

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Until server hopping is fixed the alpha is fundamentally flawed because of server persistent chars.

As most servers have disabled the connection messages now

there is no real way to counter the players who will use server hopping as an exploit..

Lets just hope they either make it 1 char per server or come up with something else to stop the exploiters.

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The single biggest issue with the game is it doesnt log or notify who killed you and is making hackers/exploiters lives super easy.

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Im assuming your just trolling' date=' but in case you assume noone ever ghosts to sneak behind you and kill you, your a fool. Its obvious in some locations, its likely you just got ganked by a server loot hopper that got lucky in others, and some locations you can tell it was just bad luck.

IE. I know if it happens to you in a barracks its probably just a lucky loot hopper. IF it happens in a random house in a town that has no point to it, its likely an overlay hack / ghosting, If it happens in a cherno, elektro, or stary, your likely just unlucky.

My main issue is with the, I hear them, they hear me, or I shoot or they shoot once and miss. Everything goes quiet for a minute, then bang headshot from behind or from inside the building where the entrance has been covered.


I'm not trolling, and honestly ghosting isn't that good of a strategy unless you are making the mistake of just sitting in one spot for ages.

That and I'm usually the one stalking you, hiding in the shadows. Maybe you should stop running out in the open for everyone to see.

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Player asks a question with legitimate concern.



"U iz bad noob scrub lololol why u so colonrampaged assfaggot?"

Seriously, if you're just going to shit on people then do us a favor and go do it in game with your pr0 skizzles. Calling someone bad doesn't help them get better, it doesn't fix actual issues with gameplay, and it makes you look like you have downs.

@MyalTerego, you should be used to dying by now, you should also note some servers allow maps to track players within range of you. Gear is extremely easy to come by in the starting cities now so I don't really think this thread has much merit, but you do have the right to be heard.


you dick. go read what he said in his first post.

I find it hilarious that this guy has a "Friend" who has these overlay cheats, he only has them because ..... well.... they think everyone better than them is a cheat. He even says the only reason "THEY" as in him and his friend tinkered with the cheat was because they think everyone else does it.

Thats the price to pay once you have seen the advantage a cheat can give in game. fucks with your decision making skills, and concequently you now feel the need to post about it and basically sound to me like someone who probably calls most people that kill you a cheat.

thats no troll. thats my opinion.

I too have played for around 3-4 weeks.

I too can look after myself around the big cities. I spend the majority of my time there. I pvp constantly, at times even without decent kit, if the opertunity is there to kill someone i'll take it everytime. I would guestimate my average lifetime would be 1-3 hours max,

sure I can gear myself out to the max and skirt around these popular places and be more selective in who i kill to extend my own life time cycle beyond a couple of hours. but I choose to jump in nuts deep everytime.

I am sure I have been killed by people server hopping, but I don't see your point of why they have such an advantage unless they are using out of game cheats to benefit them. they still make sound when they move. they have no way of knowing you are in that corner of the building when they log in. if they are stood behind you when they log in there fucking lucky, nothing else.

Now if you are saying these people can locate you out of game and choose to spawn in behind your current location for an easy kill, Prove it tbh. because in my experience your talking fucking bullshit.

"IE. I know if it happens to you in a barracks its probably just a lucky loot hopper. IF it happens in a random house in a town that has no point to it, its likely an overlay hack / ghosting, If it happens in a cherno, elektro, or stary, your likely just unlucky."

where is your logic ? if your killed by someone in a random house on the outskirts of a northern town. is it inconceivable to you to see that someone could just as easily have logged out in said house thinking the very same thing as you.... this house is irrelevant. no one will come in here........ sure barracks is prone to lots of loot hoppers and you need to be on your toes.

Applying some logic again if I were in control of such a hack that allowed me to ghost in on anyone and kill them I think I would be picking people off in cherno and electro tbh not some fucking random insignificant noob in a random insignificant house.

"My main issue is with the, I hear them, they hear me, or I shoot or they shoot once and miss. Everything goes quiet for a minute, then bang headshot from behind or from inside the building where the entrance has been covered."

So improve your own gameplay: wtf are you doing for that initial minute when you have just encountered someone else. lemme guess. you continue with your looting and such. or just stand still thinking your covered because that doorway to your left in the adjacent building can't possibly have anyone in because I just checked it 3 minutes ago !!!>

make no mistake. I don't make a point of hating on players who struggle with the game. I take offence at anyone who comes here and makes a first post about having been buthurt because they got shot and their " FRIEND" has overlay hacks so everyone must be using cheats.

man the fuck up.

leave the cheats alone before you get your fingers burned.

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