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Rōnin Rick

Ridiculous Fall Damage!

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Has anybody else noticed how brutal even the shortest of drops are in this game? (DayZ Standalone)


I have fallen literally 3-5 feet and died. To be clear, I'm not talking about falling off rooftops or anything that extreme, I'm talking about something as innocuous as walking off the side of a staircase, or off a low platform. Seriously dropping half a "floor" or less, like less than half the height of your character, and you get the black screen informing you of your death.


I could understand taking damage from moderate drops, breaking a leg even (it's happened to me once already), but dying from a 4 foot drop? What the hell? I thought this game was about realism. I'm not in particularly good shape (come on, I'm on a video game forum!) and I can drop from 6 feet without hurting anything. I certainly don't die!


I get that you're carrying a good deal of gear on you, but still, you shouldn't instantly goddamn DIE from a 4 foot drop!


This problem is only exacerbated by how buggy the game is currently. One time I was on a roof with a knee or waist high wall all the way around; I moved up to it to fire down at zombies with the new Mosin I had found, and my character walked/stepped OVER the damn barrier and plummeted to his death. If I had wanted to climb over the wall I would have pressed 'v'.


Another time I was running down a stairwell in a building and while running down a flight of stairs (I want to say going from the 3rd to 2nd floor, not sure) my character glitched/passed right through the wall and to the outside of the building, where he preceded to fall the 10 or so feet to the ground. And die.


In a game that is purportedly about realism, and especially considering its buggy/unfinished nature, should such slight/negligibly drops/falls fucking KILL you?



Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Thanks!

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Yeah, it's annoying. But I'm sure it will be calibrated to be less frustrating and more realistic. 

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they will fix it once they have a working fracture system. if you snap your foot because you jumped down somewhere you die atm :)

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ArmA. 'nuff said.


you should be glad you dont break you legs on doorsteps anymore.

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It just totally turns me off playing when I die from a tiny fall. Death via bullet or zombie mob doesn't frustrate me much at all. But dropping down from a minimal height and dying, losing all my gear and progress is just plain infuriating. Especially when it was due to buggy/poor collision detection.



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Haha yeah that's irritating .. I still get irritated when I lag back 10m while on a third floor and wile coyote in the air for one second before plummeting to my ineviatable death.


Fixes soon for everything right? xD

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I fell off a 4 foot embankment, as I was on my way down, I expected a black screen of death, having dealth with that in Arma, luckily it was only a broken leg, and even luckier I had morphine on me.  It happens.

Edited by Phantasm

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Every time i fall some distance (even if it's just a few feet) I hold my breath

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The disease that ravaged everyone else except us survivors, left us with porous bones. 






I'm just pulling crap out of my arse, but realism in a zombie sim is never a strong argument.

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I got the worst of both worlds, I glitched down a ladder at Rify boat managed not to kill myself climbed back up and pressed sprint so I wouldnt slide back to the bottom of the ladder and ended up flying off the side of a RAILED fucking boat 1 million feet to my fully geared death.

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Only died from fall damage once. And I had to jump off of a building six times to do it. These threads are weird.

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Only died from fall damage once. And I had to jump off of a building six times to do it. These threads are weird.

Cause everything you do is exactly the same as us. You can't judge unless you seriously do a test side by side in the same situations. Stop talking out your ass.

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